Anarchy Rating

All reviews are scored out of a total of five Anarchy symbol's. A score of three is given to something that is a typical example of its style with nothing too outstanding or bad about it.


Zudas Krust / Parötid – Desire Of Destruction Split EP

Desire Of Destruction coverZudas Krust (Indonesia) / Parötid (Malaysia)

There’s some pretty brutal stuff coming out of south-east Asia at the moment, and these two outfits are keeping up the trend.

Zudas Krust deliver straight up thrashy metalcrust whilst Parötid go for the more blown-out crasher noise with reverby vocals effect (and make one hell of a noise for a two-piece combo). Whilst it’s not […]

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Bombardement – Bombardement LP

Bombardement coverBombardement
Bordeaux, France

This isn’t just D-beat, this is ‘Hear Nothing…’-era Discharge worship with bells on. Switch out Cal for their vocalist, close your eyes, and you could easily be back in Stoke in 1982. Thankfully, you can listen to this and not have to go to Stoke or back to 1982.

If you’re going to do the D-beat thing, this is a […]

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