Anarchy Rating

All reviews are scored out of a total of five Anarchy symbol's. A score of three is given to something that is a typical example of its style with nothing too outstanding or bad about it.


Intrusive Thought – S/T EP

Intrusive Thought coverIntrusive Thought
Glasgow, Scotland

If Intrusive Thought were a D-beat band, they’d be called Discordant. But there’s not a D-beat within earshot on this jaunty little number. And, to be fair, it’s not exactly discordant, although it’s definitely in the mould of the likes of Archbishop Kebab when it comes to the noise, all jerky and jumpy without losing itself in total noise (far […]

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Zudas Krust / Parötid – Desire Of Destruction Split EP

Desire Of Destruction coverZudas Krust (Indonesia) / Parötid (Malaysia)

There’s some pretty brutal stuff coming out of south-east Asia at the moment, and these two outfits are keeping up the trend.

Zudas Krust deliver straight up thrashy metalcrust whilst Parötid go for the more blown-out crasher noise with reverby vocals effect (and make one hell of a noise for a two-piece combo). Whilst it’s not […]

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Aquí Nos Están Matando / Here They Are Killing Us – V/A Benefit Download

Aquí Nos Están Matando coverAquí Nos Están Matando / Here They Are Killing Us – Various Artists

Released by imperecedero
Santiago, Chile

It’s been kicking off all over recently, and the proles of Chile have got stuck right in. Over the last couple of months, what started as a protest over public transport fare hikes has erupted into open conflict with the […]

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SlutBomb – Empathy/Apathy SP

Ohio, USA

Ripping hardcore from the get go! With almost as many chord changes as there are words crammed into each two minutes of anger, there’s no time to get bored with SlutBomb. Those words take straight aim at legitimate targets in our fucked-up capitalist society, as well as some of the reactionary tendencies still sadly too prevalent in our supposedly radical and […]

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Dumange – Entre Ratas LP

Dumange Entre RatasDumange
Asturias, Spain

Sweet fucking Jeebus! This has to be one of the most enjoyably intense things that I’ve subjected my ears and brain to in a long time!

On their debut release, ‘Entre Ratas’ (Among Rats), Dumange dish out a single serving of exquisite dark metal crust that doesn’t let up from the opening scream of anguish to the last breath […]

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Austerity – Anarcho Punk Dance Party LP

Austerity - Anarcho Punk Dance Party CD coverAusterity
Brighton, UK

It appears that this band have been around for a while but this is the first I’ve heard of them (unusual for me for a band from Brighton). Still, this is a nice intro to what they’re about.

The band place themselves at least in part in the post-punk box. Yeah, I can hear […]

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Löckheed – 4 Track Demo

Löckheed – 4 Track Demo coverLöckheed
Santa Rosa, California, USA

Now this is the right way to introduce yourself to the world of online noise. Löckheed take a solid D-beat sound, throw in a bit of crusty crasherness for good measure, and churn out something chunkier that a jumper knitted by your nan. And, like a good nan jumper, it’s both comfortable and a bit different.


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Bombardement – Bombardement LP

Bombardement coverBombardement
Bordeaux, France

This isn’t just D-beat, this is ‘Hear Nothing…’-era Discharge worship with bells on. Switch out Cal for their vocalist, close your eyes, and you could easily be back in Stoke in 1982. Thankfully, you can listen to this and not have to go to Stoke or back to 1982.

If you’re going to do the D-beat thing, this is a […]

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Squirty Dotters

Dirty Squatters coverIt’s been a while in the making, but the “Dirty Squatters Compilation: Music For The Homeless” project is now ready and available for download. Featuring two CDs worth of music, one full of punk / hardcore / crust / grind and the other with ska / dub / folk / spoken word, there should be plenty for every revolutionary spirit to enjoy.

The comp is dedicated to the memory of Gary DS (2000 Dirty Squatters etc.) and the family […]

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VA – Terminal Decay LP / Artcore Fanzine #29

AKA ‘Artcore Vinyl Fanzine Volume Five’. Punk rock fixture ‘n’ fitting Welly is back with yet another broadside in his war against mediocrity in the zine scene. And he’s a veteran in every sense – this is issue #29 of the exceptional ‘Artcore‘, an organ that he’s been thrusting into the hands of grateful punks since 1986. But with the printed word becoming harder to sell to the internet masses, Welly’s risen to the challenge and occasionally produces a vinyl fanzine to bring something a bit different to the […]

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