Indonesia: Call for Financial Solidarity from Jurnal Anarki

We are currently still low on the printing cost for this journal, please consider to donate, we still need about 150 USD for 500 copies. We have managed to sell 700 copies from the previous edition.

Paypal: or just email us if you want to donate from another platform: feldasit(AT)riseup(DOT)net

(via Jurnal Anarki)

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Santiago, Chile: Photographic Record of the 2020 September 11 Demonstrations

-September 10 in Maipú

Encapuchadxs [hooded ones] erected barricades and displayed a banner in memory of Claudia López in the vicinity of the Las Parcelas de Maipú metro station on the eve of a new September 11 commemoration.

-September 11th during the Pilgrimage, Santiago Centro and Recoleta.

The traditional Pilgrimage to the General Cemetery was held under the watchful eye of an exaggeratedly repressive contingent. It commemorates those who died and disappeared as a result of State terrorism during the 17 years of military dictatorship and 30 years of neo-liberal pseudo-democracy.

As usual, after constant harassment by the police forces, in front of the cemetery the demonstrators erected barricades and confronted the police who violently charged, making selective arrests inside the cemetery, dispersing with extreme violence the demonstrations of support and solidarity on this dark date in Chile’s history.

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Berlin, Germany: Don’t Touch Liebig34! Eviction Date on October 09, 2020


Don’t touch Liebig 34!
Eviction date on 09 October 2020

Today, on September 15, we received mail from the bailiff T. Knop.
They threatened to evict Liebig34 on Friday, October 9 at 7 am!

We will not let that happen!
How is it possible that an attempt to evict is being planned even though it is publicly known that a different association than the defendant is present in the rooms?
How is it possible that in times when a second wave of Corona and #StayHome is expected, a home is to be evicted by so many people?
How is it possible that especially now, in times of fascist marches and a shift to the right, a feminist, leftist and queer house project is being attacked so massively?

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Chile: Words by Compañero Juan Aliste Vega on the Departure of Pedro Villaroel

[Prisiones chilenas] Palabras del compañero Juan Aliste Vega ante la partida de Pedro Villarroel

See also: In Memory of Pedro Villarroel

We’re love at war. These words for our mothers and fathers go with a touch of football, with tango rhythm and the strength of the sea.

Pedro is one of our fathers present in this continuous subversive and autonomous struggle. Pedro, has never been a member of a political party, he has never been a leader, but he has always been a father, one of those to whom we owe not only our lives. He is a father who has helped many daughters and sons in their struggle, and has been consistent in his tenderness, always breaking down the distances, the walls and the rottenness that surrounds the prison world.

Present for more than 30 years, upright, dignified, father confronting the State and its lackeys of the moment “Even if you ended up with gray hair from being a father” would say Pedro’s tango. He did not let go of his son Marcelo’s hand and by extension that of those of us who embrace this path of no return, the subversive life. With his own imprint, direct words and a master’s knowledge of football, he crossed the bars, embraced us, commented on moves and goals of the last match, emphasizing his support for Colo-Colo [Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo, a Chilean football club based in Santiago] and, between dribbles, he criticized us for the stubbornness and errors of our practice, finishing with a … “but hey, take good care of yourselves!”

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San Miguel Prison, Chile: New Drawing by Anarchist Prisoner Mónica Caballero

[Prisiones chilenas] Dibujo de la compañera anarquista Mónica Caballero

The prison and I are old acquaintances, on more than one occasion I have sat at their table, over the years we have changed and we have both learned from each other…but no matter how much time passes essentially the prison and I remain the same. Prison is still the power-sucking monster that grows and spreads submission and repentance, and I continue to have the same seditious desires as before.

Mónica Caballero, anarchist prisoner

(via Contra Info, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide)

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Greece/Germany: Call for International Solidarity with the Comrades Facing Trial in Athens on 18.09.2020

[Original call in German language / Tor link]

GR- [1η εκκένωση GARE: Κάλεσμα σε διεθνή αλληλεγγύη στη δίκη στις 18/9]

Call for international solidarity to the court case on the 18th of September in Athens

On September 18th the trial against two comrades from Berlin and two comrades from Athens will take place in Evelpidon Court in Athens. On November 26, 2017, the four persons were arrested during the forced eviction of GARE Squat, in the Athens district of Exarchia. Among other charges, they are accused of trespassing, attempted serious bodily harm, refusal of forensic identification and possession of explosive materials and explosive bombs. This eviction was the first of three in which the four comrades were detained for 4 days. They were released on conditions or bail and now, almost three years later, have to take responsibility in front of the court.

At least since November 17th, 1973, Exarchia has developed as a neighbourhood of the resistance. In the last decades a large number of houses have been occupied, among them a number from and for refugees. There exist self-organized structures that were primarily created during the crisis, such as a self-administered hospital, food distribution and housing. Within the neighborhood, structures for communal living have emerged, like a park with a playground and gardens. In addition, there are various occupations that are inhabited or used by various political currents and promote a diversity of political debate. In the neighborhood, the resistance and the way of living together, which often takes place beyond state control, and often leads to conflicts with the cops. In the various phases, these clashes with authority were of varying intensity. The repressive measures taken against the neighborhood and its residents range from surrounding the neighborhood with MAT units, patrols with armored vehicles, arbitrary controls, to the regular deployment of anti-terrorist units in the neighborhood. These measures are often accompanied by a media campaign against a lawless space where drugs are traded and controlled by the mafia. This is an attempt to depoliticize the local struggle and marginalize the resistance to various state interventions.

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Italy: Call for International Solidarity – Who Aspires to Freedom Cannot Be “Measured”

Received on 14.09.2020:

[Italia: Chi aspira alla libertà non si “misura”]

From 2019 to today the Italian State has carried out many repressive operations and inflicted a series of restrictive measures on anarchist comrades, limiting their freedom of movement and forcing them to remain within the limits of their city or to move away from the city or region where they reside.

As recipients of these kind of minor measures, together we want to relaunch our solidarity with the more than 200 comrades involved in the various trials in Italy that are starting this September and that shall continue throughout the autumn.
In particular, the appeal trial of the Scripta Manent Operation will resume at the beginning of September: this trial involves 5 comrades who have been in prison for 4 years (two of them for 8 years) and which has resulted in 20+ years of sentence in the first grade.

During this trial the prosecutor Sparagna gibbered of an “acceptable” anarchism and of a “criminal” one, statements that contain the punitive strategy that the State wants to carry out, based on dividing the “good” from the “bad” within the anarchist movement and the ruling of exemplary sentences.

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Italy: Updated Addresses for ‘Operation Bialystok’ Prisoners

Updated contact addresses for solidarity correspondence:

Francesca Cerrone
c.c. Latina via Aspromonte 100
04100 Latina LT, Italy

Flavia Digiannantonio
C.C di Roma Rebibbia, via Bartolo Longo 92,
00156 Roma, Italy
(at the moment she is in cell with Anna Beniamino)

Nico Aurigemma
Casa Circondariale di Terni, Str. Delle Campore 32 ,
05100 Terni (TR)

Roberto Cropo
C.R. “San Michele”
Via Casale, 50
15122 Alessandria
(Same prison as Marco Bisesti from Operation Scripta Manent, but not in the same cell)

(via 325)

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Yogyakarta, Indonesia: About the Kricak Cooperative Kitchen Initiative

Our community is located in the center of Yogyakarta, Kricak Kidul. The initiative to create a Cooperative Kitchen is the result of a long chat about how to respond to the increasingly difficult economic situation caused by Covid-19 and global economic conditions. This kitchen is expected to be a place for Kricak youth to be creative and find alternative jobs that are increasingly difficult to find. Therefore, we will make Kricak Cooperative Kitchen as a starting point for future projects that are more community-based.

Why Kricak Kidul?

Yes, Kricak Kidul is actually quite extensive, but we decided to try a village where our community has had a long relationship. Some of us became friends while in prison a few years ago. And to deal with Kricak’s young children who often drop out of school for economic reasons and end up doing actions that often resulted in being locked up in prison from a very young age, we ended up racking our brains and having a long discussion which eventually spawned the project. We are very open to anyone who is willing to take the time to participate in our initiative.

PS: We are not representing all the residents of Kricak Kidul. Each statement here were made by individuals and community that are involved in this initiative.


(via Horizontaliz / Dapur Kooperatif Kricak)

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Ireland: Thoughts on Wildness and Domestication by Renzo Connors

“If I decide to break the chains of domestication, I can only do so because I feel the chains and suffer the effects of domestication on my own skin.” – Alfredo Bonanno


While out walking or cycling at night, foxes can always be seen roaming the housing estate. The glow of their eyes in darkness, appearing from dark alleyways suddenly visible under the street lights, they move around without a sound, hardly noticed. These lovely magnificent creatures are the embodiment of wildness. Leviathan towers all around but yet these wild beings live on freely from domestication. The foxes at times live off the scraps and waste that civilization throws away, but long after civilization crumbles these creatures will live on.

These wild beings will live on long after civilization kills itself because they are not dependent on civilization to provide the means of life. They remain wild and undomesticated, still equipped with the knowledge and skills to find food, build shelter, and survive independently for themselves.

The vast majority of humans on the other hand are totally domesticated and dependent on civilization and the vast majority would not be able to survive without shops and machines. Only a tiny percentage of humans that inhabit the earth still live wild, free, and living autonomously. The rest are imprisoned within the concrete and metal structures of techno-industrial society.

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So-Called Australia: In Liminal Space – A Call for Radical Writing Reflecting Unknowable Times

Received on 12.09.2020:

A call for submissions specifically to encourage militant writing and reflections from the colonised continent of so-called Australia, but potentially open to interest from anywhere. Get in touch with your ideas before writing.

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Italia: Chi aspira alla libertà non si “misura” (Ita/Eng)

[Scroll down for English]

Le molteplici operazioni repressive lanciate dallo Stato italiano dal 2019 a oggi costringono tutt’ora alcuni/e anarchici/che a misure restrittive che ne colpiscono la libertà di movimento, obbligati/e o impossibilitati/e, a seconda dei casi, alla residenza in specifiche città o regioni. A partire da questa condizione comune di “sottoposti a misure minori” rilanciamo insieme la solidarietà, in previsione della stagione di udienze che da settembre, e per tutto l’autunno, vedrà più di 200 compagni/e a processo in Italia. Nei primi giorni di settembre, in particolare, riprenderà il processo di appello per l’Op. Scripta Manent, per la quale 5 compagni/e sono in carcere da 4 anni (due di loro da 8) e che in primo grado ha visto condanne fino a 20 anni. Per questo processo il pm Sparagna ha parlato di un anarchismo definito “accettabile” e di uno “criminale”, un’affermazione che racchiude la strategia punitiva che lo Stato vuole attuare, fondata su divisioni fra “buoni ” e ”cattivi” nel movimento anarchico e pene esemplari.

Text in English:

From 2019 to today the Italian State has carried out many repressive operations and inflicted a series of restrictive measures on anarchist comrades, limiting their freedom of movement and forcing them to remain within the limits of their city or to move away from the city or region where they reside.

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Santiago, Chile: Reivindicación de abandono de artefacto incendiario en un bus RED en San Miguel

Recibido el 11.09.2020:

Reivindicación de abandono de artefacto incendiario en un bus RED en San Miguel.

Desde los inicios de lo que hoy conocemos como dominio y civilización, la cosificación y explotación de lo salvaje ha reducido la vida a simples productos y servicios, y por lo tanto, necesita que estos sean movilizados y dirigidos hacia y dentro de las grandes urbes, siguiendo con esto las trayectorias trazadas por los artífices del modelo económico imperante en los distintos períodos de la historia conocida.
El transporte de la mercancía ha resultado ser desde entonces un órgano vital para el Poder y sus propósitos de control sobre los territorios que hoy denominan ciudades. La organización y la forma en que se rige el ritmo de la vida en estos lugares, responde solo a los intereses y el beneficio de unos pocos orquestadores de este sistema de consumo y muerte.

Las máquinas que día a día recorren las innumerables carreteras y calles transportando mercancía humana, son igualmente incinerables que las que transportan mercancías extraídas de la tierra. Ambos tipos cotidianamente mueven a través de las innumerables carreteras y calles, tanto en el Wallmapu como en $antiago, lo que llaman “recursos”; unos producto de la explotación de la tierra, otras para la explotación humana. Así es como se mantiene el flujo de la devastación de la tierra, y así se mantiene el flujo de la devastación de nuestras vidas.
En el Wallmapu la histórica guerra contra el colonialismo y la usurpación sigue su curso, con pequeñas diferencias como lo es que quien coloniza ahora es el capitalismo mediante el estado de $hile, sus fuerzas armadas y represivas. Manteniendo las diferencias, pareciera ser que una vía práctica para materializar la ofensiva contra el estado, tanto aquí como allá, es el ataque minoritario. Y ante tanto combate y conflicto latente en el wallmapu, no quisimos ni podemos quedarnos espectantes o esperando pacientemente alguna resolución.

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Philippines: To U.S. Anti-Fascists – Resist Joseph Scott Pemberton’s Return to the United States

Received on 10.09.2020:

To U.S. Anti-Fascists: Resist Joseph Scott Pemberton’s Return to the United States

To our comrades in Turtle Island,

The long shadow of white supremacy reaches all the way to the archipelago known as the Philippines. Joseph Scott Pemberton — the transphobe who was convicted for the murder of transwoman Jennifer Laude — has been pardoned by President Rodrigo Duterte.

Pemberton committed a heinous hate crime by brutally murdering Jennifer Laude on October 11, 2014. Jennifer was murdered precisely because she was transgender, with Pemberton’s legal team even trying the so-called “trans panic” defense as a justification for her murder. The state appears to have sided with Pemberton’s excuse that Jennifer’s identity was a provocation in itself, inducing Pemberton to kill her. This defense frames Pemberton as the victim and sets a dangerous precedent for trans women in the archipelago and beyond.

Jennifer Laude is fondly remembered by her friends and family fondly as a beautiful person who was confident in her identity and sexuality. However, Pemberton did not care for Jennifer Laude as a human being. He was unrepentant at his trial, even going so far to dehumanize Jennifer Laude by referring to her as “it.”

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