Covert Operative’s Guide to Urban Survival Skills and The Nomadic Lifestyle

What is a covert operative?

An identity concealed personnel or “covert agent” working with or for an intelligence agency, military entity or other operational sponsor. In a clandestine or otherwise classified capacity for various objectives.

What is a nomadic lifestyle?

A mobile and location independent way of living with self-sufficiency effectiveness anywhere in the world. Not specifically for the purposes of travel or leisure, but as an explorative and dynamically off-grid way of life.

What is the gray man concept?

An individual with an urban survivalist mindset and preparedness methodology ingrained into their character and skillset. To blendingly operate optimally in society, seemingly like an average, ordinary local citizen.

What is an urban survivalist?

A vigilant individual trained in the arts of concrete jungle tactics, strategic equipment management and interpersonal engineering to thrive in both normal daily street life and urban specific crises scenarios.