Tag Archives: Zionism

PFLP speaks out against planned negotiations with Israel

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

PFLP rejects and calls for action against liquidationist return to direct negotiations

Comrade Maher al-Taher, member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and leader of its branch outside Palestine, said on August 20, 2010 that the goal of direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is to liquidate the Palestinian cause, not to reach a political solution, noting that it is clear from the events and actions of Israel that it is impossible to reach a political solution with an entity that demands total control of all aspects of Palestinian existence.

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PFLP Political Bureau calls for October mobilization for Comrade Sa’adat

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement on July 18, 2010, calling for the broadest expression of solidarity and support for Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the PFLP, in mid-October 2010, when his continued isolation in the jails of the occupation will again come before the court.

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PFLP condemns the murderous crimes of the Israeli pirates and salutes the heroes of the Freedom Flotilla

The following statement is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns the latest Israeli massacre on the high seas, in international waters, the brutal assault on the international Freedom Flotilla to Gaza on May 31, 2010. The Israeli state terror pirates, said the Front, attacked the humanitarian aid and international solidarity ships with firearms and commandos; the Front said that this is the latest crime against humanity committed by the occupation state, illustrating its blatant disregard for international law.

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Palestinian revolutionary women on International Women’s Day

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Marxist-Leninist is posting it as part of the continuing series of articles on women’s liberation in honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8th):

The following interview of Comrades Leila Khaled and Shireen Said was conducted by British journalist Sukant Chandan and published on March 8, 2010 – International Women’s Day. We republish the interview below:

The Palestinian people’s oppression continues due primarily to the financial, diplomatic, and military support that the Zionist state receives from the USA and secondly to the acquiescence of pro-Western states in the region.  After the fall of the Zionist state’s long lost brother — the Apartheid state of South Africa — the Palestinian struggle remains perhaps the leading and most potent anti-imperialist struggle in the world.  Therefore, Palestinian women are a central example of what role women can play in the struggle to free themselves, their families, their communities, and their nation from imperialism.

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Comrade Sa’adat transferred to Eshel prison as PFLP calls for prisoners’ freedom

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was once again moved from one prison to another, this time to the isolation unit at Eshel prison from the isolation unit in Ramon prison. The PFLP immediately condemned this action as part of an ongoing, and failed, attempt to undermine the morale and steadfastness of Comrade Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners.

The PFLP statement, issued on February 16, 2010, said that these arbitrary measures fall within the context of an official policy of pressure, attempted intimidation and reprisals against Comrade Sa’adat that has continued since the moment of his abduction from Jericho prison through his continued forced isolation.

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Israel’s new strategy: “sabotage” and “attack” the global justice movement

The following article by Ali Abunimah is from Electronic Intifada:

An extraordinary series of articles, reports and presentations by Israel’s influential Reut Institute has identified the global movement for justice, equality and peace as an “existential threat” to Israel and called on the Israeli government to direct substantial resources to “attack” and possibly engage in criminal “sabotage” of this movement in what Reut believes are its various international “hubs” in London, Madrid, Toronto, the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

The Reut Institute’s analyses hold that Israel’s traditional strategic doctrine — which views threats to the state’s existence in primarily military terms, to be met with a military response — is badly out of date. Rather, what Israel faces today is a combined threat from a “Resistance Network” and a “Delegitimization Network.”

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PFLP on the second anniversary of the loss of Al-Hakim: Revolutionaries never die!

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

On the second anniversary of the loss of Al-Hakim, Dr. George Habash, the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Arab Nationalist Movement, the Front pledged to remain on the path and fulfill the goals of Al-Hakim and all of the martyrs of our people and our nation, until return and liberation, on the path of democracy, justice and unity, pledging that revolutionaries never die – and that the example of Al-Hakim as a thinker, organizer, and revolutionary leader will live on immortally in Palestine, the Arab nation and internationally.

In the Front’s statement, issued on January 26, 2010, the PFLP said that Al-Hakim was a historic leader who lit a flame in the darkness of occupation, aggression and oppression, the flame of popular revolution and the path of freedom that shatters the shackles of dependency and hegemony, raising the banner of resistance and unity as the only path for the restoration of our land and our freedom.

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PFLP: Arab and international pressure to return to negotiations plays into the hands of the Zionist enemy

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Comrade Jamil Mizher, member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, called for a total rejection of Arab and international pressure to return to negotiations, saying that such negotiations only play into the hands of the Zionist enemy.

Comrade Mizher, speaking with Aljazeera.net on January 4, 2009, said that a return to the futile and harmful negotiations that even the Palestinian Authority leadership itself have recognized are unsuccessful would only serve Israeli interests. He said further that relying on the U.S. administration, which is fully aligned with the occupation, is betting on mirage and illusion. Comrade Mizher called upon Arab countries to support restoration of Palestinian national unity and put pressure on the occupation, not pressure Palestinians to serve the interests of Israel.

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Comrade Sa’adat calls for a new year of struggle, unity and resistance

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, sent greetings to our people marking the new year and the Christmas holidays, saying that the new year, 2010, can be a year to restore the unity of our Palestinian people, break the siege on our heroic people in Gaza, and bring the occupation war criminals to trial before international courts. He called for the new year to be a year of our inalienable right to resist, to drive occupation and settlement from our land, of the liberation of prisoners, of independence, self-determination and Jerusalem as our capital, and the right of refugees to return to their homes from which they were displaced.

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PFLP: One year after aggression, resistance is necessary to break the siege on Gaza

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The resistance and steadfastness of the people of Gaza remains powerful and strong one year after the criminal war and aggression on Gaza, said the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on December 26, 2009 in a statement marking the first anniversary of the assault. The occupation massacres claimed the lives of nearly 1500 Palestinians and wounded and displaced tens of thousands, demolishing tens of thousands of homes which still await reconstruction today.

The Front’s statement said that “it is clear to all, month after month, and year after year, that the words of the United States about ‘peace’ and ‘negotiations’ are nothing more than meaningless sweet talk, false promises, and cheap attempts at bribery of our people while the occupation steals our land, violates our rights, slaughters our people.” At the same time, the noise of the so-called ‘peace process’ only hides the crimes of the occupier and serves as a mechanism of the Zionist occupation and its strategic ally in Washington to block our Palestinian internal efforts to end the division, restore national unity, and uphold our national rights, said the Front.

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