Tag Archives: New People’s Army

Largest US nuclear warships arrive in the Philippines to join counter-insurgency operations

The nuclear-powered USS George Washington Nimitz-class aircraft carrier arrives in Manila on September 4, 2010. (JAY DIRECTO/AFP/Getty Images)

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

US military troops masquerading as actors in humanitarian missions have been repeatedly exposed as having overtly participated in Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) combat operations against the New People’s Army (NPA) in different areas in the country, as well as against  the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Mindanao.

The US Counter-Insurgency Guide confirms military assistance to “affected governments” like the Philippines in defeating the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army, and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (CPP-NPA-NDF), which it calls “terrorist”. It is also a reassertion of US imperialism’s containment and engagement policy against its economic rivals in East Asia and the Pacific, to secure its geo-political interest in the region.

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New People’s Army punishes “combat-heavy” Philippine Army troops in Davao City

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

1st PBC-NPA punishes ‘combat-heavy’ 1003rd Brigade-10th ID-AFP troops in Paquibato, Davao City

The 1st Pulang Bagani Company-New People’s Army launched a series of attritive actions against operating troops of the 1003rd Brigade-10th Infantry Division-Armed Forces of the Philippines in Paquibato District, Davao City. These NPA harassment operations are punitive actions for the destruction and grave abuse of authority the enemy has inflicted on the people’s lives and livelihood.

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Philippine Army troopers wiped out in back-to-back Red Army ambuscades in Mindanao

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

NPA trounces AFP operations in Davao Oriental, 18 fascist troops wiped out in back-to-back Red Army ambuscades

Eighteen enemy soldiers were killed and more than 10 others were severely wounded following the back-to-back tactical offensives launched by the Red fighters of the Conrado Heredia Command-Front 20 Operations Command of the New People’s Army 27 and 28 August in Cateel and Boston towns in Davao Oriental.

A brigade-sized combat operation involving the Armed Forces of the Philippines´ 25th Infantry Battalion and 67th Infantry Battalion of the 1001st Brigade, and a formation of the Scout Rangers Company, were engaged by Red fighters in two separate ambushes, resulting to enemy casualties amounting to an undersized platoon.

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Philippines: Massive military offensives reveal Aquino’s contempt for the peace process

The following August 13th statement from Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos, spokesperson of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Mindanao is being reposted here from the Philippine Revolution Web Central:

All the four divisions under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) based in Mindanao are currently conducting massive and widespread military operations against the revolutionary forces in all the five NPA regions in the whole island, particularly more intense in the Southern Mindanao Region. These began prior and during the inauguration of Noynoy Aquino, and continued before, during and after Noynoy Aquino’s SONA, and still escalating almost without let-up and without rest of troops in between operations.

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CP of the Philippines exposes U.S. military intervention

The following statement by the Communist Party of the Philippines is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today lambasted US Ambassador Harry Thomas for “lying through his teeth” when he claimed yesterday that US troops in the Philippines are not engaged in combat operations in the Philippines.

The CPP said “The US government is actively waging a multi-dimensional interventionist war in the Philippines. US troops are actually engaged in military operations in the country, starting from the provision of advice and training, sending ‘humanitarian assistance forces,’ in the country providing logistical, intelligence and combat support to local puppet troops, or actual engaging in covert combat operations.”

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Achieve great unprecedented strides in revolutionary struggle under the new US-Aquino regime

The following statement is from the Communist Party of the Philippines:

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in marking the eve of the stepping down of the US-Arroyo regime, which ruled the Philippines for nine and a half years with sheer brutality, corruption and subservience to foreign interests. At the same time, the CPP reiterates the need to persist along the path of revolutionary struggle and achieve great strides in advancing people’s war through the next several years of the new US-Aquino regime.

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The NDFP is ready to resume formal peace talks with the new GRP administration

The following statement by Luis G. Jalandoni, Chairperson of the NDFP Negotiating Panel, is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

Esteemed Bishops Deogracias S. Iniguez, Jr. and Solito K. Toquero, Co-Chairpersons of the Ecumenical Bishops Forum (EBF), Bishop Elmer M. Bolocon, Executive Secretary of the EBF, other members and staff of the EBF, and other participants in this EBF Forum on Peace, we in the NDFP Negotiating Panel warmly greet you. We thank you for your invitation to give a presentation in this peace forum, the first of a series you are sponsoring. We appreciate your desire to hasten the resumption of formal peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

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Joma Sison denounces psywar intrigues in the Philippines

The following statement by Jose Maria Sison is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

As chief political consultant of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), I am well informed about the revolutionary position of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People’s Army and the NDFP as well as the position of other major political forces in relation to the 2010 elections of the reactionary government.

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The other alternative: NDFP 12 Point Program

Jorge "Ka Oris" Madlos , Spokesperson for the NDFP-Mindanao

The following statement on the 37th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is from PhilippineRevolution.net. See also “All efforts towards building the people’s army and advancing the national democratic revolution to a higher stage!“:

Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos
National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Mindanao
April 24, 2010

The National Democratic Front in Mindanao (NDF-Mindanao) wishes to congratulate and salute the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), as it celebrates its 37th anniversary, today, April 24. We wish to give also our highest honor to all the revolutionary martyrs who unselfishly offered their lives for the greater interest of the Filipino People.

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All efforts towards building the people’s army and advancing the national democratic revolution to a higher stage!

The following statement on the 37th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is from PhilippineRevolution.net. See also “The other alternative: NDFP 12 Point Program“:

Maria Malaya
NDF-North-Eastern Mindanao Region
April 24, 2010

Today we celebrate with utmost joy the Filipino people’s gallant struggle for national liberation and genuine democracy under a united front. Thirty seven years ago on April 24, in the face of the fascist Marcos dictatorship, revolutionary organizations came together to form the National Democratic Front (NDF). Through the years the NDF has proven its commitment in advancing the revolutionary struggle of the Filipino people to overthrow the semi-colonial, semi-feudal system which oppresses, deprives and exploits majority of the masses.

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