Tag Archives: CPN-Maoist

The CPP-NPA is not involved in the illegal drug trade

Following the successes of solidarity movements with Central American armed liberation struggles in the 1980s, U.S. imperialism invented the concept of the “narco-guerrilla”. It invented this concept in order to criminalize national liberation and discredit Marxist-Leninist people’s war, which has continued to challenge U.S. hegemony in the Third World. This Big Lie has since been told about organizations such as the Shining Path in Peru, the FARC-EP in Colombia, the Maoists in Nepal, and now it is being spread about the New People’s Army and the Communist Party of the Philippines. The following refutation of these lies is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

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Prachanda in London

The following is part of a talk given by Prachanda, the leader of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), in London:

Nepalese Maoists on Dogmatism and Revisionism

The following is a very intersting theoretical article from the newspaper of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), the Red Star. Originally called “On Dogmatism“, it is singed by Laxman Pant. I have made some very minor formatting changes to help clearify things for the readers.

Ever since the advent of revolutionary Marxist philosophy the revisionists and opportunists of different shades and colors in the international communist movement have labeled as dogmatists against the partisans of class struggle and dictatorship of proletariat, the cardinal principles and two pillars of Marxism. It goes without saying that being a revolutionary social science, Marxism, like any other branch of science has to pass through the series of application and practice to prove itself. As the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism are not like the arithmetical formulae nor these are biblical sermons, merely memorizing or chanting the same will not bring about the revolution in the nations. These formulations have to put into the furnace of class struggle, of the revolution in order to attain the liberation of mankind. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism develops constantly with the practice. That is why practice is called the acid test of revolutionary theory. Necessary changes or adjustments in certain features i.e. tactics are needed as per the changed space and time in a given country in order to carry out successful revolutions. But “under no circumstances is a Marxist-Leninist party allowed to use the pretext of certain new social phenomena to negate the fundamental principals of Marxism-Leninism, to substitute revisionism for Marxism-Leninism and to betray communism.” (The differences between Com. Togliati and Us-The Documents of Great Debate, Antarrashtriya Prakashan, Vol- Page-77 )

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Nepali Maoists’ National Convention: Unity-Struggle-Unity

1402462909_1087aebfe2The following is reposted here from the Kasama blog and is originally from Red Star #19, a newspaper of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The CPN-Maoist held a national convention in November to determine the way forward from their current position in the lead of a revolutionary coalition government following a ten-year people’s war. This article, from the Report section of Red Star #19, was originally titled “National convention paves the way“ and is one of several from Red Star on the National Convention, a major meeting on the future of the revolution in Nepal. The article provides a clear example of the practice of the Leninist principle of democratic centralism and the method of unity-struggle-unity, which according to Mao Zedong “means starting from the desire for unity, resolving contradictions through criticism or struggle, and arriving at a new unity on a new basis.”

by Dipak Sapkota

KHARIPATI, BHAKTAPUR — The ‘People’s Federal Democratic National Republic’ is now the working policy of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The six-day long national convention of the party concluded on Nov. 26, and decided on the new policy, which in short can also be called the ‘Republic of the People’. The party went through very intensive inner struggle but, at the end, the party came out more united and galvanised.

The convention was held in Kharipati, about 15 KM from Kathmandu city. Roughly 1100 regional bureau level cadres from all 13 state committees and party central advisers took part.

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CPN (Maoist) national convention: beginning the great debate

imga0397The following article by Indra Mohan Sigdel ‘Basanta’ is from The Red Star, a newspaper of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The CPN-Maoist is at the head of a revolutionary coalition government following a decade-long people’s war. This article goes into the results of the recent national convention of the CPN-Maoist which set itself the task of debating how to move forward with the revolution:

The Nepalese People’s Revolution is now at a crucial juncture, full of opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, the possibilities are so great that the party’s success to develop a scientific ideological and political line consistent with the present objective condition could lead the Nepalese people’s revolution to a victorious accomplishment. And also, it could be a new opening of the world proletarian revolution in the beginning of the twenty-first century. While on the other hand, its failure to do so would lead to a disastrous consequence leading to an extensive demoralisation of the oppressed classes not only in Nepal but the world over. Therefore, in short, the recent National Convention of our party, the CPN (Maoist), has had an international dimension.

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CPN-Maoist on Juche in DPRK

The following article is from the Red Star, a newspaper of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), a party that after waging people’s war in that country for over a decade now leads a revolutionary coalition government:

Mao Zedong with Korean revolutionary leader Kim Il Sung

Mao Zedong with Korean revolutionary leader Kim Il Sung

Jucche ideology leading to socialism

– Krishna Bahadur Mahara

After meeting with the Ambassador of Democratic People’s Republic (DPR) of Korea in Nepal, I accepted the invitation to go to Korea in September 2008. I was specially invited by the department of Information and Communication of DPR Korea to share bilateral experiences in information and communication.

The Korean political power was established through the accomplishment of a historic revolution and the continuous struggle against the remnants of the domestic feudalism inside and against imperialism outside.

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Reform or Revolution: The Debate in the CPN-Maoist

The following article, “The party debate : revolution or reform” by Kul Prasad KC ‘Sonam’ is from The Red Star, a newspaper of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). The CPN-Maoist are now leading a coalition government to draft a new constitution after fighting a decade-long people’s war with their People’s Liberation Army. This article reflects a very important two-line struggle within the CPN-Maoist that has come into the open about how to move forward. For some background on the revolutionary struggle in Nepal please see my other posts on Nepal.

The party debate : revolution or reform

– Kul Prasad KC ‘Sonam’

Nepal is still in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal state. No drastic change has occurred; there can be no change in contradiction in the political situation until there is a fundamental change in the mode of production. Therefore, in this type of political situation, there are still the same solutions; national and sovereign independence against semi-colonial domination. So, this is the situation of the Democratic People’s Movement.

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CPN-Maoist Cde. Bastola: On Election Tactics and Ongoing Class War

CPN-Maoist Prachanda, now Prime Minister, pictured here with the People's Liberation Army

CPN-Maoist Chairman Prachanda, now Prime Minister of Nepal, pictured here with the People's Liberation Army

Thanks to Revolution in South Asia for posting this significant interview, by the World Peoples Resistance Movement (Britain), with Comrade Bastola, a member of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) central committee. It is a little dated, from June 2008, but it is packed with interesting information and analysis. This interview was published on the Maoist Revolution e-list.

Q: What is the situation in Nepal?

A: Regarding the Constituent Assembly elections, they did not expect that results in the election would be like this. The biggest party, the CPN (Maoist), is in such a position that if you aggregate even the number of elected persons of the Congress [Nepal Congress party] and the UML [United Marxist-Leninist party] they are smaller in number than the [Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)] CPN(M) candidates in the elections. Why did this happen, when they didn’t want to be in a position to hold the election unless they are ensured that they would win. That was the situation. What happened then? News agencies were investigating as to who was going to win the election and these agencies were suggesting that the Maoists would win just ten to fifteen seats. They predicted that Maoists in any condition would not win more than twenty seats. That’s what the critics were expecting. Continue reading

Questions and Answers with Comrade Prachanda

Thanks to Revolution in South Asia for posting these videos from the Q&A section of Comrade Prachanda’s speaking event at the New School in NYC, September 26th. After leading the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the People’s Liberation Army in a decade long People’s War to topple the hated monarchy, Prachanda was elected Prime Minister of a revolutionary coalition government charged with writing a new constitution. The audio of the program is available as well. The video below is in five parts.

Part 1 Continue reading

We are being encircled by the reactionaries: Interview with Comrade Basanta

The following interview is from the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)’s paper, The Red Star:

We are being encircled by the reactionaries

– Indramohan Sigdel ‘Basanta’,

Central Committee Member, CPN (Maoist)

The CPN (Maoist) is now at the stage of peaceful revolution. Revolution in itself is meant to politically overthrow the enemy from state power. How can you recognize your enemy at this peaceful stage?

Generally speaking, the revolution is meant to violently overthrow the class enemy from the state power. However, one must not one-sidedly understand that the revolution necessarily takes a violent form all through its course. The form of struggle is determined not by the subjective wish of the struggling forces but of course by the objective condition and the balance of forces at the given period. At a certain juncture and certain condition, the revolution can develop in a peaceful way. Our participation in the two negotiations in the past and the present peace process are examples of peaceful development of revolution. Nevertheless, it is wrong to categorically separate revolution as two distinct stages, the violent or peaceful, as your question points to. Continue reading