Category Archives: Soviet Union

The Quest for the Truth About Stalin: Review of Yuri Zukhov’s “Different Stalin”

The following book review by Yuri Yemelianov was suggested to The Marxist-Leninist by a comrade, and was originally titled “The Quest for the Truth About Stalin: About the book by Yuri Zhukov ‘Inoi Stalin’ (‘Different Stalin’)“:   

The collapse of the socialist order in the Soviet Union and some other countries in Europe, the disintegration of the socialist bloc and the USSR were preceded by active Anti-Soviet propaganda. This propaganda was sponsored by the West and organised by the local Fifth Columns (in the USSR the most influential Fifth Columnists were such leaders of the CPSU as M. Gorbachev, A. Yakovlev, B. Yeltsin and others). The goal of the propaganda was to portray capitalism as a social system of freedom and respect for human rights and to depict socialism as a system of terror, human deprivation and misery. During the end of the 80’s and beginning of the 90’s many popular journals and magazines of the USSR and all TV channels spread lies about socialism and its history. The greatest distortions concerned Stalin’s period of the Soviet history. Using the false interpretations of the Soviet history made by N.S. Khrushchev at the XX CPSU Congress (1956) the enemies of Socialism bitterly attacked Stalin and his policies. Almost all the Soviet history was limited to the story of mass arrests and executions of 1937-1938. At the same time Stalin and his supporters were made responsible for gross violations of law, arrests and executions of many innocent people.

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Trotsky’s struggle against fascism, according to one of his latter-day admirers

The following article is from Lalkar. For more see Harpal Brar’s Bourgeois Democracy and Fascism as well as The Marxist-Leninist’s anti-Trotskyism reading guide:

Finding the lies about, and distortions of, revolutionary leaders of the Soviet Union, the policies of the Soviet Communists, and the actions of that once great state is quite easy; virtually any bourgeois paper, TV programme or internet blog site can be depended on to serve that up. However, it is those who pose as socialists/communists, while peddling this anti-Soviet, anti-communist filth, that are the real danger to the proletariat and its crying need to take the road of understanding Marxist-Leninist ideology and indulging in revolutionary practice.  Finding lies and distortions from these individuals/sects/groups/parties is just as easy as finding them from bourgeois sources.  It is impossible to answer each and every one of these slanders individually; so we have to lump them together for a general response or pick out the odd one to answer in some depth, knowing that much of our answer will apply also to the lies of other renegades and enemies of the proletariat.  This article is of the latter type. 

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How the restoration of capitalism has destroyed Kyrgyzstan

The following is from the anti-imperialist journal, Lalkar, associated with the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist):

How the restoration of capitalism has destroyed Kyrgyzstan:
Ethnic conflict among the country’s poor has its root in the betrayal of socialism. Communism remains the answer.

The troubles in Kyrgyzstan came to the attention of the world on 6 April in Talas, which is in the north of the country close to the Kazakh border.

Recent events

An anti-government demonstration turned violent, and sparked off a series of further anti-government demonstrations, despite the authorities imposing a state of emergency on 7 April. The government responded by arresting many opposition leaders, and the opposition in turn retaliated by occupying the internal security headquarters and a state TV channel in the capital, Bishkek (formerly Frunze).

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10-year-old Samantha Smith’s journey to the Soviet Union

Much of what follows is adapted from the Wikipedia article about Samantha Smith:

In November 1982, 10-year old American schoolgirl named Samantha Smith wrote this letter to Soviet leader Yuri Andropov.

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New Stalin monument dedicated in Ukraine

The following article is from the bourgeois press service, AFP. See also Long Live the Universal Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin. For more photos, see the website of the Communist Party of Ukraine:

ZAPORIZHIA, Ukraine — Ukrainian communists on Wednesday unveiled a controversial monument to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, despite angry criticism from nationalists.

About 1,000 supporters of the Communist Party, including many elderly World War II veterans bedecked with medals, cheered as the monument was dedicated in the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporozhia.

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Celebrate the 140th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin

In honor of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, April 22, 2010, The Marxist-Leninist is posting the following article, “Lenin as the organiser and leader of the Russian Communist Party” by his outstanding student, Joseph Stalin:

Lenin as the organiser and leader of the Russian Communist Party
April 23, 1920

There are two groups of Marxists. Both work under the flag of Marxism and consider themselves “genuinely” Marxist. Nevertheless, they are by no means identical. More, a veritable gulf divides them, for their methods of work are diametrically opposed to each other.

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Presentation by Harpal Brar to the Stalin Society on the Comintern and the Chinese Revolution

Here is a  video of a talk by Harpal Brar, Chairman of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) to the Stalin Society on the line of Joseph Stalin and the Communist International regarding the Chinese Revolution. See also Comrade Brar’s article Stalin and the Chinese Revolution.

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CP of Greece (KKE) on the operation of distorting the history of the Second World War in education

The following is the intervention of the Communist Party of Greece in the 4th European Communist Meeting on Education:

Historical research is a particularly useful tool for the contemporary struggle for socialism as it can contribute to the revival of the communist ideology under the conditions of the victory of counterrevolution and enable the communists to draw valuable conclusions for the full fledged development of the class struggle. For that reason, the bourgeoisie takes care for itself intensifying the ideological attack and the mechanisms for the assimilation of the people’s consciousness, unfolding an intense and elaborated effort for the “revision” of history. In this effort bourgeoisie is supported by opportunism that launches a great assault on historiography so as to adapt the facts of the past to its intentions and needs for the management of the system.

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Revolutionary Students Union presentation on the Kronstadt Rebellion

The following video presentation is from the UVU Revolutionary Students Union. The presenter gives a passionate defense of the Bolsheviks in the suppression of the ultra-left Kronstadt sailors rebellion. Be sure and watch the Q&A videos, which go beyond the Kronstadt rebellion to discuss the Bolsheviks’ struggle against the Makhnovites in the Ukraine:

Q&A follows: Continue reading

Langston Hughes: Goodmorning Stalingrad!

The following poem honoring the battle of Stalingrad, where the Soviet Union turned back the tide of Fascism during World War II, is by the great revolutionary African American poet, Langston Hughes:

Goodmorning, Stalingrad!
Lots of folks who don’t like you
Had give you up for dead.
But you ain’t dead!

Goodmorning, Stalingrad!
Where I live down in Dixie
Thinkgs is bad —
But they’re not so bad
I still can’t say,
Goodmorning Stalingrad!
And I’m not so dumb
I still don’t know
That as long as your red star
Lights the sky,
We won’t die.

Goodmorning Stalingrad!
You’re half a world away or more
But when your guns roar,
They roar for me —
And for everybody
who want to be free.

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