Category Archives: Venezuela

A Reply to Greek CP on 21st Century Socialism

The Marxist-Leninist recieved the following article from Stansfield Smith, a member of the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 and Latin American Solidarity Coalition Coordinating Committee, in response to the KKE article on 21st Century Socialism. While in princple I agree with many of the points in the Greek Party’s article, Smith makes significant points about the role of the united front in the national liberation movements. Hopefully this will generate further discussion of these important questions:

Reply to Greek CP about the “Opportunism” of 21st Century Socialism

A new world is possible and that new world is being built in Latin America. The Bolivarian process in Venezuela is an inspiration for millions of people around that world, and has stimulated renewed interest in socialism. Dimitris Karagiannis writes an article that reads like a sectarian condemnation of the direction of this whole revolutionary movement taking place in Latin America – except that in Cuba. (But it is impossible to imagine a Cuban periodical printing what Karagiannis wrote.)

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CP of Greece (KKE) on the theory of “21st Century Socialism”

The following article is by Dimitris Karagiannis, who is a member of the editorial board of the daily Rizopastis, organ of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Greece (KKE). The article appears in a collection recently published by the KKE. It is originally from Rizopastis, and is being republished here from the website MLToday:

The positive developments that have taken place during the last years in several Latin American countries (Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, recently in El Salvador, Honduras), to a different extent and depth in each country, have created important expectations as well as various confusions and illusions throughout the world.

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Venezuela: New moves to build people’s power

The following article by Federico Fuentes exploring some of the developments in the ongoing National Democratic revolution in Venezuela is from Green Left Weekly

“The free, sovereign and independent homeland of our dreams will only come true if we radicalise the process and speed up the transition to socialism”, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wrote in his March 14 weekly column “Chavez Lines”.

The Venezuelan government has launched a number of initiatives in recent weeks aimed to tackle threats to the revolutionary process — including from elements within the pro-Chavez camp that seek to undermine plans to deepen the revolution.

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Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in USA

The following article by Eva Golinger is from Venezuela Analysis. The article mainly is addressing U.S. intervention through ‘colored revolution’ in Venezuela, but it is important to note the similarities with the recent struggles over the elections in Iran:

In 1983, the strategy of overthrowing inconvenient governments and calling it “democracy promotion” was born.

Through the creation of a series of quasi-private “foundations”, such as Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), Freedom House and later the International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC), Washington began to filter funding and strategic aid to political parties and groups abroad that promoted US agenda in nations with insubordinate governments.

Behind all these “foundations” and “institutes” is the US Agency for Inter- national Development (USAID), the financial branch of the Department of State. Today, USAID has become a critical part of the security, intelligence and defense axis in Washington. In 2009, the Interagency Counterinsurgency Initiative became official doctrine in the US. Now, USAID is the principal entity that promotes the economic and strategic interests of the US across the globe as part of counterinsurgency operations. Its departments dedicated to transition initiatives, reconstruction, conflict management, economic development, governance and democracy are the main venues through which millions of dollars are filtered from Washington to political parties, NGOs, student organizations and movements that promote US agenda worldwide. Wherever a coup d’etat, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, USAID and its flow of dollars is there.

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Military Buildup in Colombia: A Rumor of War

The following article, originally from The Rag Blog, is being re-posted here from the website of the Colombia Action Network:

A rumor of war:
Shadows of Vietnam in Colombia

By Marion Delgado / The Rag Blog / January 22, 2010

CARTAGENA DE INDIES, Colombia — I borrowed the title of this post from Lt. Philip Caputo’s excellent book covering the U.S. Marines’ first six months in Vietnam, not only because I like the title, but I also see some correlation between his story and the story of our troops now being written in the jungles of Colombia.

As in Caputo’s war, death, destruction, and mayhem were preceded by, first, a troop build-up, and then, small skirmishes which were the precursors to all-out war.

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U.S. Military Aggression Against Venezuela Escalating

The following is being reposted here from the website of the Colombia Action Network:

U.S. Military Aggression Against Venezuela Escalating

By Eva Golinger
The Chavez Code
Sunday, Dec 20, 2009

Caracas, 20 December – Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez revealed today on his Sunday television and radio program, Aló Presidente, that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have illegally entered Venezuela’s airspace during the past several days. “A few days ago, one of these military planes penetrated Venezuela as far as Fort Mara,” a Venezuelan military fort in the State of Zulia, bordering Colombia. The drone was seen by several Venezuelan soldiers who immediately reported the aerial violation to their superiors. President Chávez gave the order today to shoot down any drones detected in Venezuelan territory. Chávez also directly implicated Washington in this latest threat against regional stability by confirming that the drones were of US origen.

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FARC commander Alfonso Cano greets Continental Bolivarian Movement

The following is a rough English translation, done by Google Translate, of the original Spanish, “Movimiento Continental Bolivariano: una necesidad política de alcances estratégicos“, a letter sent by Alfonso Cano, Commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP), the largest Marxist-Leninist organization in Colombia, to the Constituent Congress of the Continental Bolivarian Movement. The Congress took place on December 8th in Caracas, Venezuela. Around 950 people from 26 nations formed the Continental Bolivarian Movement, a regional association to advance the interests of working people and to defend the continent against imperialist aggression.

Continental Bolivarian Movement: a political need for strategic implications

Fellow American and Caribbean attend this historic event, comrades: received the enthusiastic greeting of the Secretariat of the General Staff, the staff corps and the FARC – EP, as well as all members of the Bolivarian Militias .

Establish a continental political movement, the Bolivarian essence, just as the American empire deploys its military force in Colombia and has, threatening, their machines of war and terror against American and Caribbean peoples, is not only a historical necessity, but an urgent duty , marking the horizon of the fighting unity of our peoples to defend their dignity, independence, history, values, culture, territory, human resources, natural wealth and the inalienable sovereign right to shape its future.

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Documentary: Red Oil

Part 1

Part 2 Continue reading

Hugo Chavez wins, Venezuelan people chalk up victory

venezuela-constitutionThe following is from Fight Back! news:

Hugo Chavez wins, Venezuelan people chalk up victory

By Staff

Venezuelan socialists netted another electoral victory, Feb. 15, winning a popular referendum on constitutional changes. The changes will remove the two-term limit on elected office.

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PFLP Salutes Venezuela on its expulsion of the Israeli ambassador

whois5_chavezThe following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine saluted Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela, as Venezuela expelled the Israeli ambassador, Shlomo Cohen, along with six other embassy employees, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in protest of Israel’s massacres in Gaza.

Venezuela took this action on January 6, 2008, taking a leading stand in isolating and exposing the Israeli regime’s crimes against our Palestinian people. President Chavez announced on Venezuelan television that the president of Israel should be brought before an international war crimes tribunal along with the president of the United States, denouncing international silence about the assault on the Palestinian people. Chavez denounced the Israeli massacres and called the occupation army “cowards.”

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