Category Archives: El Salvador

CP of Greece (KKE) on the theory of “21st Century Socialism”

The following article is by Dimitris Karagiannis, who is a member of the editorial board of the daily Rizopastis, organ of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Greece (KKE). The article appears in a collection recently published by the KKE. It is originally from Rizopastis, and is being republished here from the website MLToday:

The positive developments that have taken place during the last years in several Latin American countries (Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, recently in El Salvador, Honduras), to a different extent and depth in each country, have created important expectations as well as various confusions and illusions throughout the world.

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One year after the People’s Victory in El Salvador!

The following analysis is from the website of CISPES, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. See also the article FMLN Takes Power in El Salvador from a year ago:

On Sunday, March 14, the streets of San Salvador once again filled with red t-shirts, hats, bandanas and FMLN flags to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the victory of the FMLN’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Mauricio Funes and Salvador Sánchez Cerén (March 15, 2009). In a speech before the crowd of 25,000, historic leader of the FMLN and current Deputy to the Central American Parliament Nidia Díaz declared, “Today we reassert the effort and the heroism of thousands of compatriots that continue fighting and those that gave their lives, without which this victory would not have been possible.”

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El Salvador: Anti-Mining Activists Assassinated

The following press release and articles are from the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES):

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 28, 2009

Contact: Alexis Stoumbelis, CISPES – (978) 394-0425

Another Protester of Pacific Rim Mining Corporation’s El Dorado Site Assassinated in El Salvador

Second community activist killed in less than a week

On December 26, Dora “Alicia” Recinos Sorto, age 32, was assassinated, the second anti-mining activist killed this week in the small community of Nueva Trinidad in the department of Cabañas. Recinos Sorto was eight months pregnant and carrying her two-year old child when she was shot on her way back from doing laundry at a nearby river. She and her husband, José Santos Rodriguez, were outspoken opponents of the non-operational El Dorado mine which Pacific Rim, a Vancouver-based mining company is desperate to reopen despite widespread community opposition.

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FMLN Takes Power in El Salvador

The following article is from Fight Back! News

El Salvador's new Vice President Salvador Sanchez Ceren, with former CISPES Executive Director Cherrene Horazuk and solidarity activist and Fight Back! reporter, Brad Sigal

El Salvador’s new Vice President Salvador Sanchez Ceren, with former CISPES Executive Director Cherrene Horazuk and solidarity activist and Fight Back! reporter, Brad Sigal

FMLN Takes Power in El Salvador

By Brad Sigal

San Salvador, El Salvador – In an historic day here, June 1, Mauricio Funes and Salvador Sanchez Ceren were sworn in as the new president and vice-president of El Salvador. Funes and Sanchez Ceren are members of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), a leftist political party which was formerly a guerrilla movement that fought against the U.S.-backed right wing dictatorship in El Salvador in the 1980s. Funes and Sanchez Ceren won election on March 15, marking the first time there will be a leftist government in El Salvador’s history.

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CISPES: 10 days Until First Round of Salvadoran Elections – Take Action to Oppose Dirty Campaign!

The following is from CISPES – the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador:

Alert: 10 days Until First Round of Salvadoran Elections – Take Action to Oppose Dirty Campaign!
Thursday, 08 January 2009

US State Department must respond to false statements threatening immigrants

On the eve of the first round of El Salvador’s most contested elections since the 1992 Peace Accords, a right-wing campaign of dirty propaganda, media misinformation, provocation and violence continues to escalate. Beginning in late October and continuing to this day, Fuerza Solidaria—a right-wing organization founded in Venezuela—has flooded the Salvadoran airwaves and streets with a series of advertisements attempting to frighten Salvadoran voters with threats of U.S. retaliation. The ads state that an FMLN victory would mean the end to good relations with the U.S. government and thus the end to remittances sent home from Salvadorans living in the U.S. They also claim that an FMLN victory would threaten the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) which allows over 200,000 Salvadorans to remain in the U.S. These absurd threats are similar to the ones made back in 2004 by members of the U.S. Congress, together with the governing ARENA party; such threats turned a close election into a decisive victory for the right-wing party. In the face of Fuerza Solidaria’s blatant misrepresentation of the ramifications of an FMLN victory, the U.S. State Department—which has privately pledged neutrality in El Salvador’s electoral process—has remained silent rather than refute these claims.

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