19 September 2020

Casualties of “herd immunity”: Three new teacher deaths in one week as US schools reopen

By Genevieve Leigh, 19 September 2020

The deaths are a direct result of the criminal actions by Democratic and Republican governors, as well as the Trump administration.

Surge in COVID-19 infections as in-person classes resume at many Illinois college campuses

University of Wisconsin-Madison and La Crosse quarantine students after infections

COVID-19 outbreaks force switch to online learning at New Jersey schools

Colorado police conduct militarized arrests of Party for Socialism and Liberation members

By Jacob Crosse, 19 September 2020

The manner of the arrests and the overwhelming charges against the six protesters are a clear act of intimidation against all those determined to put an end to police violence and racism.

Trump repeats threats of post-election military repression as Barr calls for charging protesters with “sedition”

Biden in Minnesota: A phony “pro-worker” spin on a right-wing campaign

By Barry Grey, 19 September 2020

On the basis of economic nationalism, Biden is doubling down on his ludicrous self-promotion as a “working stiff” from “hard-scrabble” Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Wall Street demands still more Fed money

By Nick Beams, 19 September 2020

The US Federal Reserve’s decision to keep interest rates at virtually zero, for as far as the eye can see, has been deemed insufficient.

Fed toes the line on Wall Street’s demands

As American Federation of Teachers shuts down UM graduate student strike
Campuses across Michigan see dramatic spike in cases

By Joseph Lorenz, 19 September 2020

The decision to open campuses is part of the drive by governments everywhere in line with so-called "herd immunity" policies.

American Federation of Teachers shuts down University of Michigan graduate student strike

SUNY-Oswego forced into temporary shutdown of in-person instruction after spike in COVID-19 cases

By Alex Findijs, 19 September 2020

The campus in upstate New York is the second state university to be forced into a temporary shutdown this month due to the spread of COVID-19 cases.

Johnson government opposes national lockdown despite exponential rise in UK coronavirus cases

By Robert Stevens, 19 September 2020

It is just 77 days since the Johnson government recklessly reopened the economy on July 1, in the middle of a pandemic. By next Tuesday at least 13 million people will be in lockdown.

Students return to UK universities: Build campus safety committees!

US, Colombia stage war games as Pompeo threatens Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 19 September 2020

Pompeo’s Latin American tour is aimed both at escalating aggression against Venezuela and countering China’s influence in the region.

Political crisis in the Philippines intensifies

By John Malvar, 19 September 2020

With the support of the Stalinists, sections of the military and business elite are coalescing around Vice-President Leni Robredo, as a possible replacement for President Rodrigo Duterte.

Wildfires threaten drinking water and further desertification of US West Coast

By Linda Rios, 19 September 2020

According to the National Interagency Fire Center, 21 major fires are still burning in California, 12 in Oregon and 8 in Washington state.

Ford Kansas City Assembly workers launch Rank-and-File Safety Committee to save lives

By the Ford Kansas City Assembly Rank-and-File Safety Committee, 19 September 2020

Neither the UAW nor Ford has addressed any of the safety issues inside the Kansas City Assembly plant since production restarted in May.

Faurecia Gladstone Rank-and-File Safety Committee calls for plantwide shutdown to guarantee safety during pandemic

“This district is not ready at all”
Teacher in Vancouver, Washington speaks out on school reopenings amid wildfires

By Evan Winters, 19 September 2020

Despite weeks of unhealthy wildfire-fueled air quality, the Evergreen School District is preparing to reopen elementary schools for partial in-person learning.

Union shuts down nurses strike at University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago

By George Gallanis and Fabian Salgado, 19 September 2020

The Illinois Nurses Association ended the strike without a new contract and isolating 4,000 staffers on the picket line.

New York yellow cab drivers block bridges to demand debt relief

By Shuvu Batta, 19 September 2020

Battered by crippling debt and collapsing demand for taxis, drivers staged a protest Thursday calling for relief from their enormous debt burden.

Germany: Right-wing extremist network in police pays homage to Hitler and the Nazis

By Jan Ritter, 19 September 2020

A photo montage shared online by police officers shows a grinning SS soldier pressing a button marked “Gas.” In the background, refugees are screaming in fear in a gas chamber.

Neo-Nazis in German police issue new threats

By Gregor Link, 19 September 2020

The extreme-right continues its work because it is being protected by senior authorities in the state apparatus.

Build an independent action committee to defend jobs and wages!
Union suppresses criticism of job cuts at German steel producer ThyssenKrupp

By Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 19 September 2020

Major corporations, banks and hedge funds are using the pandemic to launch attacks on wages and jobs worked out long before the crisis.

Dominion grocery workers in Newfoundland in fourth week of strike for higher pay

By Carl Bronski, 19 September 2020

The 1,400 low-paid workers remain on strike against the Newfoundland subsidiary of Loblaws, Canada’s largest supermarket chain.

Russia’s opposition parties fail to win broad support in regional elections

By Andrea Peters, 19 September 2020

Kremlin-backed candidates held onto governorships and control of local parliamentary bodies in the 83 regions of the country where voting occurred.

Peace negotiations stall as ceasefire begins to fall apart in Ukraine

By Jason Melanovski, 19 September 2020

Ukraine’s far-right continues to oppose any negotiated settlement that could lead to the end of the six-year long civil war that has needlessly killed over 13,000.

Australian jobs figures show acceleration of “gig economy”

By Mike Head, 19 September 2020

Governments and employers are exploiting the mass unemployment triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic to bludgeon workers onto reduced wages and conditions.

Australia: Ovato printing company demands more cuts to jobs and conditions

By Noel Holt, 19 September 2020

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union has “bent over backwards” to assist Ovato restructure its operations.

18 September 2020

World Health Organization warns of “alarming” resurgence of COVID-19 in Europe

By Alex Lantier, 18 September 2020

France imposes return to school without protections against COVID-19

British government and universities pursue reckless return to higher education under pandemic conditions

By Simon Whelan, 18 September 2020

Over one million UK children kept off school in face of government threats and propaganda

By Harvey Thompson and Tania Kent, 18 September 2020

Oppose the unsafe reopening of UK schools and universities! Attend Online Educators Rank-and-File Committee meeting

18 September 2020

New York City Democratic mayor delays school opening a second time

By our reporters, 18 September 2020

Brazilian teachers call strikes against back-to-school drive

By Tomas Castanheira, 18 September 2020

Democrats engineer removal of Green Party presidential candidates from Pennsylvania ballot

By Kevin Reed, 18 September 2020

Wisconsin Supreme Court blocks Green Party presidential campaign from 2020 ballot

Historic US job losses continue with another 860,000 unemployment claims

By Jacob Crosse, 18 September 2020

New York yellow cab drivers block bridges to demand debt relief

By Shuvu Batta, 18 September 2020

Battered by crippling debt and collapsing demand for taxis, drivers staged a protest Thursday calling for relief from their enormous debt burden

Boston-area colleges and universities report COVID cases and outbreaks despite testing programs

By Andrew Timon and Will McCalliss, 18 September 2020

More on the back to school drive »

Record wildfires continue to rage across US West Coast

By Peter Ross, 18 September 2020

West Coast fires and evacuations expected to fuel the spread of COVID-19

COVID-19 “long-haulers” publish patient-led research paper drawing attention to chronic illness

By Katy Kinner, 18 September 2020

Missouri among top five US states with COVID-19 infections

By Cole Michaels, 18 September 2020

New details of union corruption emerge as GM files lawsuit against former UAW VP Joe Ashton

By Shannon Jones, 18 September 2020

Unite US, Canadian, and Mexican workers against all concessions and job cuts!
A call to action to Canadian Detroit Three autoworkers: Oppose Unifor’s nationalist pro-company strategy!

By WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 18 September 2020

US Democrats warn UK Tories no trade deal if Good Friday Agreement threatened by hard Brexit

By Robert Stevens, 18 September 2020

Germany: Local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia express growing opposition to official politics

By Peter Schwarz, 18 September 2020

Network of Action Committees for Safe Education holds first online meeting
Stop the dangerous “routine operation” of schools in Germany! Prepare a nationwide general strike!

By our reporters, 18 September 2020

OSHA fines meatpacking industry $30,000 after 203 COVID-19 deaths and 18,000 infections

By Cordell Gascoigne, 18 September 2020

Washington D.C. transit system announces budget cuts and layoffs due to ridership drop off amid pandemic

By Harvey Simpkins, 18 September 2020

Myanmar sees major coronavirus outbreak after a month of zero cases

By Owen Howell, 18 September 2020

New Zealand: Auckland University backs away from resuming classes after mass student opposition

By John Braddock, 18 September 2020

Australia: Mentally-ill man in coma after brutal Victorian police assault

By Martin Scott, 18 September 2020

New in Chinese


作者: Joseph Scalice, 2020年9月14日

8月26日,Joseph Scalice博士在新加坡的南洋理工大学举行了这场讲座。这场讲座的内容是:菲律宾共产党(CPP)及跟随其政治路线的各路组织在2016年对菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特的支持。

New in Turkish

Duyuru: Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi yeni haliyle 2 Ekim 2020’de yayında
Uluslararası Yayın Kurulu Başkanı David North’un açıklaması

David North, 19 Eylül 2020

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi, 2 Ekim 2020 Cuma günü, tamamen yeni bir tasarım ve büyük ölçüde geliştirilmiş bir işlevsellikle yeni halinin açılışını yapacak.

New in Portuguese

Trabalhadores brasileiros deflagram greves contra volta às aulas

Tomas Castanheira, 19 setembro 2020

O fascistoide Bolsonaro declarou: "somos o país com o maior número de dias em lockdown nas escolas. Isso é um absurdo".

Anunciamos o relançamento do World Socialist Web Site em 2 de outubro de 2020
Uma declaração de David North, presidente do Conselho Editorial Internacional

David North, 19 setembro 2020

Na sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2020, o World Socialist Web Site será relançado com um design totalmente novo e sua funcionalidade fortmente aprimorada.

New in French

Nouvelle mouture du World Socialist Web Site le 2 octobre 2020
Déclaration de David North, président du comité de rédaction international

David North, 19 septembre 2020

Le vendredi 2 octobre verra la relance du World Socialist Web Site avec un tout nouveau design et une fonctionnalité largement améliorée.

L’Organisation mondiale de la santé met en garde contre la résurgence «alarmante» de COVID-19 en Europe

Alex Lantier, 19 septembre 2020

Avec plus de 300.000 infections hebdomadaires, les autorités européennes confirment maintenant plus de cas de COVID-19 chaque semaine qu’avant les fermetures de ce printemps.

L'accord de Trump sur le Moyen-Orient et l'impasse du nationalisme bourgeois

Bill Van Auken, 19 septembre 2020

Les accords dits de «paix» entre Israël et deux monarchies arabes signés mardi sur la pelouse de la Maison-Blanche ne sont que les derniers en date dans la longue liste des trahisons du peuple palestinien.

Des enseignants brésiliens appellent à des grèves contre la rentrée scolaire

Tomas Castanheira, 19 septembre 2020

grand nombre de fermetures d’écoles. Ceci est absurde.»

Assange a révélé «de très graves et véritables crimes de guerre», selon Daniel Ellsberg lors de l’audience d’extradition

Thomas Scripps, 19 septembre 2020

Ellsberg a déclaré qu’«avec les journaux Manning et Assange, j’ai trouvé que chaque fois que l’on mentionnait mon nom, c’était pour dire combien j’étais une très bonne personne… et pour se servir de moi comme obstacle à ces nouvelles révélations qui étaient prétendument très différentes des miennes».

New in Spanish

El acuerdo de Trump sobre Oriente Próximo y el callejón sin salida del nacionalismo burgués

Bill Van Auken, 19 septiembre 2020

Los dizque acuerdos de “paz” entre Israel y las dos monarquías árabes firmados en el jardín de la Casa Blanca el martes fueron tan solo las más recientes de un largo historial de traiciones contra el pueblo palestino.

Anuncio del relanzamiento del World Socialist Web Site el 2 de octubre de 2020
Una declaración de David North, presidente del Consejo Editorial Internacional

David North, 19 septiembre 2020

El viernes 2 de octubre de 2020, el World Socialist Web Site será relanzado con un diseño completamente nuevo y una funcionalidad vastamente mejorada.

Cofundador de Iraq Body Count: WikiLeaks expuso a una audiencia global las víctimas civiles masivas

Thomas Scripps y Laura Tiernan, 19 septiembre 2020

John Sloboda dijo que los registros de la guerra de Irak habían sido llevados "a la mayor audiencia global de cualquier publicación". No ha habido revelaciones comparables en la última década.

Exdirector de la CIA Leon Panetta: estamos procesando a Assange para intimidar a otros

Oscar Grenfell, 19 septiembre 2020

Los comentarios de Panetta confirman el carácter mafioso de la imputación estadounidense contra Assange, su naturaleza políticamente motivada y desprecio patente por el derecho internacional.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud advierte sobre el resurgimiento "alarmante" de COVID-19 en Europa

Alex Lantier, 19 septiembre 2020

Con más de 300.000 infecciones semanales, las autoridades europeas están confirmando más casos de COVID-19 cada semana que antes de los cierres de esta primavera.

Maestros brasileños convocan huelgas contra la campaña de regreso a clases

Tomas Castanheira, 19 septiembre 2020

El presidente fascistizante Bolsonaro de Brasil declaró: “Somos el país con la mayor cantidad de días con cierres de escuelas. Es absurdo”

Las mentiras de Trump sobre el COVID-19 involucran al partido español Podemos

Alejandro López, 19 septiembre 2020

Aunque tenía acceso a informes de inteligencia sobre el peligro mortal de la pandemia, Podemos adoptó una política criminalmente negligente.

Aumentan las huelgas en medio de brotes de COVID-19 en cientos de escuelas españolas

Alice Summers, 19 septiembre 2020

Los sindicatos españoles se han negado a convocar a los trabajadores de la educación a una lucha unificada contra la reapertura de las escuelas, limitando la acción a protestas esporádicas y de corta duración.

New in German

Trumps Nahost-Deal und die Sackgasse des bürgerlichen Nationalismus

Bill Van Auken, 19. September 2020

Das sogenannte „Friedensabkommen“ zwischen Israel und zwei arabischen Monarchien, das am 15. September auf dem Rasen des Weißen Hauses unterzeichnet wurde, reiht sich ein in unzählige Verrätereien am palästinensischen Volk.

Assange hat „sehr ernstes Muster wirklicher Kriegsverbrechen“ aufgedeckt
Daniel Ellsbergs Aussage im Auslieferungsprozess

Thomas Scripps, 19. September 2020

Ellsberg widersprach jedem Versuch, ihn selbst als positives Gegenbeispiel gegen Manning und Assange zu benutzen.

Weltgesundheitsorganisation warnt vor „alarmierendem“ Anstieg der Corona-Fälle in Europa

Alex Lantier, 19. September 2020

Die europäischen Behörden bestätigen mittlerweile mehr als 300.000 Neuinfektionen pro Woche und damit mehr als vor dem Lockdown im Frühjahr.

Lufthansa erwägt Verdoppelung des Stellenabbaus

Gustav Kemper, 19. September 2020

Nach weitgehenden Zugeständnissen der Gewerkschaften hat Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr den Abbau von Tausenden weiteren Arbeitsplätzen angekündigt.

Ehemaliger Spiegel-Journalist widerspricht Behauptung, Assange habe Informanten gefährdet

Laura Tiernan, 19. September 2020

Die Lüge der Trump-Regierung, Assange habe das Leben von US-Informanten aufs Spiel gesetzt, wurde in John Goetz' Zeugenaussage klar widerlegt. Tatsächlich haben allein die von Assange und WikiLeaks aufgedeckten Kriegsverbrechen Menschen in Gefahr gebracht.

Joseph Scalices Vortrag über die CPP (Redigierte Abschrift)
Das erste Mal als Tragödie, das zweite Mal als Farce: Marcos, Duterte und die Kommunistischen Parteien der Philippinen

Joseph Scalice, 19. September 2020

Diesen Vortrag zur Rolle der Kommunistischen Partei der Philippinen (CPP) hielt Dr. Joseph Scalice am 26. August an der Nanyang Technological University in Singapur. Er befasst sich mit der Unterstützung der CPP und politisch verwandter Organisationen für den philippinischen Präsidenten Rodrigo Duterte im Jahr 2016.

Other Languages


White House bans TikTok and WeChat: A major intensification of internet censorship

19 September 2020

The move is an assault on freedom of expression and an effort to consolidate control of the internet by a handful of massive corporations working in partnership with the American government.

Earlier Perspectives »


Announcing the Relaunch of the World Socialist Web Site on October 2, 2020
A statement by David North, chairman of the International Editorial Board

David North, 18 September 2020

On Friday, October 2, 2020, the World Socialist Web Site will be relaunched with an entirely new design and with vastly enhanced functionality.

80 Years Since the Assassination of Leon Trotsky

Trotsky’s Last Year
Part six

By David North, 8 September 2020

An appraisal, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination, of the work of the great theoretician and strategist of World Socialist Revolution during the final year of his life.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five

Featured Commentary

Trump’s Middle East deal and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism

By Bill Van Auken, 18 September 2020

As US death toll hits 200,000, Trump calls for herd immunity

By Andre Damon, 17 September 2020

Trump incites fascistic violence as US election approaches

The coronavirus conspiracy: What did they know, and when did they know it?

By Andre Damon, 11 September 2020

No to a Greek-Turkish war in the eastern Mediterranean!

International Committee of the Fourth International, 12 September 2020

The Persecution of Julian Assange

Witnesses recall Collateral Murder attack: “Look at those dead bastards,” shooters said

By Thomas Scripps and Laura Tiernan, 19 September 2020

“The publication of that video and those words was the equivalent of the death of George Floyd and his words ‘I can’t breathe’. They had a profound effect on public opinion in the world.”

Iraq Body Count co-founder: WikiLeaks exposed mass civilian casualties to a global audience

By Thomas Scripps and Laura Tiernan, 18 September 2020

Former CIA director Leon Panetta: We are prosecuting Assange to intimidate others

By Oscar Grenfell, 18 September 2020

Assange exposed “a very serious pattern of actual war crimes,” Daniel Ellsberg tells extradition hearing

By Thomas Scripps, 17 September 2020

London bus drivers resolve to fight for Assange’s freedom

By the London Bus Drivers Rank-and-File Safety Committee, 16 September 2020

More on the campaign to defend Julian Assange »

Defend Dr. Joseph Scalice against Stalinist slanders

Video exposing Philippine Stalinist leader Sison’s Big Lie that the CPP never supported Duterte

By our reporters, 19 September 2020

Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison told CNN in May 2016 that he was “very proud” of the fascist Rodrigo Duterte’s election victory, fraudulently describing him as a “left” president with a “socialist orientation.”

SEP (Sri Lanka) condemns Philippines Maoist party’s slanders against historian Joseph Scalice

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 18 September 2020

Letters from Australia, the US and New Zealand defending Philippine historian Dr. Joseph Scalice

By our reporters, 17 September 2020

Stalinist leader Joma Sison doubles down on Big Lie that the CPP never supported Philippine President Duterte

By Tom Peters, 15 September 2020

Watch: Lecture exposes role of Communist Party of the Philippines in propping up Duterte regime

WSWS publishes Chinese translation of Dr. Joseph Scalice’s lecture exposing the betrayals of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Arts Review

Toots Hibbert, ska and reggae giant: “Right now, someone else has that number”

By Paul Bond, 19 September 2020

Hibbert was widely respected and liked as a person, as well as admired for his work. That he was one of the most important international ambassadors for reggae owed much to his personal integrity.

Charlie Kaufman’s I’m Thinking of Ending Things: A neglected man neglected again

By Joanne Laurier, 18 September 2020

British actress Diana Rigg (1938-2020)

By Paul Bond, 17 September 2020

An interview with Michael Fitzgerald, producer of Waiting for the Barbarians

By David Walsh, 16 September 2020

Waiting for the Barbarians: “You are an obscene torturer. You deserve to be hanged!”


Trump administration continues assault on endangered species

By Adria French, 19 September 2020

Recent changes to the Endangered Species Act “to lower regulatory burdens” are driving several species toward extinction.

The precedents for disease eradication through international cooperation
Part two

By Frank Gaglioti, 16 September 2020

The precedents for disease eradication through international cooperation
Part one

Workers Struggles

India: Chennai garbage workers strike; Sri Lankan bank workers protest over contracts; Australian waterfront workers walkout
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

19 September 2020

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

London bus drivers launch rank-and-file safety committee to fight renewed threat from COVID-19

By the London Bus Drivers Rank-and-File Safety Committee, 16 September 2020

The political significance of the London Bus Drivers Rank-and-File Safety Committee: “Change is coming in the working class”

By our reporters, 16 September 2020

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Military research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

By Gregor Link, 18 September 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

Australian ruling elite moves to junk coronavirus safety measures—the working class must intervene to answer the pandemic threat!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 17 September 2020

Attend SEP (Australia) online forum: The COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis of capitalism and the way forward for health workers

15 September 2020

Book Review

Book Review
Wilmington’s Lie: The 1898 white supremacist coup in North Carolina
David Zucchino, Atlantic Monthly Press, 336 pages

By Fred Mazelis, 17 September 2020


Suppression of wages in US at centre of widening social inequality

By Nick Beams, 16 September 2020

Working-class resistance mounts to back-to-work campaign

By Jerry White, 15 September 2020

Bernie Sanders offers left gloss to Biden’s right-wing campaign

By Jacob Crosse and Barry Grey, 15 September 2020

The California wildfires, climate change and capitalism

By Bryan Dyne, 14 September 2020

Trump, Roger Stone call for violence and repression after Election Day

By Patrick Martin, 14 September 2020

NYU’s Center for Social Media & Politics: A think tank for a frightened ruling class

By Elliott Murtagh, 12 September 2020

Two decades of US “war on terror” responsible for displacing at least 37 million people and killing up to 12 million

By Jacob Crosse, 9 September 2020

Once more: What has happened to the #MeToo witch-hunt?

By David Walsh, 8 September 2020

SEP (US) Congress resolution
The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2020

The US Election

The Civil War Election

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US) Political Committee, 9 September 2020

University of Michigan graduate students take a stand for life against profit

By Joseph Kishore - Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 11 September 2020

Supreme Court refuses to hear SEP challenge to Michigan ballot access denial

By Kevin Reed, 9 September 2020

The politics of oligarchy: Federal appeals court blocks SEP challenge to anti-democratic ballot access laws in California

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US President, 8 August 2020

The Socialist Equality Party denounces Trump’s mass arrest of 2,000 immigrants!

By Norissa Santa Cruz—SEP candidate for US vice president, 4 September 2020

The socialist answer to the paltry $600 million Flint settlement

By Joseph Kishore—SEP Presidential Candidate, 24 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party

Stop the dangerous “routine operation” of schools in Germany! Prepare a nationwide general strike!
Set up independent action committees for the safety of teachers, pupils and parents!

By the Action Committees for Safe Education, 14 September 2020

“It’s not safe for my kids but they are forcing me to send them to school”
UK Educators Rank-and-File Committee holds initial meeting

By our reporter, 9 September 2020

Socialist Equality Group in Turkey condemns attack against TİP deputy after threats from interior minister

By Sosyalist Eşitlik, 3 September 2020

25 years ago: Clinton, Congress “end welfare as we know it”

On September 19, 1995, the United States Senate voted 87-12 to terminate the federal assistance program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and to slash $70 billion from Food Stamps and other welfare programs.

More »

50 years ago: 344,000 General Motors workers go on strike

On September 15, 1970 about 344,000 General Motors auto workers went on strike after the previous contract expired.

More »

75 years ago: Allied powers hold first trial of Nazi war criminals

On September 17, 1945, the Allied powers, in the wake of their victory over Germany and Japan in World War II, began the first of several trials that would reveal some of the war crimes and atrocities carried out over the preceding years.

More »

100 years: Bomb kills 36 on Wall Street

On September 16, 1920, a powerful bomb exploded at noon outside the headquarters of the leading American banker, J.P. Morgan.

More »


The lessons of the 1953 mass uprising (hartal) in Sri Lanka

By Saman Gunadasa, 2 September 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

The coronavirus pandemic, the crisis of capitalism and the tasks of the SEP

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 26 August 2020

Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

Free Julian Assange! Defend Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden!

SEP (Australia) holds successful fifth national congress

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Now available
The Fourth International and the Perspective of World Socialist Revolution: 1986–1995

12 August 2020

The paperback edition of this critical book on the history of the Fourth International is now available.

Internet Censorship

Open Letter from WSWS Chairman David North to Alphabet Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai

31 July 2020

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Google suppressing World Socialist Web Site content in its search results for the New York Times’ 1619 Project