South and Central America

Albany, New York nurses set to strike; walkout continues at Cerrejón mining complex in Colombia

Workers Struggles: The Americas

15 September 2020

Some 2,500 nurses at Albany Med are set to strike over contract issues while workers at Colombia’s Cerrejón mining complex in the La Guajira department are in the third week of a strike against threatened layoffs.

In fascistic Independence Day speech, Brazil’s Bolsonaro condemns “strikes, social disorder”

By Miguel Andrade, 14 September 2020

Bolsonaro’s rant rooted Brazil’s national identity in “fear of god, respect for the family” and the struggle for “liberty” against “communism.”

Latin America, epicenter of COVID-19 pandemic, on the brink of social explosion

By Tomas Castanheira, 12 September 2020

Latin America this week reached the grim milestones of 300,000 COVID-19 deaths and more than 8 million infections.

Mauritian cruise ship crews strike to demand repatriation

By Tom Casey, 12 September 2020

Mediterranean Shipping Company crews have been stranded on three ships near Santos port, Brazil since the industry’s COVID-19 shutdown in late March.

Colombian security forces massacre 10 youth protesting police murder

By Andrea Lobo, 11 September 2020

The massacre in Bogotá signals the willingness of the Colombian ruling elite to turn to authoritarian rule to crush social opposition in the midst of the uncontrolled pandemic.

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer slashes 2,500 jobs

By Tomas Castanheira, 8 September 2020

The Morenoite-led union is attempting to subordinate workers to the Brazilian state and its military.

Brazilian postal workers wage bitter strike against wage cuts, privatization

By Gabriel Lemos, 7 September 2020

The state-owned postal service’s criminal negligence amid the COVID-19 pandemic has led to thousands of workers contracting the deadly virus and 120 reported deaths.

Brazilian governor suspended for COVID-19 emergency contracts fraud

By Miguel Andrade, 5 September 2020

Brazil’s high court has suspended Rio de Janeiro Governor Wilson Witzel, pending a trial and impeachment on charges of fraud in COVID-19 relief contracts.

Threat of a US-led military intervention in Venezuela grows as Guaidó’s coalition splits

By Andrea Lobo, 4 September 2020

The danger of a devastating US military intervention has escalated as a result of the domestic political crisis of the Trump administration and growing divisions within the US-backed opposition in Venezuela.

In face of overwhelming popular opposition, Brazilian governments push criminal reopening of schools

By Tomas Castanheira, 3 September 2020

Brazilin states, including those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, have set dates to reopen schools between September and October,

Human rights lawsuits used by Chilean “left” to mask preparations for authoritarian rule

By Mauricio Saavedra, 1 September 2020

Amid a growing threat of police-state dictatorship, it once again falls on the Chilean parliamentary “left” and its satellite organisations to conceal the class nature of the capitalist state.

#Trotsky2020: A Morenoite slander against the legacy of Leon Trotsky

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 1 September 2020

Far from an objective presentation of the political legacy of Leon Trotsky, the FT’s video is, in essence, an attempted second assassination directed against Trotsky’s entire revolutionary historical legacy.

Volkswagen to slash 35 percent of Brazilian workforce as jobs bloodbath hits auto industry

By Miguel Andrade, 29 August 2020

Twenty-eight thousand jobs have been wiped out since 2013, when the unions began pushing for systematic contract suspensions and bailouts for automakers in Brazil.

At least 13 Peruvian youth killed in police raid on Lima disco

By Cesar Uco and Bill Van Auken, 24 August 2020

The tragedy is the direct outcome of the government’s police-state enforcement of coronavirus restrictions, even as it grants a free rein to mining and other business interests.

MAS, trade unions and coup regime strike deal to quell revolt by Bolivian workers

By Tomas Castanheira, 20 August 2020

This most recent betrayal of the MAS and COB proves once again they represent the interests of the Bolivian ruling class.

Peru tops half a million coronavirus cases as political crisis deepens

By Cesar Uco and Bill Van Auken, 18 August 2020

With over 535,000 COVID-19 cases and 26,000 deaths, and amid growing class tensions, President Vizcarra is leaning heavily on the military.

Brazilian teachers report 36 COVID-infected schools after one week of classes in Manaus

By Tomas Castanheira, 15 August 2020

Virtually all Brazilian states and capitals have ongoing plans to reproduce the homicidal model of school reopenings in Manaus.

Amid mounting political crisis, Colombia faces world’s highest COVID-19 death rate

By Julian James, 15 August 2020

Over the past weeks, the country has registered the highest per capita COVID-19 death rate in the world, 43.1 deaths per million people, compared to 32.9 per million for Brazil and 24.4 for the US.

Armed forces and fascist gangs mobilized against blockades in Bolivia

By Tomas Castanheira, 12 August 2020

The demand for the immediate fall of the Áñez regime, brought to power in last November’s US-backed coup, is gaining increasing popular support.

Peru reopens economy as thousands of miners contract COVID-19

By Mauricio Saavedra, 11 August 2020

With 478,024 coronavirus cases, Peru has the third most infections in Latin America, and with over 21,000 fatalities, it has the highest per capita death toll in the region.

Union prepares sellout of Renault strike in Brazil

By Tomas Castanheira, 8 August 2020

The movement that involved thousands of workers and their families is under threat of being shutdown with an agreement that validates the destruction of 747 jobs.

Widespread protests in Bolivia oppose postponement of elections

By Tomas Castanheira, 5 August 2020

Since Monday, a movement of strikes and blockades of main roads by workers and peasants has been spreading in Bolivia.

Brazilian teachers oppose back-to-school drive

By our correspondents, 5 August 2020

Amid intense opposition from teachers and parents, private schools were reopened last month in the state of Amazonas and this week in Rio de Janeiro.

As COVID-19 ravages Brazil, governments promote homicidal reopening of schools

By Tomas Castanheira, 1 August 2020

The attempt by big business politicians to reopen schools in the country faces massive opposition from educators and working-class families.

What led Argentina’s Left Workers Front (FIT) to vote for banning criticism of Israel under the guise of combatting anti-Semitism?

By Andrea Lobo, 29 July 2020

The FIT legislators voted for a bill introduced by the right-wing Macristas to adopt a definition of anti-Semitism aimed at criminalizing opposition to Israel.

Brazilian autoworkers strike after Renault fires 747 workers

By Tomas Castanheira, 25 July 2020

Workers were outraged over the targeting for layoffs of those who were out because of work-related injuries and even coronavirus infections.

Brazil surpasses two million coronavirus cases as reopening drive continues

By Tomas Castanheira, 18 July 2020

“We cannot continue suffocating the economy,” President Jair Bolsonaro said, as Brazil suffered the highest single day death toll in the world.

New delivery workers demonstration in Brazil exposes unions and their allies

By Miguel Andrade, 18 July 2020

After a massive continent-wide strike on July 1, delivery workers in Brazil are being told to place their fate in the hands of the unions and Congress.

The blinding of Gustavo Gatica and the return to unrestrained police state violence in Chile

By Mauricio Saavedra, 15 July 2020

The Chilean security forces enjoy a level of immunity not seen since the 17-year military dictatorship, when thousands were arrested, tortured, killed and disappeared.

US-led “back to work” drive spreads death across Latin America

By Eric London, 15 July 2020

Though mass poverty and inequality made the region vulnerable to the coronavirus, the rising Latin American death toll is also the product of Wall Street’s hemispheric back to work policy.

Brazil’s fascistic President Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus

By Tomas Castanheira, 8 July 2020

Amidst the catastrophic pandemic, Bolsonaro reaffirms his criminal message: “Life goes on, Brazil has to produce, it has to put the economy to work.”

Peru lifts quarantine restrictions as coronavirus infections pass 300,000 mark

By Cesar Uco, 8 July 2020

“Phase three” aligns the government and all political parties with the interest of big business and against the working class.

Brazil’s coronavirus cases top 1.5 million amid record unemployment

By Tomas Castanheira, 6 July 2020

From March to May, some eight million workers lost their jobs, and more than half of the country’s working age population have become unemployed.

Pandemic spirals out of control in South Africa, India, Brazil

By Bryan Dyne, 4 July 2020

The official tallies in each country of daily confirmed coronavirus cases have become exponential, indicating that whatever containment measures were implemented to halt the spread of the virus have essentially collapsed.

Thousands of delivery workers strike across Brazil and other Latin American countries

By Brunna Machado and Letícia Silva, 4 July 2020

Thousands of delivery workers engaged in a strike on Wednesday to demand better working conditions in more than 10 Brazilian capitals, as well as in cities in Argentina and Mexico.

Spain participated in failed 2019 US coup in Venezuela

By Alejandro López, 4 July 2020

New information emerging about the coup exposes Spain’s ruling “left populist” party, Podemos, as a tool of imperialism’s bloody foreign policy in Latin America.

Chile: COVID-19 outbreak in mining regions

By Mauricio Saavedra, 1 July 2020

Three mineworkers have died in the giant state-owned mining corporation Codelco, and some 2,528 are infected, according to the official figures of the Ministry of Mining.

Pandemic surpasses 10 million COVID-19 cases and over 500,000 deaths globally

By Benjamin Mateus, 29 June 2020

COVID-19 cases in the United States have careened out of control, with health care systems in Texas, Florida and Arizona nearing collapse.

Health care collapses in Bolivia after coup regime reopens economy

By Tomas Castanheira, 29 June 2020

COVID-19 cases have tripled in Bolivia since the country began reopening economic activities less than a month ago.

World Bank pushes privatized distance learning in Brazil

By Eduardo Parati, 29 June 2020

The São Paulo secretary of education’s declared intention of “facilitating teachers’ work” is actually aimed at furthering a shift to distance learning.

Brazilian health care workers strike for PPE and risk bonus

By Brunna Machado, 27 June 2020

On Thursday, health care professionals in the Brazilian state of Piauí started an indefinite strike as their counterparts in Rio de Janeiro launched protests.

As COVID-19 cases triple in a month, Latin American elites press ahead with back-to-work campaign

By Andrea Lobo, 26 June 2020

The ruling classes in the most unequal region of the world have based their response to the pandemic and the economic crisis it spurred on protecting their wealth and privileges at all costs.

Brazilian government hides scale of COVID-19 pandemic to promote criminal reopening

By Tomas Castanheira, 25 June 2020

Different studies point to severe underreporting of COVID-19 cases and deaths, as outbreaks at working places spread across Brazil.

Brazilian police arrest key ally of Bolsonaro

By Miguel Andrade, 20 June 2020

Several investigations are threatening the fascist president, who has rallied military ministers to declare “the army doesn’t follow absurd orders.”

Chile’s health minister resigns as disastrous policies lead to explosion in coronavirus infections and deaths

By Mauricio Saavedra, 19 June 2020

A media investigation revealed that the government was providing the World Health Organization a coronavirus body count that was almost double that given to the general public.

Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Brazil’s meat processing plants and mines

By Tomas Castanheira, 17 June 2020

Clusters of coronavirus at large companies across the country threaten the lives of thousands of workers.

Brazil registers world’s second-highest COVID-19 toll as stock market soars

By Miguel Andrade, 13 June 2020

The Brazilian stock market is responding to the unity of the whole ruling class around the back-to-work campaign and the brutal repression of social opposition.

Brazilian delivery workers strike in defense of their lives

By Tomas Castanheira, 12 June 2020

Delivery workers have been carrying out strikes and protests in Brazil since April, connected to delivery workers’ strikes around the world in countries like Spain, Ecuador and Argentina.

Youth protests and worker strikes show mounting social opposition in Brazil

By Tomas Castanheira, 10 June 2020

Strikes and job actions are intersecting with protests of tens by thousands of youth who have joined the international wave of demonstrations against police violence.

Protest in Panama against premature reopening in face of spreading COVID-19

Workers Struggles: The Americas

9 June 2020

Despite the highest level of COVID-19 cases in Latin America, the government of Panama is reopening the economy regardless of workers’ health concerns.

Bolsonaro government attempted to censor Brazil’s coronavirus case count and death toll

By Bryan Dyne, 8 June 2020

There are now more than 7 million officially confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide, an increase of one million cases in nine days, and more than 400,000 dead.

Brazil’s President Bolsonaro calls demonstrators “terrorists,” threatens military repression

By Miguel Andrade, 6 June 2020

Gen. Hamilton Mourão viciously attacked protests against the murder of George Floyd and social inequality, calling for the arrest of demonstrators.

Protests spread in Chile as hospitals reach saturation point

By Mauricio Saavedra, 5 June 2020

The loss of life is the outcome of decades of pro-corporate policies that have led to a chronically underfunded health system, now on the verge of collapse and extreme poverty.

Brazilian youth join international wave of protests against police violence

By Tomas Castanheira, 3 June 2020

Responding to demonstrations across the US, thousands of people took to the streets of Brazil protesting against police violence, racism and the fascistic president Bolsonaro.

Brazilian Trotskyists issue call for working-class action against pandemic

What will be the cost of implementing this program? Who will pay for it?

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In Solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 2 June 2020

With the virus spreading rapidly, Brazil already has the second highest number of cases and sixth highest number of deaths of any country in the world.

Coronavirus cases surpass six million globally

By Bryan Dyne, 30 May 2020

New epicenters in Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent are rapidly causing massive public health crises.

As Brazil leads world in new COVID-19 deaths, Workers Party and pseudo-lefts rally behind capitalist state

By Miguel Andrade, 28 May 2020

The so-called opposition has brought impeachment articles against Bolsonaro for harming “internal security” in his handling of the pandemic.

JBS meatpacking plant reopens in Brazil as Latin America becomes COVID-19 epicenter

By Gabriel Lemos, 27 May 2020

Workers Party governments financed JBS’s transformation into a transnational, whose plants have become COVID-19 hotspots in both Brazil and the US.

Brazil surpasses 350,000 cases as politicians promote rapid reopening of economy

By Tomas Castanheira, 26 May 2020

For the first time, Brazil announced a larger number of deaths from COVID-19 in a single day than the United States.

South America a “new epicenter” of COVID-19 pandemic, WHO warns

By Bill Van Auken, 23 May 2020

The number of new deaths on the continent is surpassing Europe, and Brazil is rapidly overtaking Russia as the country with the second most infections after the US.

Trump issues new threats as Iranian tankers approach Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 22 May 2020

The Trump administration has vowed to take unspecified “measures” to block the shipment of Iranian fuel to Venezuela, raising the threat of state piracy on the high seas.

Strikes and protests by Brazilian nurses amid explosion of COVID-19 cases

By Tomas Castanheira, 22 May 2020

Over the last 15 days, there have been dozens of protests and strikes by health care workers across Brazil, as more nurses are dying than anywhere else in the world.

Chilean government violently represses demonstrations against hunger

By Mauricio Saavedra, 22 May 2020

The ultra-right government of Sebastian Piñera has responded to an outbreak of hunger protests across Chile with repression and mass arrests

Brazil records 1,179 COVID-19 deaths in a single day amid spiraling political crisis

By Miguel Andrade, 21 May 2020

Even as it closes ranks behind Bolsonaro’s back-to-work campaign, the Brazilian ruling class is conscious that it is bringing Brazil to the brink of a social explosion.

Food delivery workers call for a national strike in Brazil

By Letícia Silva, 20 May 2020

After a series of strikes internationally, food delivery workers in Brazil are calling for a unified strike on May 30 against cuts in pay rates and unsafe working conditions.

Brazilian police massacre 13 in brutal operation in Rio de Janeiro

By Tomas Castanheira, 19 May 2020

“Instead of sending doctors and nurses to protect the residents from COVID-19, the government sends police, armored vehicles and helicopters to kill us.”

Washington places Cuba and Venezuela on “terror” list

By Bill Van Auken, 16 May 2020

After fostering an abortive mercenary invasion aimed at overthrowing Venezuela’s government and murdering its president, the US placed Caracas on a list of governments deemed uncooperative in the “war on terrorism.”

Chile’s government deploys troops in the streets as coronavirus cases soar

By Mauricio Saavedra, 16 May 2020

Ultra-right President Sebastian Piñera has responded to the pandemic, and signs of growing popular resistance, by increasing repressive powers in Chile.

Starving Bolivian workers clash with troops deployed by coup regime

By Tomas Castanheira, 15 May 2020

Amid the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez’s self-proclaimed “interim government” is escalating state repression.

Latin America emerges as new COVID-19 epicenter

By Bill Van Auken, 14 May 2020

The Americas have now surpassed Europe in terms of infections, even as governments and capitalist employers escalate their back-to-work campaign.

With Brazil on course to become new COVID-19 epicenter, Bolsonaro escalates back-to-work campaign

By Miguel Andrade, 13 May 2020

Auto factories have already restarted production even as every region in the country is breaking daily records of cases and deaths.

Number of COVID-19 cases hits 4 million worldwide

By Benjamin Mateus, 9 May 2020

The number of deaths has exceeded 275,000 and infections are growing. Yet, the stock markets continue to rise, despite unprecedented job losses.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro demands return to work as health care system collapses

By Tomas Castanheira, 9 May 2020

A recent study indicates that the country may have more than 2 million infections as Bolsonaro, speaking for Brazil’s employers, urges a “return to normalcy.”

Peru extends quarantine as COVID-19 deaths continue to climb

By Cesar Uco and Don Knowland, 9 May 2020

As immigrants to the capital make desperate efforts to return to their places of origin, overcrowded prisons have become a hotbed for propagation of the virus.

Trump’s “Bay of Pigs” in Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 7 May 2020

The abortive mercenary invasion is part of a campaign of aggression that involves “maximum pressure” sanctions and the deployment of US warships off Venezuela’s shores.

Washington and its puppet Guaidó implicated in armed attacks on Venezuela

By Bill Van Auken, 5 May 2020

At least two of those captured in the abortive invasion plot have been identified as US citizens.

Argentine unions and employers agree to wage cuts pushing millions into poverty

By Rafael Azul, 2 May 2020

More than a million workers will face hunger and poverty while businesses get massive subsidies.

Brazilian nurses fired for striking in Manaus over PPE

By Tomas Castanheira, 1 May 2020

Thirteen Brazilian nurses were fired after striking on Monday, along with hundreds of their colleagues at the 28 de Agosto Hospital, in the Amazonian capital of Manaus.

El Salvador’s president brands gangs and opposition as “plagues”

By Andrea Lobo, 28 April 2020

The Salvadoran oligarchy’s response to the pandemic is characterized by indifference to the lives of the working class and a turn toward dictatorship.

As Bolsonaro pushes to reopen schools, Brazilian state governments escalate attacks on education

By Gabriel Lemos, 27 April 2020

Brazil’s fascistic president justified his proposal by saying, “It’s a reality: on average, 70 percent will catch the virus… It is no use running away from this reality.”

Food delivery workers in Brazil join international strikes against unsafe conditions

By Tomas Castanheira, 25 April 2020

Over the past week, there have been strikes and protests in Brazil and other Latin American countries, including Ecuador and Argentina, as well as Spain.

Amid warnings of famine and unrest in Venezuela, Maduro renews talks with US-backed opposition

By Andrea Lobo, 25 April 2020

The timing of the renewed talks makes it clear that any settlement with US imperialism would be centrally aimed against a challenge from below.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro escalates coup threats as ruling class pushes “back-to-work” orders

By Miguel Andrade, 22 April 2020

As COVID-19 spread uncontrolled across the country, Bolsonaro delivered a fascist rant in front of hundreds of supporters gathered at Brazil’s Army headquarters.

Protests and looting break out in Colombia over failure to distribute aid amid COVID-19 quarantine

By Cesar Uco and Bill Van Auken, 21 April 2020

The right-wing Duque government has called for reopening “productive life without social life” to meet the needs of Colombian and foreign capital.

Brazilian nurses strike over deadly conditions as COVID-19 deaths mount

By Tomas Castanheira, 18 April 2020

This week, after a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases in Brazil, protests and work stoppage spread to hospitals and other health care units.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro sacks health minister as Amazonian capital of Manaus is first to face health collapse

By Miguel Andrade, 17 April 2020

Federal and local health authorities in Brazil have widely admitted losing control of the COVID-19 spread, and now Bolsonaro expects a new minister to provide a veneer of rationality to his neglect of the disease

With the collapse of health care system, Ecuador is the epicenter of the coronavirus crisis in Latin America

By Tomas Castanheira, 16 April 2020

Ecuador listed 388 confirmed deaths from COVID-19 Tuesday, but Guayaquil’s mayor estimates that in her city alone the number is over 7,000.

As COVID-19 pandemic rages, World Bank backs restructuring of education in Brazil

By Eduardo Parati, 16 April 2020

Joining Brazilian education officials and the private sector in an online meeting, a World Bank representative offered directives for a permanent for-profit distance learning system.

Coronavirus exposes Chilean two-tiered health system as deathtrap

By Mauricio Saavedra, 15 April 2020

It is the policy of sustained socio-economic shock therapy initiated under Pinochet that lay the groundwork for incalculable loss of life today

Bolivia’s coup regime extends COVID-19 quarantine amid repression

By Cesar Uco and Don Knowland, 15 April 2020

In a recent speech, interim President Añez stressed that anyone who violates the quarantine will face the “active participation of the Armed Forces and the National Police.”

Brazilian ruling class backs growing military control as COVID-19 pandemic grips country

By Miguel Andrade, 10 April 2020

Barely 35 years after being ousted from power by mass strikes, the military is being welcomed back as caretakers amid the mounting COVID-19 crisis.

As Peru escalates militarization, COVID-19 spreads to remote rural areas

By Cesar Uco, 7 April 2020

The COVID-19 virus continues to spread aggressively in Peru, endangering the poorest people of Andean or Amazonian origin who have low immune defenses.

Ecuadorians protest bodies of COVID-19 victims being left in the streets

By Andrea Lobo, 4 April 2020

Desperate families and neighbors have flooded social media with videos and reports of corpses rotting in their living rooms, sidewalks and parks for days.

General Motors imposes wage cuts and layoffs on Brazilian workers with aid of unions

By Tomas Castanheira, 3 April 2020

GM announced mass layoffs along with a wage cut of up to 25 percent in wages at all its Brazilian plants.

Honduran doctor warns of “collapsed health care system” as coronavirus toll grows

By our reporter, 3 April 2020

“Now we face this COVID-19 pandemic which demonstrates tragically that the armored tanks of the police and warships of the Navy are incapable of saving lives.”

Washington harnesses coronavirus pandemic to promote Venezuela coup

By Bill Van Auken, 1 April 2020

The so-called “Democratic Transition Framework” is a patent attempt to weaponize the global pandemic as a means of installing a puppet regime in Caracas.

Brazilian stadium turned into field hospital as ruling class closes ranks behind corporate bailouts

By Miguel Andrade, 1 April 2020

Shocking images of stadiums transformed into concentration camps for the sick and dying stand in stark contrast to Bolsonaro’s criminal denial of the seriousness of the pandemic.

Peruvian president authorizes military to use lethal force to enforce the national quarantine

By Cesar Uco and Don Knowland, 1 April 2020

A new law shows that Peru’s ruling oligarchy, in anticipation of widespread unrest, is preparing the army to carry out repression with absolute impunity.

Hunger increased by quarantines leads to protests across Latin America

By Andrea Lobo, 31 March 2020

Roadblocks, raids of supermarkets and mass quarantine violations by desperate workers forced to work and find food are spreading across the poorest neighborhoods of Latin America.

Protests across North and South America continue over lack of coronavirus protections

Workers Struggles: The Americas

31 March 2020

Health care workers in Mexico, Coca Cola workers in Chile, sanitation workers in North Carolina and Hamilton, Ontario, are among those staging strikes and protests against inadequate safety measures in face of the COVID-19 pandemic.