Showing posts with label Vanity 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanity 6. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 March 2009

He's so dull - Vanity 6

The story of this single is similar to the one about 'Nasty girl': both Vanity 6 singles I owned were deleted from my collection in an act of revisionism. I always regret getting rid of singles - although I do confess I've shed no tears about the Dutch-language singles I've gotten rid of in the Eighties.

'He's so dull' is significantly less exciting that 'Nasty girl', but I still couldn't resist buying it again - especially since it was so cheap. I've got a feeling I won't be playing this one much, but at least I won't be missing this one from my collection anymore. Sometimes having a single is just about enough.

My collection: 7" single no. 3613
Found: Kringloop Holland, March 21, 2009
Cost: 0,5 euro
Tracks: 'He's so dull' / 'Make-up'

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Nasty girl - Vanity 6

Thanks to my record collection, I know a thing or two about revisionism. I think I was pretty quick to buy 'Nasty girl' by Vanity 6. It was a chart hit in November 1982, when I was only twelve years old. Pretty strange, when you think about it, that I would buy this saucy song, but on the other hand I was pretty naive and when Vanity sang 'I want seven inches or more' I thought she was talking about records.

When I found out the real meaning I threw the record out of my collection. In the end, it ended up in my brother's record collection. Many years later, in 2002, I came across the single again, and bought it. Despite all of its sexiness (or maybe because of it!) it's a great song.

My collection: 7" single no. 3362
Found: Record fair, Utrecht, 2002
Cost: 1 euro
Tracks: 'Nasty girl' / 'Drive me wild'
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