Oven Ready Durrans


I make candid photographs of people in public spaces. Documenting the humour, mundanity, beauty and inelegance of daily life.

Bristol, UK
Dołączył marzec 2007


Zablokowano @danieldurrans

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  1. Przypięty tweet
    13 cze 2016
  2. 4 godziny temu

    It’s going to be a loud night tonight. There is a queue for the firework shop.

  3. podał/a dalej
    22 godziny temu

    I still can't get over how stark the divide in COVID-19 cases between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is. It's been like this for *months*.

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  4. 19 godzin temu

    I think we just decided that we aren’t staying up till midnight tomorrow night. Only Costa appears to be upset about this.

  5. 30 gru

    Also… Isle of Wight… what on earth are they doing in Tier 4? Of all the places in England you would think that they should be able to eliminate the virus.

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  6. 30 gru

    I am not sure if Rutland should be pleased or worried...

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  7. 30 gru

    The students are returning to next door… one of them appears to have acquired a small jungle over Christmas. I think I counted 10+ plants being taken back into the house.

  8. 30 gru

    The lack of bezel in this dell monitor, and the overhang from the webcam click means I can’t see where to click for the second tab in Chrone.

  9. 29 gru

    I get that a standard form factor makes it easy for lots of reasons, but now you have to actually think about the cable, the charger, the port and what it may or may not be capable of. And that’s assuming you don’t go getting a fake cable that burns your house down off Amazon.

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  10. 29 gru

    Is your cable USB 2, 3, 3.1, or 3.2 ? Is it Thunderbolt 3? Can it do 60W, 100W, Other?

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  11. 29 gru

    Having recently got a laptop with a USB-C port, I am flabberghasted at how complicated the industry has made this simple little port.

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  12. 29 gru

    Is there a way to tell Amazon and Prime that I have no interest in football so don’t litter your homepage with it?

  13. 28 gru

    We have not watched Muppets Christmas Carol yet! And by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’ since Emma hates it.

  14. 28 gru

    I don’t feel painfully or even uncomfortably full this evening. Something must be wrong.

  15. 28 gru

    Come and catch COVID in this luxury resort and petridish.

    Ten tweet jest niedostępny.
  16. 27 gru

    Emma took a photo!

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  17. 27 gru

    This evening I made a rather good chateaubriand in a red wine sauce. Making the demo-glace was a bit of a faff but I am happy with the result. No photo because I ate it (the food, not the photo).

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  18. 26 gru

    I feel like I feel whenever I visit the USA... slightly too full all the time but also there is yummy food everywhere.

  19. 26 gru

    I think I should try to fit a mince pie in somewhere… maybe some ice cream.

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  20. 26 gru

    And we are back to feeling painfully full again.

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  21. 26 gru

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