yung walken


value-form reductionist | trade unionist

bas lag
Participa desde setembro de 2019


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    2 de jul.
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    me watching all that’s solid melt into air: haha fuck yeah! yes! me facing with sober senses my real conditions of life: well this fucking sucks! what the fuck

  2. há 6 horas

    anyways thanks to the australian lady i guess for making me work through the reasons why this particular attempt at le epic own was so awful. also reminds me that everyone is trying to bring back the IWW when we should be trying to rebirth something like the knights of labor 💪😎

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  3. há 6 horas

    we can come up with all kinds of answers for why this historical phase of the mov't has been overcome (by capital and/or itself) but only a sectarian ruthlessly obsessed with who has or had the right ideas or whatever could seriously dismiss that entire epoch in american history

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  4. há 6 horas

    this was nothing less than the real movement.. and when that connection b/t militant workers and communism was severed by the 40s (as a process) it meant the loss of a diverse homegrown rank and file radicalism that, with few exceptions, we haven't recovered to this day

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  5. há 6 horas

    focusing on line and leadership and relation to bourgeois political parties misses the fact that 1860s-1940s saw tens of millions of workers fighting heroically: sometimes winning sometimes losing, sometimes breaking with capital's power sometimes being recuperated, etc

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  6. há 6 horas

    what's lost dismissing the CPUSA of the 30s-40s is the historical continuity of the workers mov't all the way back to the 1860s from the KoL to the SP to the IWW. it's easy to critique the leadership of any of these groups, but the CPUSA represented more than just the soviet line

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  7. há 9 horas

    go to the ham get the carving knife and stab me right here

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  8. há 10 horas

    under no circumstances do you have to hand it to livia soprano

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  9. retweetou
    há 14 horas

    feeling happy for liberals who spent all that effort helping push the “anarchist agitator” narrative for months & now get to see their efforts realized as whole cities are designated “anarchist jurisdictions” but lack the selfawareness to interpret this as a consequence. blissful

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  10. há 15 horas

    restarted and i’m going for livonian order —> protestant —> kurland

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  11. há 16 horas

    turns out i’m not nearly good enough at eu4 to play the knights hospiteiller

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  12. há 18 horas

    when they say twitter rots brains they’re not wrong

  13. há 19 horas

    the AT post of course not the good carthago rejoinder post ofc

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  14. há 19 horas
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  15. retweetou
    há 22 horas

    checking in on the news this morning of my completely normal and healthy country

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  16. 21 de set.

    read half the manifesto, brand yourself as a marxist then use your brand to pitch TERF articles to post millennial and rebel news come on jack

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  17. 21 de set.

    i just found out about the field marshal anna slatz.. wow

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  18. 20 de set.

    somehow i think the world has far more to fear from americanized pigs than africanized bees

  19. 20 de set.

    y'all just a bunch of gray helpers who think they tokyo dragonmen smh

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  20. 20 de set.

    'under the constitution' is the 'uhhh ACKTUALLY' of 2020

  21. 20 de set.

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