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David Price on the CIA’s Book Publishing Operations 
Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark on the Left and Europe’s Racism

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Cowboys, Ranchers and Hedge Fund Managers…Oh My!

(To protect the guilty and for fear of retribution, this essay does not use real names. Rich land owners in this part of the world tend to keep us common folk intimidated and quiet through liberal deployment of lawyers. Other than proper names, everything else is factual.) Yesterday and today I watched a cow farmer More

Living in the World of the Late John Frankenheimer

The year 2020 is a time of high anxiety not unlike 1918 when the last year of the First World War One coincided with the first year of the Spanish Flu.  Far more lives were lost in those calamities: 20 million in the case of the First World War; 50 to 100 million in the Spanish Flu.  Nevertheless, the United States faced a free and fair election in 1920 that produced a new president from a different political party.  The decade that followed was known as the “Roaring Twenties.”   More

Albuquerque Police Work Closely with Company Investigated for Child Pornography and Targeted by National Security Agency, Documents Show

The Albuquerque Police Department (APD) works closely with a data management company whose CEO was investigated by the New Mexico Office of Attorney General (NMOAG) in 2018 for allowing users on its network to store and distribute child pornography. This same CEO, whose company hosts APD’s website, was at the center of a massive National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence gathering operation in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, according to BlueLeaks documents leaked by the hacking group Anonymous in June 2020 and documents leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013. More

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