Friday, September 04, 2020

Absolute staunchness

Someone so staunch . . . someone so chosen  . . . someone who's one of the people . . . you'd think he would look happier:

Absolute gold . . .

24 carat

The blight of my panini life . . .

Never forgotten, never forgiven . . .

Sign me up . . .

Why the hell did I save this pic? Self-loathing?

Confession time . . .

. . . I preferred Swap Shop over Tiswas as a kid. Give me toys beyond my financial reach over mayhem, anarchy and adverts any day:

Holding the country to ransom . . .

Don't mind me; just trying to free up 5mb on my hard drive by posting - and deleting - old pics found on the computer:

The Chalk Man

That 138 checkout . . .

Spooked . . .

Did a tech-ninja break into apartment one afternoon and place all these dart pics on the laptop? I don't remember any of these . . .

How many old dart pics do I have hidden on the computer?

No, this is Phil Taylor. Giving it large against Ray Barneveld.


Some people have porn on their computer. It turns out I have old pictures of dart players. Ted Sankey on the left . . . the other bloke? Don't have a scooby.