U.S. Economy

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Why the US Economy Is Stronger Than the Eurozone's

U.S. Economy


Debt and recession in the United States are big problems. But in both cases, metrics show a better situation in the US than in the eurozone.

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Trump's Spending Is Delaying a Recovery. Biden Would Be Even Worse.

Taxes and SpendingU.S. Economy


Debt matters, even if interest rates are low. Increasing debt and spending means lower growth and weaker real wages in the future.

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A Never-Ending Story of Bailouts, Moral Hazard, and Low Economic Growth

Cronyism and CorporatismU.S. EconomyU.S. History


The history of bailouts in the United States is a record of broken promises and growing moral hazard.

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Some Conservatives Want Americans to Abandon Classical Liberalism. Don't Listen to Them.

U.S. Economy


Some conservatives increasingly reject America's well-established classical liberal traditions of laissez-faire and free choice. These conservatives insist that we need a strong state to "make America great again." They're wrong.

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The End of Civilization?

Global EconomyU.S. Economy

Even if the COVOID-19 virus turns out to be more severe than the skeptics give us reason to think it is, we can get through it. We cannot survive the end of the division of labor. It would be the finish of civilization as we know it.

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The Fed Is a One-Trick Pony

Financial MarketsMonetary PolicyU.S. Economy


Printing up paper money—which is the Fed's solution to nearly everything—will not bring about a miraculous replacement of the lost goods and services or repair broken supply chains.

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US Mandatory Spending Projected to Increase Over a Trillion Dollars by 2023

Taxes and SpendingU.S. Economy


Even if discretionary spending stays flat, total government outlays are estimated to increase by more than $1 trillion, significantly above any measure of tax revenues. And that is without considering a possible recession.

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The ABC of a Market Economy

Free MarketsU.S. EconomyInterventionism


This immense cooperative system is known as a free-market economy. It was not consciously planned by anybody. It evolved.

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Conservatism: A Vanishing Tradition

U.S. EconomyPhilosophy and Methodology


Today's neoconservatives have found common cause with the Left in destroying those who disagree with them. In fact, this habit of denying a forum to any and all dissenters has a long tradition in the conservative movement.

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The Feds Spend More on National-Debt Interest Than You Think

U.S. Economy


As the government continues to pile up trillion dollar deficits, when interest rates return to a historical norm, interest payments on the national debt may exceed payments to Social Security recipients.

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