
Displaying 1 - 10 of 392

Sound Money Is Key to Defending Our Liberties

BitcoinMoney and BanksStrategy


Ludwig von Mises viewed sound money as a limit on government power and as "an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. "

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Why the State Seeks to Abolish Both Tradition and History

StrategyU.S. HistoryWorld History


The best way to think about tradition is to view it like capital accumulation. Knowledge is accumulated through countless centuries of trial and error. The state seeks to destroy historical consciousness and old ways of life to secure power.

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America's Riots Are Just the Latest Version of Marxist "Syndicalism"

SocialismStrategyThe Police State


Syndicalism is direct violent action against the institutions of capitalism, such as security forces, and especially property owned by businesses. This approach is often adopted by Marxists, socialists, and fascists as a means of gaining power.

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Why Americans Are Looking for a Safe Haven from the Dollar

Monetary PolicyStrategyTaxes and Spending


As confidence in the dollar falls, Americans put more of their money in gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies. State governments can help this process along by deregulating sound money.

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Why I Write

StrategyPolitical Theory


After years of working as a DC journalist, Bovard found that "the more oppressive the government acted, the more slavish the press became."

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More Laws Mean More Police Brutality

Legal SystemStrategyThe Police State


Every law must ultimately be enforced using the police power of the state. For those who resist, this means violent arrest and imprisonment. Or worse.

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The COVID-19 Panic Shows Us Why Science Needs Skeptics

HealthMedia and CultureStrategy


Every major scientific advance challenged the “settled science” of its day and was often denounced as pernicious and false, even dangerous.

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Repealing Useless and Abusive Laws Might Do More Good Than "Defunding" the Police

Legal SystemStrategyThe Police State


"Defunding" the police isn't likely to actually lessen the control the state has over our lives. But repealing countless laws that give police far too much power would certainly help.

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How the Monopoly Power of Police Agencies Encourages Abuse

StrategyThe Police State


Whether or not race is a factor, the monopoly power enjoyed by police agencies (and other government agencies) creates the conditions likely to lead to more abuse of power.

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COVID Ethics: It's Immoral to Confine Innocent People Who Might Be a Threat

HealthStrategyPhilosophy and Methodology


The possibility that someone might pose a threat to another at a future time is not sufficient reason to revoke a person's property rights.

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