Legal System

Displaying 1 - 10 of 1438

Why Freedom of Association Is So Important

Book ReviewsLegal SystemPhilosophy and Methodology


Tyrants inevitably work to destroy private associations. Such associations are outside of their control and are an alternative pole of allegiance, and therefore must be eliminated.

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Rothbard and Double Restitution

Legal SystemPhilosophy and Methodology


Economists who have written on punishment find Rothbard's “double restitution” idea puzzling, because they think about it only in terms of economic efficiency. But Rothbard's theory is based on a moral principle.

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The Feds Want to Snoop on Your Encrypted Data. It's "for the Children."

Big GovernmentLegal SystemThe Police State


Although governments continue to insist "it's for the children," we should never go back to the dark ages of privacy before easy-to-use encryption. Nor should we allow a "back door" for governments to access our data.

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How Germany's Lockdowns Have Fostered Resentment and Violence among the Nation's Youth

Legal SystemMedia and CultureThe Police State


The economic and social damage done by lockdowns in Germany has fallen largely on the young, especially as older workers hold most of the secure and lucrative government jobs.

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More Laws Mean More Police Brutality

Legal SystemStrategyThe Police State


Every law must ultimately be enforced using the police power of the state. For those who resist, this means violent arrest and imprisonment. Or worse.

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What the Supreme Court Got Right in Its Indian Tribe Ruling

Decentralization and SecessionLegal System


The Supreme Court this week limited a state government's control over what is supposed to be a sovereign Indian tribe. The next step lies in limiting federal control over the tribe also. 

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Repealing Useless and Abusive Laws Might Do More Good Than "Defunding" the Police

Legal SystemStrategyThe Police State


"Defunding" the police isn't likely to actually lessen the control the state has over our lives. But repealing countless laws that give police far too much power would certainly help.

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The Problem with "Wandering" Police Officers

Legal SystemThe Police State


Some police officers are able to easily get rehired by law enforcement agencies even though they were forced out of other departments for misconduct. That's a problem.

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Abolishing the Police Won't Mean Abolishing State Violence

Legal SystemMedia and CultureThe Police State


The Left believes that we need the state to force people to act in line with "social justice." This means that somebody must force compliance with state edicts, even if those people aren't called "police."

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