
Displaying 1 - 10 of 67

The Fed Promises More Dollar Destruction

InflationThe FedMonetary Policy


A zero interest rate policy, unlimited asset buying, Wall Street bailouts, etc. This is a never-ending monetary accommodation that leaves you asking: What else will the Fed do after inflation averaging?

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We're Headed toward Stagnation—Unless the Fed Reins In Its Money Printing

Booms and BustsInflationThe Fed


Eventually, loose monetary policy will damage real savings to the point that the economy can no longer sustain sufficient economic growth. At that point, it will become clear that money printing can't create economic growth.

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Bankruptcies Rise Despite Trillions in New Liquidity

Booms and BustsInflationFinancial Markets


Liquidity only disguises risk; it does not resolve solvency issues driven by collapsing cash flows while costs remain elevated.

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The Fed's Latest Lie: It Can Make Everything Go Back to Normal

Booms and BustsInflationThe Fed


The mother of all monetary stimuli could turn out to be worse than a dud—a catalyst to a slide into further recession just as the supply shock of pandemic recedes.

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The Fed Now Wants Even More Inflation. The Old "2 Percent Target" Wasn't Enough.

InflationThe FedMonetary Policy


The most important insight of the Fed's move to increase its inflation target is this: central banks don't much like to follow "rules." They make the rules.

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Protectionism and "Weak Dollar" Trade Policy

InflationMonetary Policy

Those who advocate for a "weak dollar" to encourage trade with American firms show how little confidence there is in American industry. Meanwhile, cheapening the dollar punishes savers and ordinary workers.

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The Social and Economic Side Effects of Negative Interest Rates

InflationCapital and Interest Theory


Negative interest rates lead to zombie firms, rampant consumerism, and growing obstacles to entrepreneurship. 

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2020 Will Be a Record-Breaking Year for Debt. How Long Can This Last?

InflationThe FedTaxes and Spending


We’re in a terminal debt spiral. The only question is how long it will last until the patient succumbs.

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A Poor Understanding of Monetary Theory Leads to Disastrous Government Policies

Booms and BustsInflationTaxes and Spending


Since government creates nothing itself, all interventions are nothing more than transfers of wealth for the benefit of some and the destruction of wealth for everyone else.

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How Fear and Uncertainty Drives Demand for Gold

InflationFinancial Markets


Demand for gold tends to increase as faith in government and government intervention in the economy declines.

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