This show features a personal and revealing interview of Comic Dave Smith by Jeff Deist. It shows a side of Dave you haven't seen before—so don't miss it.
Although it's easier to buy guns in Indiana and Wisconsin than in Chicago, homicide rates are lower in those states than in either Illinois or Chicago.
Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss the differences in how legislative bodies function, and look at what makes the Federal government so uniquely dangerous to liberty.
It appears many Indians and Brazilians and Chinese are willing to risk the global warming for a chance at experiencing even a small piece of what wealthy first-world climate activists have been enjoying all their lives.
When a parent leaves the work force to focus on parenting, this shows up in government stats as lower employment and less consumer spending — suggesting a less productive economy. But that's not what's going on at all.
The resurgent claim that the modern economy was built on slavery is yet another attempt to attack capitalism while also claiming "we are all to blame" for slavery. The slave owners of old tried a very similar tactic.