
Displaying 1 - 10 of 1145

Albert Jay Nock, Radical

BiographiesU.S. History


Nock despised plutocratic conservatism, and rightly saw Herbert Hoover as the embodiment of this point of view. Above all, Albert Jay Nock hated militarism and intervention in foreign wars.

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Richard Cobden: Exemplar of Liberty, Property, and Peace

BiographiesProtectionism and Free TradeWorld History


Richard Cobden today is an underappreciated hero of peace and freedom in trade, and he fought the power of the state at every turn.

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Keynes Called Himself a Socialist. He Was Right.

BiographiesSocialismWorld History


John Maynard Keynes's supporters still insist that he was a mild and benign liberal. In truth, Keynes supported the blood-soaked Soviet regime and called himself a socialist. 

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Wilhelm Roepke, RIP

BiographiesHistory of the Austrian School of Economics


In the midst of moral and intellectual decay, Roepke was an inflexible harbinger of the return to reason, honesty and sound political practice.

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Ray Dalio's Hollow Lament

BiographiesMoney and BanksTaxes and SpendingPolitical Theory


Dalio played the game, by the rules of the game. Now he appears to say, "I've got mine, let's change the rules."

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Herb Kelleher and the Free-Market Fight for Southwest

BiographiesThe EntrepreneurFree Markets


Big firms that dominate the marketplace have never had much of a problem with government regulations that keep new competitors from springing up.

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Murray Rothbard RIP



Today is the 24th anniversary of Murray Rothbard's death. Rothbard had a consistent vision of the good society throughout his long career.

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Frank Fetter and the Austrians

BiographiesHistory of the Austrian School of EconomicsOther Schools of Thought


Fetter is mostly neglected today, but he had a powerful influence on practically every Austrian economist in the first half of the 20th century.

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