
Hello and welcome to lifesfinewhine! My name is Pooja. I'm Kenyan but currently living in Canada. I am studying history and sociology at university at the moment. I love writing, reading, music and more! Thank you for stopping by little corner of the Internet! This blog includes a majority of lifestyle, travel, mental health, beauty, [...]

How Moving Abroad Changed My Life

How Moving Abroad Changed My Life

Moving Abroad A few years ago I moved from Kenya to Canada to study abroad and get my undergraduate degree. As you can imagine this was a huge change in my life and a lot changed after I moved. I have been in Canada for about three years now and a lot has changed in [...]

Why Retail Stores Are Using Branded Logo Face Masks? (Guest Post)

Face masks have not remained useful only as protective gear but have become an important part of our wardrobe with other apparel. New and unique designs of masks are finding their way in the stores and people are demanding branded logo face masks matching with their main outfits. Face masks have become an effective way [...]

Advice For New Bloggers #2

Advice For New Bloggers #2

Advice For New Blogger Continued A while ago I wrote a post with advice for new bloggers and that post was strictly to help them stay careful, safe and to better understand blogging. You can read that post by clicking here.  I think when it comes to blogging there are some things you can only [...]

Pray And Praise God Without Ceasing

By Tangie T. Woods Have there been times you did not feel like reading your Bible? What about times not wanting to pray? Have you ever felt weary and did not know the reasons? This happened to me on the morning of Thursday, August 20, 2020. When I woke up something was amiss and I [...]

Inspirational Quote

Inspirational Quote

I really hope you guys enjoyed the quote! I know I usually post multiple posts however I am having an awful day because one of my neighbours decided to make a bunch of noise super early in the morning and it went on forever so I'm running on like four hours of sleep and I [...]

Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you! I want to thank Forever Serene for nominating me for this award. She has an awesome blog with posts about life, narcissism, blogging, poetry and more. Be sure to check out her blog by clicking here.  Rules (1) Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog. (2) [...]

The Small Joys Tag

The Small Joys Tag

Thank you! I want to thank Tia from tallblondetales for nominating me for this awesome tag! I know that this year has been filled with a lot of negativity but I think it's always a good idea to remember the positives and be grateful for the small joys in life. Tia has a really awesome [...]

Art And Anxiety #2

Art And Anxiety #2

As you guys may know I have started doing some art again. I have talked about it in a couple of my other posts and I thought I would give you guys an update because I have been doing a lot more art these days and I also have kind of gotten the hang of [...]