Showing posts with label My word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My word. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Only on Christmas...

Well hello there boys and girls, it's your old pal Dirty CARL here to wish you a very happy holiday on this stupid, piece of shit day we call Christmas. Now, I know what you're thinking... "Carl, how can you say that about Christmas? It's the birthday of baby Jesus!" Not the religious type? Ne neither. Maybe you're thinking "Carl, Christmas time is a time for families to be together and exchange gifts. It's the one day where everyone puts their differences aside and remembers how much they love each other."

If you're thinking that, then you've hit the nail on the head, which coincidentally sends it through a hand, which in turn drives it into a crudely fashioned cross. Am I going to Hell? Certainly folks!

Anyway, this is the second Christmas where I find myself wishing I was hanging from a tree because I don't get to spend it with my children. It's the second Christmas that I get to depressedly stare at the pile of gifts that I bought for them and sink into this completely blackened muck of a state of mind.

Don't worry too much though. I'm like a cockroach. Nuclear blasts can't stop the kid.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today's Yum!

Say no at first... but I dare any red blooded, 'hated by bro's male' to deny the fact that if you were having a shitty time anywhere... and this showed up... station wagon, with wood panel and all... that you wouldn't tell your friends that you were in love?

Yeah, I noticed the defnined chin.
Where else will your balls fall so comfortably?
Think gentlemen... think.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012


Hello to all of you. This includes my vintage readers as well as my newer friends. I picked today to write a message to you. I'll begin.

I guess the first thing I should do is address the reason I haven't made this site a free for all download spot in a long time. Simply put, I'd love to spend more time uploading and sharing my ass off, but as luck would have it, my outside of the internet life needs a great deal of attention and at the end of the day I simply don't have the energy to lift a pencil, much less scour the record bins trying to find that rare 60's garage stomper "Baby likes leather" by Alfred and the Nubile Chums.*

That's not to say that I won't drop a little gem here and there. For close to a year and a half I've been wetting myself over this mixtape series I've been doing called The Dirty Carl Show. I hope you folks have taken advantage of the series. I for one enjoy them when cocktailling.

As always, I'm true to you. I hope you dig what I'm doing and I also hope that you look both ways while crossing the street. Cars. They hurt.

Anyway, keep riding your bikes, loving your women, telling the truth, staying fed, and giving it your best shot!


*Not a real band

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My favorite guy from World War Z

Paul Redeker/Xolelwa Azania: Designer of the Redeker Plan; the public pictured him as a heartless man, although this is still being debated on. Called an angel and a devil because of his plan, seeing as he was willing to sacrifice thousands to save the human race. Many members of the South African government opposed his plan but were convinced after Nelson Mandela embraced Redeker stating that "This man will save our people." Subsequently went insane and began living under the identity Xolelwa Azania.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Dirty Carl Show Vol. 24 - Beasts.

                                            Click here for Dirty Carl # 24

Okay folks, Carl is a drunkard. Yep. Now that that little hidden fact is blown for cover, I'd like y'all to cocktail heavily to this. It's Dirty Carl # 24 and it's guaranteed to have you looking for your socks once they've been thoroughly rocked off.

You could be alone, but it's better if you ain't. You don't wanna waste all that ridiculous dancing alone, do you?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Break out your old cassingles, baby!

I heard about this from some fellow music appreciators at MESSMEUP. Not a bad idea considering cassettes are popular right now and some releases are cassette only. It seems a little bulky, but I don't know anyone who complained about their Walkman.

Read about this shit...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I like bikes!

Golden State

My Kitchen

Her name is Meg.

It's gonna be a hipster winter.

This isn't the normal thing I write about, but this weekend at Target you'll be able to pick up these limited edition Warhol soup cans as a tribute to his (easy money) 32 Soup Cans installation. Something tells me that a whole lot of cats will have these as decoration in their lofts, studios, flats, and cardboard boxes. Well, maybe that last bunch would be more inclined to eat what's in the can.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dirty Carl Show # 23

Hey there knuckle draggers, it's me... your old pal Carl. I don't have a great deal to tell you, but for the sake of conversation...

I killed a man last night.

Enjoy The Dirty Carl Show Volume # 23. It's a rocker for those dog day afternoons. Just click the link and get out of the stink!

1. Doctor Fine - Bob Seger System
2. Death trip - JT. IV
3. New connection - Useless Eaters
4. You've no idea - Charlie and the Moonhearts
5. Pantyhose - Epsilons
6. Slave - The Germs
7. Sex beat - Gun Club
8. Can't sleep - John Wesley Coleman III
9. Drill - Oblivians
10. Carol Anne - Thee Oh Sees
11. Nike a go go - Misfits
12. Be a caveman - Ty Segall
13. Pain - Upholsterers
14. Tight squeeze - Useless Eaters
15. Plump righteous - King Khan & BBQ
16. Ain't no woman - The Flies
17. Higher - The Memories
18. Green balloon - White Fence
19. No sugar mama - Von Bondies
20. Call me - Reigning Sound
21. You're doing it with her - Rhetta Hughes
22. You made a believer out of me - Ruby Andrews
23. Back End - MF Doom
24. The loner - Mastabeta
25. If I didn't care - Tiny Tim (outro)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Is this a good idea?

Or is it a "free rape" pass if she forgets to fill it out and the cabbie's a degenerate? Without a doubt.

Bad idea. Also a good idea (if the cabbie is swell and harmless). Not the rape part, asshole.

If you ever rape someone you deserve a dick chop that every scimitar in the land will be jealous of. If a girl wants to fuck you, she will and she'll know pretty early on. No amount of flowers, sweet poems, or money will change her mind unless she's a soulless fly trap. Who wants that anyway? Even if she does have a great ass...

There's no one like... me. I think?

I think this was dedicated to me on a liquor filled evening. I mean, there was a finger being pointed at me and some lip synching. :)

But basically it was just a drunk girl singing.

Either way... good song.

Tonight's yum!

I'm not much in the mood for wild, drunken sex this evening. I mean, I wouldn't say no or anything like that. I just want to have a cocktail or four with someone who's down to earth... and loves to make out. Hee hee.

The sweet lass above has that look. Well, appearances can be decieving and this might be an image of a spoiled dominatrix riding home after beating a mans balls with a patent leather heel. Who knows?

Be advised: Things are slow while I process yet another round of "back to square one" However, there's a new Dirty Carl peeking around the corner. It's looking at you and it has a lot to say about you too. Oh, snap!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Having a heart is definitely bad for me...

Brendan Benson - Bad for me

Well here it goes again
Another losing streak
Guess I'm on a roll
I haven't got a chance 
I'm too weak
She sucks my soul
And this St Christopher 
That hangs around my neck
Has got to be a fake
'Cause I crash every time
The same old wreck
The same mistake
And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A little reminder of what hasn't happened yet
Well maybe she's bad for me
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need
Are the same to me
In the end

And there is a voice in my head saying no
But my mouth says yes
I should stop I know but I really wanna go
it's okay I guess

And I've played with fire so many times before
Guess I'll never learn
Just like an addict I keep coming back for more
Come to love that burn
And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A Little reminder of what hasn't happened yet

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me

There is a feeling that I get deep in my gut
But I pay no mind
Instinct out of sync but so what 
Love is blind 

And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A Little reminder of what hasn't happened yet

She's gonna be the death of me
Here it comes again
The only leaf left on the tree
And blowing in the wind

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me
In the end
In the end

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July yum!

I am in the process of figuring out what I'd like to eat. So far it's only been cigarettes and whiskey. I'm not sure what food will suit me today. I will say that my neighbor is cooking tons of carne asada and the smell is driving me crazy in the best possible way. 


Happy Independence Day to everyone who celebrates it. I'm pretty sure that most folks are smiling today and gathered around BBQ pits with friends and family. I'm aware that there are approximately seven hundered and fifty thousand drunken uncles that will do something off putting on this day more than other day of the year. Not me.

I will spend the day washing my hands and heart of everything that makes it feel less than sparkly. And why not? There isn't any sense in being dirty (unless she asks for it) and besides, the heart, like an engine, cannot run as intended if it gets too much build up in and around its movable parts. Keep it clean string bean.

I will say one thing though... I'm really put off by how many times I get close to feeling like I finally reach bliss only to discover that I've been standing in a mud puddle. It sucks pretty bad to continuously be back at square one, (is this board game rigged?) but I guess practice makes perfect, right?

I'm also convinced that it's timing that is really the enemy of love and happiness. It isn't me. However, it's easy to start blaming yourself and sometimes it is appropriate to do so, but lately it's just timing. I mean, am I a fool for wanting to spend my time loving someone or am I a fool for wanting to love people who are in less than perfect emotional states? I'll go with the latter.

So, while I'm busy being forced to gather my tools at the drawing board, I hope the rest of you are rocking and rolling and hugging and kissing and laughing and drinking and dancing your little hearts out today! Have fun. I mean it. Also, there's no watermelon like free watermelon... just don't forget to spit out the seeds, ya dig?

Dirty Carl # 22 happens later on today. Stay dutifully tuned you beautiful goons.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today's yum!

Officially hungry. Heading to Subway for a spicy Italian.

The heart is magic/ tragic.

If there's anything I will never understand, it's why the human heart is so insane? I mean, one second you could have a machete in your hands hacking your way through a train station and not giving a fuck about whose Aunt is laying on the ground in a sputtering, wet mess or what clergyman will have to return to his flock missing two of his fingers because he really, really assumed that a hand made of flesh and bone was an adequate shield against a finely sharpened two foot blade.

However, the next minute the human heart is sitting on a leaky canoe heading toward the falls. It knows it won't be able to fight the force of the water, but yet it still beats as if it has even the slightest chance in Hell. It tells itself that it will make it and once it hits the calmer parts of the river everything will be fine and then it'll be able to sit with its amazed friends and retell the story dozens of times over a few rounds of microbrews. Everyone will most certainly laugh and a good time will definitely be had by all in the room.

Do you remember your teenage years when you had a pretty intense crush on someone, but for some reason you couldn't figure out, they didn't feel the same way about you? On the flip side, maybe you were the apple of someones eye, but you had no interest in them? That's real pain that the beholder tends to feel. You've known it, your sister has known it, your mom has known it at some point. We all know it, but we all do the same thing... we try to focus our minds on happier things or mindless distractions or meaningless flings. Real, excruciating pain and the attempted avoidance of it makes this happen. Some have described this particular feeling as a knife going through their heart. Others have said their heart felt like it was crushed beneath the weight of a tank. Either way, no matter what words are chosen, it all boils down to the same feelings: despair, lonliness, and becoming self critical. Nobody likes this. Nobody wants this, but settling for sadness is some sort of wicked phase that is as normal as learning to ride a bike or finally beating the end level boss and getting the high score. It has to happen and happen it will.

My friends, if I can call you that... we all have these stupid beaters in our chests and we'll all get ours fucked up into oblivion at some point. There's no avoiding it, so don't try. I mean, there are some people in the world that never seem to be heartbroken. If one relationship goes south, they readily attract a new admirer to fawn over them and keep that beating heart as numb as it could possibly be without stopping entirely. They replace any heart functions with physical pleasures. "Ooh... put it in my ass now, yeah." Those folks are what I refer to as empty shells and it don't matter if you're packin' a penis or pussy. If you're an empty shell, trust me when I say that I know you're full of shit. I know that you absoloutely have to numb yourself to stay sane, but when you finally do break... I'm sure all nearby low laying towns will have to evacuate to avoid drowning in your stupid tears.

Me? I'm canoe bound all the way. I get attached to the feeling of love and the feeling of knowing that there's somebody that gives a shit about you and just wants to hug and squeeze you until you pop. If given the choice of endless money or endless love... I'd blow up every bank in the city and hold the hand of my lady while we laugh at how high the flames travel. I'm happy with one true person. (She can't be too fat either)

There are variations of folks like me. The one that most readily comes to mind is the person who is mad at the one they love and in a single, poorly planned moment, jeapordize their romance and have an affair. I have a few thoughts on this behavior, but the only one I feel like mentioning is that if you are involved in a relationship and you seek pleasure outside of it, then it's time to place the old romance in a bag and leave it at the curb awaiting pick up. I was married for a very long time and contrary to the belief of my ex wife, I was faithful to a fault. I should have acted upon so many sexy invitations, but I didn't because I'm either an idiot or a good man. The jury is still out on that one. Anyway, what happens if you do decide to cheat? What happens if the person you've innappropriately laid with wants to spend more time with you? What if you dream of spending more time with that person? What if you sit around and replay that one special night over and over in your head? What if you look at your lover and want to tell him or her that you've cheated because you're racked with ten million pounds of guilt? Should you tell them? I say no because it could only do more harm than good. It doesn't "clear the air" or "start a clean slate" no way, that type of talk is for assholes. Confessionals only serve to reinforce suspicions forever, make pure moments awkward, and create the possibility of losing the one you love (but if you actually loved that person, why cheat in the first place?)

Well, that's all for me right now. I'm going to relax in my empty nest and give my bottle of tequila a warm hug before I become vampiric and suck its blood until it becomes... an empty shell. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tonight's yum!

All of a sudden I'm feeling hungry.

Dirty Carl Show Vol. 21

Click here to grow your own Morrissey.
Dirty Carl Show Volume # 21

Well, well... look what we have here? I knew you all couldn't stay away for long. Not because I'm nice or friendly or handsome... just because you were curious to see how an eagle could fly so high or how a train could wreck so bad (it depends on who's looking, you know?)

My friends... today is a special night. No, it's not my birthday or the specified date of the apocalypse... it's Dirty Carl Volume # 21 night and I didn't feel like rockin' my ass off. Well, I did, but not in the traditional sense. Tonight I relaxed and got my fill of indie pop while listening to a mixture of airplanes, Spanish language, and laughter right outside of my bedroom window. It was a treat to hear life happening.

If I can say anything tonight... it's that if you are disenchanted with your lover, leave that person at once. You deserve to feel amazing and if loving him or her seems like too much work it truly isn't what you need. Your heart is supposed to feel full of joy, not doubt. Also, you deserve someone who wants to nibble you into oblivion. Ask around... life's too short.

Okay then... enjoy!

Ladies... I'm good with your bodies. Just sayin'... 

1. Tim Cohen - Wonderful life
2. Albert Hammond Jr. - Call an ambulance
3. Magic Kids - Cry with me baby
4. Agent Ribbons - Chelsea, let's go join the circus
5. Allo Darlin' - The letter
6. Camera Obscura - French Navy
7. Hollows - V is for vulture
8. The Intelligence - Little town flirt
9. Hospitality - Friends of friends
10. Essex Green - Mrs. Bean
11. Wreckless Eric - I want to be your happiness
12. Them - Somethin' you got
13. The Raindrops - That boy is messin' up my mind
14. Darwin Deez - Radar detector
15. Jeffrey Novak - Untitled 1
16. Peter, Paul, and Mary - On a desert island dreaming of you
17. Belle & Sebastian - Dear catastrophe waitress
18. Aislers Set - Hey lover
19. Jaqueline Blanchard  - Strange new world
20. A dirty that you used to Carl - Interlude
21. Johnny Rebel - Coon Town
22. The Just Joans - Five bottles of beer