Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Age


Climate change

Biden's radical climate change plan could overturn the world's efforts

Biden's radical climate change plan could overturn the world's efforts

Once viewed with mistrust by climate change activists, Joe Biden's radical plan could supercharge global efforts to embrace serious emissions reduction.

  • by Nick O'Malley


Last season's climate catastrophes cost insurers $5.4b
Extreme weather

Last season's climate catastrophes cost insurers $5.4b

A warming climate is increasing the risk of catastrophic bushfires, damaging hailstorms and powerful cyclones, the country's biggest insurer says.

  • by Peter Hannam
Dawn of 'green steel' and the revival of Australian manufacturing

Dawn of 'green steel' and the revival of Australian manufacturing

A process for making steel without emitting greenhouses gases could not only help Australia tackle climate change but revitalise our industrial heartland.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Government to fund gas and carbon storage via clean energy programs

Government to fund gas and carbon storage via clean energy programs

The government's long-awaited Technology Roadmap confirms its ongoing support for gas and carbon capture and storage according to a leaked draft paper.

  • by Nick O'Malley and Mike Foley
Rupert Murdoch's British papers delayed as climate protesters stop the presses
Extinction Rebellion

Rupert Murdoch's British papers delayed as climate protesters stop the presses

Extinction Rebellion said it took the action to highlight what it regards as the Murdoch-owned newspapers failure to accurately report on climate change.

El Nino lulls lead to harsh floods, fires and droughts: study
Extreme weather

El Nino lulls lead to harsh floods, fires and droughts: study

The swing between El Ninos and La Ninas in the Pacific, operates with a kind of memory, with periods of low activity followed by stints of more extreme events. 

  • by Peter Hannam
The Chief Scientist’s critics are wrong about natural gas

The Chief Scientist’s critics are wrong about natural gas

Without gas, the transition to renewables will be slower and we will need to burn more coal to keep the lights on.

  • by Richard Bolt
UK conservatives' action on climate change 'stuff of dreams', NSW Premier tells Theresa May
Paris Agreement

UK conservatives' action on climate change 'stuff of dreams', NSW Premier tells Theresa May

The UK Conservative Party's unified and effective climate policy is an example to all centre-right governments, Gladys Berejiklian has told Theresa May.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Battle weary: as fire season looms, volunteers still coping with the last one

Battle weary: as fire season looms, volunteers still coping with the last one

While a political battle over the findings of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry brews, those who survived last summer's fires are still processing what happened.

  • by Peter Hannam and Nick O'Malley
Nation 'woefully unprepared' for climate change, business groups warn
Paris Agreement

Nation 'woefully unprepared' for climate change, business groups warn

A coalition of business, union, environmental and welfare groups believes that Australia is ill-prepared for climate change and needs a systematic national response

  • by Nick O'Malley
The business case for fixing Australia's systemic failures on climate change

The business case for fixing Australia's systemic failures on climate change

The nation is ill-prepared and that will hurt the economy, but we can make the changes needed to secure our wellbeing.

  • by Emma Herd