Industrial Workers of the World

One Big

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Our Union

An injury to one is an injury to

The IWW is a worker-led union dedicated to direct action, workplace democracy, and industrial unionism.

We want our workplaces run for the benefit of workers and their communities rather than for a handful of bosses.

IWW members are organizing to win better conditions today and to build a better world tomorrow.


Read the latest IWW news in our official union publications.

Looking to get in touch your local IWW branch?​

Contact the IWW's Organizing Department and take one of your first steps towards organizing your workplace! We'll send you a follow-up email as soon as possible.

Be sure to check your spam folder for our follow-up response!

This form is sent to the IWW North American Regional Administration’s Organizing Department. If you’re outside the United States, Canada, or Mexico, look at our union directory for IWW contacts in other regions.

Looking for union resources?