Welsh Labour MP Sacked for Voting Against Torture Bill

Beth Winter was the only Labour MP in Wales to vote against the bill, which makes prosecuting torture and other war crimes more difficult for victims.

News, Thursday 24th Septemer

“A New Moment in History”

Fifty Grand in Rent & Facing Eviction During a Pandemic

Wales’ Housing Shame

By GS Thomas 9/10 May 2020

i’m a delivery driver in athens, covid has shown society our value.

Interview by Veronika Merkova, 5 May

4 Minute Read

“We are being sacrificed”

Furious NHS Workers Turn on the Government Over Mounting Covid Deaths

18/19 April, 8 Min Read

unprotected, not tested & risking their lives:

NHS Workers Fighting Covid-19 Speak Out

11/12 April, 20 Min Read

Pain, Anger & Solidarity on the Coronavirus Frontline:

What Italy Can Teach Us