Welcome To My Blog

Thanks for checking the blog out... Hope it offers something a bit different every now & again. Though I come from a pseudo - Mod background (Soul & Ska in particular), I have a diverse taste in music & hope my varied posts will reflect this.

Cheers Skamanc .... I'm not after your undying gratitude, but please leave your thoughts, comments & opinions on the posts & content. I regularly up- & download material, plus buy and trade items. As such, if I have inadvertently "trodden on anyone's toes" in posting anything then please let me know & accept my apologies. Also please support the artists involved & remember that the blog is merely a pointer toward these various downloads, which are stored elsewhere. Legally, any downloads should not be retained for more than a week. So now I've told you the legal bit !

Feel free to give me a shout : waltjabsco@hotmail.com

Manchester M22, September 2016

For my kids, Dylan & Tommy. Bollocks to the ex Mrs!

Special thanks to Steve White (software), Gordon Waring (music), Shaun Robinson (artwork), Paul Buddery (DVD's / software) & Sonchey Barrett (essential technical advice!).

"Thank you" also to regular contributors Herr Pauli (Malente, Germany), Phil (Shetland), Deco Mc Dermott & Mark Pengelly of Dublin, Martin Smith (Barnet), Paul Baily (London) and Rodd (Australia).

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Decent collection of live Jack Bruce BBC Sessions. Originally released as part of a box set. Bruce is a true - one off, and a virtuoso in Classical, Rock & Jazz circles, as well as one of the very finest bassists I've heard....

Yeah... another month is upon us & thank f u c k it's almost Autumn time. I am still searching for an appropraite subject for the fast approaching 1000th post...

Other than that, I'm still the same miserable twat of old... still a fitter @ Halfords & am going back to college in September. Despite my prowess as a Level 3 Auto Electrician, it seems I am unable to go straight into L3 Mechanics so its back to the bottom and part 2...

HATFIELD & THE NORTH : The Rotters' Club (1975)

HATFIELD & THE NORTH : Hatfield & The North (1974)