Roadworks ahead

31 December 2012 The government is backing the largest road building programme in 25 years. Andrea Needham reports

Dare to fail, dare to win

30 December 2012 Only by accepting that we may fail will we take the risks that may lead to a better world, argues Mike Marqusee

Radicals at the table – Natalie Bennett interview

22 December 2012 Natalie Bennett, the new Green Party leader, speaks to Andrew Bowman and Michael Calderbank

We won’t be told – Argentina’s horizontalism

20 December 2012 Everyday Revolutions: horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina, by Marina A Sitrin, reviewed by Isabelle Koksal

Editorial: Solidarity against the border

17 December 2012 To really win migrant rights we need to organise a politics that goes beyond borders, writes James O'Nions

Mythbuster: Immigration – the real story

17 December 2012 Isabelle Koksal counters the right wing myths with some facts and figures

Common cause in labour

16 December 2012 In France, Italy and elsewhere, migrants are organising, not just against racism but for their rights as workers. Vittorio Longhi reports

Essay: Europe’s hard borders

16 December 2012 Matthew Carr investigates the brutal border regimes of our ‘gated continent’ and suggests the possibility of a different politics of solidarity

The people behind the prejudice

16 December 2012 As part of Red Pepper's special issue on migration, Guy Taylor tells some stories of migrants' real lives

Books in red wrapping paper

15 December 2012 Philosophy Football's Mark Perryman introduces his best left-wing books of 2012 for a hopeful materialist's seasonal gift list

A spanner in the works of university privatisation

14 December 2012 Max Watson of London Metropolitan University’s Unison branch describes how its members helped stave off privatisation proposals at the university

Generating terror in Guatemala

12 December 2012 Nick Dearden traces the legacy of World Bank-funded development in Guatemala through massacres, massive public debt and continued poverty for the majority

No better model

12 December 2012 The Making of Global Capitalism: the political economy of American empire, by Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin, reviewed by Patrick Bond

Call this art?

10 December 2012 The Artist Placement Group brought artistic practice to British workplaces in the 1960s and 1970s. Janna Graham reviews a new exhibition of their work

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about the death of the coalition

7 December 2012 'Conservatives have never truly been convinced by this country’s experiment with universal suffrage'

Organising to survive in Greece

5 December 2012 Tonia Katerini of Syriza describes the social solidarity movement rising as Greeks struggle for survival

Dawn of a new danger

5 December 2012 The world’s media has gone into a panic about Greek fascists Golden Dawn. Here, Yiorgos Vassalos examines their neo-Nazi politics and the reasons for their support

If they can do it, we can too – cleaners get organised

5 December 2012 Lorna Stephenson and Emma Hughes report on cleaners’ success organising against poverty pay

The M word

4 December 2012 Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel, reviewed by Mel Evans

Back to the shop floor

4 December 2012 Edward Webster looks at Working for Ford, by Huw Beynon (1974)

Manufacturing dissent in China

4 December 2012 Geoff Crothall reports on the remarkable success of workers’ movements in China

Leveson: Real change for real journalism

3 December 2012 As the dust on Leveson’s report into media ethics and standards begins to settle, Justin Schlosberg reflects on where it leaves the growing movement for media reform

Lambeth’s short-life sell off

3 December 2012 Lambeth brands itself a ‘co-operative council’ – but it is selling off properties currently run by housing co-ops, reports Lambeth Save Our Services

Care in crisis

3 December 2012 Lorna Stephenson reports on how cuts are hitting elderly care – and what the newly privatised sector looks like

Showing Israel the red card

3 December 2012 As UEFA prepares to stage the 2013 European under-21 championship in Israel, Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi reports on the exclusion of Palestinian footballers

Untouchables: a different way to make sense of Leveson

3 December 2012 Untouchables: dirty cops, bent justice and racism in Scotland Yard, by Michael Gillard and Laurie Flynn, reviewed by Kevin Blowe

G4S: Private muscle for hire

3 December 2012 G4S's Olympic failure hasn’t stopped the government from handing it more services, Tim Hunt reports

Palestine: Learning from the rabbi

3 December 2012 Wrestling in the Daylight: a rabbi’s path to Palestinian solidarity, by Brant Rosen, reviewed by Richard Kuper

Doom at Doha, but hope outside

3 December 2012 As the UN climate summit in Qatar comes to a close, Mads Ryle reports on the grassroots action on climate change that offers a real alternative

The cost of Kazakh oil

2 December 2012 A major strike wave in the oil fields of Kazakhstan has turned into murderous repression by the Nazarbayev government. Gabriel Levy reports

George Lakey: ‘This is about solidarity. Let’s go!’

2 December 2012 Veteran US movement strategist George Lakey talks to Sarah-Jayne Clifton about creating nonviolent revolution

Blue-collar casuals and the spread of precarity

1 December 2012 Union organiser Ewa Jasiewicz looks at the increasing precarity of migrant and agency workers – and how they are fighting back

A Rubicon too far

1 December 2012 Natalie Fenton on why Cameron is scared of implementing Leveson's recommendations.

The second revolution: 1792

1 December 2012 The year 1792 saw demands for social democracy and equality create a revolutionary impulse felt far beyond France, writes Mike Marqusee

Workfare comes to the classroom

1 December 2012 While academies have drawn the headlines, the government’s new ‘studio schools’ are making children work for corporate sponsors. Alex Diaz reports

A Black Thursday for Walmart

30 November 2012 After the Walmart strikes which saw hundreds of workers protesting outside US stores, Kaspar Loftin looks at the company’s oppressive and unfair treatment of employees over the years

Riot from Wrong: An example of what journalism could look like

24 November 2012 Koos Couvée reviews a film about the riots that gives a different point of view

Conference: Latin America 2012

22 November 2012 Get the latest on recent social and economic developments in the continent on Saturday 1 December, at the Latin America 2012 Conference

Protest in solidarity with Palestine

22 November 2012 Join the protest against Israel's attacks on Gaza and the occupation

2012’s literary Christmas tree formation

20 November 2012 Philosophy Football’s Mark Perryman reveals the football books any fan would welcome as an addition to their bookshelf this Christmas

Gaza War: All about politics?

19 November 2012 Abby Martin interviews Phyllis Bennis, Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, about the current escalation of violence in Gaza

Audio: Voices against austerity

16 November 2012 Adam Quarshie talks with supporters of the TUC demonstration outside the Imperial War Museum last month

Super-storms, climate change and war

13 November 2012 Phyllis Bennis reports from Washington DC on the ideological impact of Hurricane Sandy

US elections: Big Bird laughs last

10 November 2012 Ben Trott picks over signs of hope for the left in the US elections

Left leading: Interview with Die Linke leader Katja Kipping

8 November 2012 Emma Dowling speaks to Katja Kipping, new co-chair of Germany's Left Party, about the European crisis and the direction she wants to take the party

Firenze 10+10: Back to Florence

8 November 2012 As Firenze 10+10 begins, Rossana Rossanda discusses how the Left can open a breach in the neoliberal wall

Italy, where did the protest go?

8 November 2012 Donatella Della Porta writes that despite the Eurozone crisis and harsh austerity policies, it seems as if Italy is no longer responding with protest demonstrations anymore

The Italian anomaly goes technical

2 November 2012 Lorenzo Fe writes that opposition to the financial dictatorship will come from the streets of Italy, not from the Italian government

Weekly round-up blog: 2 November

2 November 2012 The week around the web and upcoming actions, with Izzy Koksal

Wages without work

1 November 2012 Revolution at Point Zero by Silvia Federici and The Problem with Work by Kathi Weeks, reviewed by Nicholas Beuret

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