Resist the crackdown on demonstrations

Police Trafalgar square
The lockdown has ended but the crackdown on protests goes on and on. We need to share skills and solidarity to resist police repression.

‘The fight of our lives’ | Interview with Marian Mayer

Marian Mayer, candidate for Vice President of UCU, spoke to rs21 about the fightback in the higher and further education sectors

Review: The Covid-19 Catastrophe

Stacey Williams reviews The Covid-19 Catastrophe, by leading UK medical writer Richard Horton

Interview: Organised and disorganised labour in the Belarus uprising

Protests in Minsk
Siarhei Biareishyk speaks to rs21 about the uprising in Belarus following the falsified re-election of Aliaksandr Lukashenka on 9 August 2020.

Fascism beyond Trump

Trump rally in 2016
Historical comparisons can lead to unhelpful conclusions if not used carefully

Interview: Beirut blast exposed a global system

Beirut port destroyed
Rima Majed spoke to rs21 about the blast that devastated Beirut in the context of an existing political and economic crisis.


Protests in Minsk

Interview: Organised and disorganised labour in the Belarus uprising

Siarhei Biareishyk speaks to rs21 about the uprising in Belarus following the falsified re-election of Aliaksandr Lukashenka on 9 August 2020.
Beirut port destroyed

Interview: Beirut blast exposed a global system

Rima Majed spoke to rs21 about the blast that devastated Beirut in the context of an existing political and economic crisis.

Review: Fortunes of Feminism

Leslie Cunningham reviews Fortunes of Feminism by Nancy Fraser, a critical account of changes in feminist thought in the era of neo-liberalism.

Post-war to post-industrial Scotland

Successive British governments have restructured the Scottish economy in damaging ways. Now we need a radical plan for a de-carbonised and independent Scotland.
Westferry printworks

Johnson’s bonanza for private capital

The Tories are increasing spending, but the money is going to the rich. Adam Blanden argues that this represents the acceleration of Britain’s transformation into a ‘speculator state’.


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