Andrew PerezПідтверджений профіль


Researching at Dig Left. Co-founder . Editing the TMI newsletter. Dog papa. Contact / hire me at

Дата приєднання: лютий 2009


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  1. Закріплений твіт
    28 лют. 2017
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  2. 4 години тому

    Susan Collins and Marco Rubio changed their part of the GOP stimulus after the text was posted online to allow many more corporate lobbying groups to access coronavirus relief funds. No one's calling them out because Dem lawmakers support this shit too

  3. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    Sen. Susan Collins revises Senate GOP coronavirus aid legislation to include more federal bailout money for large lobby groups, including interest groups funding her reelection campaign

  4. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    Let me repeat: GOP lawmakers are trying to simultaneously cut unemployment benefits and funnel cash to corporate lobbying groups bankrolling their campaigns.

  5. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 годин тому

    Labor leaders are so serious about challenging power and standing up for workers that they... [squints at screen in disbelief and anger] ...opposed a mild, non-binding statement of support for guaranteeing medical care to all people

  6. 6 годин тому

    Odds are looking good that Congress cuts unemployment payments in the next COVID relief bill while bailing out corporate lobbying groups. The concept still isn’t getting much attention despite a handful of similar efforts now

  7. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    Susan Collins and Marco Rubio made a last minute change to their portion of the GOP stimulus package to let way more corporate lobbying groups into the Paycheck Protection Program. PhRMA might still qualify!

  8. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    Must read from : The GOP Senate COVID-19 relief bill contains a huge bailout for lobbying groups. Originally, we thought the bailout was minor, but Collins and Rubio changed the bill at the very last minute to make it a massive giveaway.

  9. 6 годин тому

    Marco Rubio's office removed a copy of the PPP legislation from a press release on his website and dropped in a new version with much more favorable terms for corporate lobbying groups. Details here:

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  10. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    SCOOP: The GOP is pushing a bill that would funnel PPP cash to corporate lobby groups boosting their campaigns. The government cash could help those groups free up resources to increase their current ad campaigns in support of GOP Senate candidates.

  11. 6 годин тому

    NEWS: Senate Republicans' stimulus proposal Monday originally shut most corporate lobbying groups out from the PPP. They quietly rewrote the section to let more lobbying groups in before introducing the bill

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  12. ретвітнув(ла)
    20 годин тому

    So I googled “NYPD Warrant Squad” and look what popped up: Looks like this crew specializes in arresting people experiencing homelessness and throwing them in unmarked vans. Cool cool cool cool cool

  13. ретвітнув(ла)
    23 години тому

    A regulation was protecting workers & retirees from being fleeced by financial firms that get paid to steer them into crappy investments Wall Street firms hated the regulation because it cut into their profits - so Trump helped his Wall St donors kill it

  14. ретвітнув(ла)
    22 години тому

    NYC is taking after Portland - a trans femme protestor was pulled into an unmarked van at the Abolition Park protest - this was at 2nd Ave and 25th Street

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  15. 28 лип.

    The exit/entrance poll question phrased to Democratic voters this year specifically asked if they supported eliminating private health insurance in favor of a single government plan. Above water in every state where exit or entrance polls were conducted

  16. ретвітнув(ла)
    28 лип.
  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    28 лип.

    American politics in two pictures

  18. 28 лип.
  19. 28 лип.

    Democrats could make this an election issue and hammer Republicans right now for trying to cut unemployment payments during an unprecedented pandemic, but this guy who helps lead their caucus is supremely fucking stupid

  20. ретвітнув(ла)
    28 лип.

    New --> Lawsuit alleges Trump campaign, fundraising committee shielded $170 million in payments through two firms run/set up by Brad Parscale.

  21. ретвітнув(ла)
    28 лип.

    While raking in cash from health care industry donors, Beltway Republicans copied language from an Andrew Cuomo law meant to shield negligent nursing home execs into their new COVID relief package, word for word.


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