Theme 20 by raiidens

don't stop us now, the moment of truth. we were born to make history~

Click here for the code!

Mirror link

Ver. 1.01
Updated November 27, 2017


  • Try to keep blog name, description, and link names short
  • You need to turn off gradient background to upload your own background
  • Icons: 160px x 160px
  • Best viewed in Google Chrome


  • Font Awesome Icons [x]
  • Google Fonts [x]
  • IcoMoon [x]
  • jQuery [x]
  • jQuery UI [x]
  • Lazy Load [x]
  • Paul Irish Infinite Scroll [x]
  • PXU Photoset Extended [x]
  • Snowstorm [x]
“ “Shall we skate?” ( ö ♡ ö )/
*Viktor who just posed after his finale next to Mt Fuji 🗻🗾 lol is planning on uploading his photo on Instagram* lol
Viktor on ice!!! ack I love viktor when he has a ♡ shaped mouth QuQ) the most adorablest thing...


“Shall we skate?”  ( ö ♡ ö )/

*Viktor who just posed after his finale next to Mt Fuji 🗻🗾 lol is planning on uploading his photo on Instagram* lol

Viktor on ice!!! ack I love viktor when he has a ♡ shaped mouth QuQ) the most adorablest thing ever

jaebirds asks:
What does an ask look like?

Just like this!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin urna urna, sollicitudin eget consequat a, pharetra sed turpis. Nulla convallis metus sit amet sapien pulvinar maximus. Pellentesque elementum, ligula non vehicula rutrum, enim orci ullamcorper arcu, ultrices hendrerit sapien dui semper leo. Cras interdum pretium hendrerit. Mauris lacinia erat ut velit finibus fringilla. Sed sodales quis metus id sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi lectus ante, sodales sed accumsan a, blandit nec sapien. Suspendisse sem nisi, condimentum et metus et, scelerisque malesuada mauris. Aliquam nec turpis nunc. In lobortis mauris sollicitudin urna dignissim finibus.
