The Sue Bolton Moreland Team has launched a new video for the campaign.

In collaboration with Resistance Books, Socialist Alliance has set up a new page on its website called PDFs for study & education

The wages share of national income has fallen to below 50% for the first time since 1959

There are so many reasons why allowing the minister the power to take phones away from refugees in immigration detention is a bad idea.

Climate tipping points are being passed and the Coalition government, Labor and the Greens are failing to come up with an adequate plan to meet this existential challenge.

Three unions aligned with the right faction of the ALP have called for the scrapping of the 88-day working holiday visa program. They claim this will cause farm bosses to pay better wages. But will it? Or, is it an excuse to scapegoat and play the nationalist card?

Aged care homes need to be nationalised now to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and to give residents their health, safety and dignity back.

Victim blaming helps deflect from a focus on the need for systemic changes. It is intentional on the part of the corporate media and governments that are looking for cover.

Several days before Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg waxed lyrical about the good old days of early neoliberalism under Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the Australian Council of Trade Unions launched its under-reported National Economic Reconstruction plan.

Those crowing the loudest about the Black Lives Matter movement pushing “cancel culture” should take a good hard look at exactly who is cancelling whose culture — since 1788.
