How to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: A program of action for the working class

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global disaster. In just three months, it has spread across the planet. The scale and impact of the pandemic have been intensified by the indifference and criminal negligence of capitalist governments, which have wasted precious time.

An enormous amount of time has been lost, but the impact and extent of the pandemic depends on urgent responses that can be taken now. These measures must be centered on two absolutely critical priorities: First, to contain the spread of the virus as much as possible, and second, given that it has already acquired global dimensions, to provide emergency care for all who are ill and emergency assistance to all who are affected.

The essential principle that must guide the response to the crisis is that the needs of working people must take absolute and unconditional priority over all considerations of corporate profit and private wealth. It is not a matter of what the ruling class claims it can afford, but what masses of people need.

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Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
5 September 2020
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
New Zealand Greens in crisis over private school funding
5 September 2020
The Green co-leader’s decision to approve nearly $12 million in funding for an elite private school is in keeping with the pro-business politics of the party.
Unions enforce takeover of Virgin Australia by private equity firm
5 September 2020
The deal offers workers no guarantees but promises to further enshrine the unions’ role as enforcers of management dictates.
Profits soar as global crash intensifies social crisis in Australia
5 September 2020
The most severe recession since the 1930s Depression has already thrown one million out of work, with much worse to come.

Australia: International students and foreign visa holders face major social crisis
4 September 2020
Some 61 percent of international students and other foreign visa holders were relying on savings which they said would be exhausted in a matter of weeks.
Former Australian PM Tony Abbott: Let the elderly die for corporate profits
4 September 2020
Abbott, who was never known for his subtlety, merely gave unvarnished expression to the homicidal response to the pandemic by governments internationally.
Australian establishment treats sentencing of Christchurch terrorist as a non-event
3 September 2020
Fascist gunman Brenton Tarrant spent his formative years in Australia and had connections to extreme-right movements that were promoted by its political establishment.
Australian government launches anti-China inquiry in universities
3 September 2020
McCarthyite-style parliamentary hearings will be held into “foreign interference in the university sector.”