
Keep Palestinian-led activism alive during COVID-19

ISM's human rights activism faces an unprecedented challenge in the current COVID-19 pandemic, international travel bans and global economic down turn. We ask for your support to help us maintain our ongoing projects and keep our offices ready to resume on the ground international solidarity and action for Palestine when the virus is contained.

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About the legitimisation of the Palestinian oppression in Al Khalil (Hebron)

Personal reflections of a ISM activist about the settlers' violence and its related impunity in Al Khalil, West Bank. To which extent these people are allowed by the Israeli soldiers to transform a Palestinian city into their own amusement-park?

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When holidays bring hate: Sarah’s Day in Occupied Hebron

For Palestinians living in Occupied Hebron, Sarah's Day, a major Jewish holiday, means an increase in violent attacks by illegal Israeli settlers.

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Waiting at a checkpoint

An ISM activist writes about her experiences volunteering in Hebron (Al Khalil) during Netanyahu's visit to the city.

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Press Releases

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Action Alerts


Resistance in a time of annexation and Covid-19 – an ISM webinar

ISM will be hosting a webinar on June 30th, Tuesday 20:00 Ramallah time, on annexation, COVID-19, resistance and international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for equality and justice.

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Mosques, churches, protests: Gaza on the Balfour Declaration’s 102nd anniversary

On the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, churches rang bells and mosques called for prayer at the same time, while tens of thousands of Palestinians entered the buffer zone this Friday between the besieged Gaza Strip and Israel in the massive weekly Great March of Return protest.

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Slain Gaza protester: father, husband, brother, and “a Palestinian who dreamed of liberation”

Gazan journalist speaks with Alaa Nizar Hamdan’s wife and family the day after he was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the Great March of Return in Gaza.

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On the 71st week of the Great March of Return, the world forgets while Gazans remember

August 25, 2019 | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza, occupied Palestine Eleven consecutive weeks of protests in Hong Kong have captured the focus of online ...

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