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The Economist today

News analysis
United States

Donald Trump tries out law-and-order talk on suburban voters

A dispatch from the pundits’ favourite county suggests the president has not yet made a breakthrough


Wisconsin’s summer of fury


Germany says that Alexei Navalny was poisoned with Novichok

Vladimir Putin’s fingerprints are now even more obvious

From our columnists

Banyan: Politics is spreading covid-19 in Indonesia and the Philippines

Presidents Jokowi and Rodrigo Duterte act tough, but can’t get things done

Daily chart

How did Americans use their coronavirus stimulus cheques?

According to a new study, less than half of the money was spent; a third was saved for a rainy day


From Pinochet to Princess Di: Pablo Larraín won’t stay in his lane

The director won international acclaim for his films about Chile’s dark past, but is he the right person to tell those stories?

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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In context: The geopolitics of the eastern Mediterranean

Special report: Dementia

As humanity ages the numbers of people with dementia will surge

The world is ill-prepared for the frightening human, economic and social implications

The search for a cure for dementia is not going well

But behavioural changes can reduce the risk of developing it

The big question about dementia care is who is going to do it

The best care is “people-centred”, ie, labour-intensive

Might dementia tourism to lower-wage economies become a trend?

It will remain a niche market; but shows how the best care needs a lot of carers

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