Australian Services Union


Authorised by Robert Potter, Australian Services Union, 116 Queensberry St Carlton South, Victoria



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  1. 7月6日

    Loud and clear : we need aviation keeper

  2. 7月6日

    The pressure is ramping up on the Federal Government to give Aviation Workers a fair go. Australia's aviation unions are standing together in the fight for because this industry is vital to our economic recovery. Stand with us.

  3. 7月7日

    Flights: Cancelled. Jobs: Cancelled. Pay: Cancelled. Jobkeeper: Cancelled. Enough is enough. Today we've taken out full page ads calling on to bring in AviationKeeper. Maybe this time he’ll listen. Sign the petition:

  4. 7月2日

    The SACS sector is a predominantly female and low-paid workforce that is buckling under the pressure of workforce shortages. So how does Morrison respond to this? By increasing the cost of industry degrees by 113%. Sign our petition:

  5. 7月3日
  6. 7月2日

    The SACS sector is a predominantly female and low-paid workforce that is buckling under the pressure of workforce shortages. So how does Morrison respond to this? By increasing the cost of industry degrees by 113%. Sign our petition:

  7. 7月2日

    The union for Qantas airport staff has accused the airline of using JobKeeper to pocket pay and pledged "immediate" legal action.

  8. 7月2日

    100% of JobKeeper payments should be going to pay workers. Fact. Being paid monthly or fortnightly shouldn't affect your right to be paid at all. Qantas needs to stop playing games by pocketing staff pay & engaging lawyers. Qantas must pay up now.

  9. 7月1日

    A little piece from today on aviation — which also got a run in — where the bloody hell are ya Scomo....

  10. 7月1日

    Aviation underpins Aussie business and tourism, contributing more than $18bil to the economy each year and employing hundreds of thousands of people. Without an aviation support package this integral part of the Australian economy will crash. Read more:

  11. 7月1日

    Have a read of the opinion piece by ASU Assistant National Secretary , about the urgent need for Government support for the aviation industry as published in the Courier Mail & Daily Telegraph today:

  12. 7月1日

    The Government needs to step up and support the aviation industry with an AviationKeeper support package now.

  13. 7月1日

    If there's anything Scotty from Marketing should know about, it's the importance of tourism for Australia. Yet the Morrison Government’s failure to pledge ongoing support for the aviation industry is leading to thousands of job losses and planes parked indefinitely.

  14. 6月30日

    The Morrison Government turned its back on Virgin workers and the aviation industry. Scott Morrison has no jobs plan for the aviation industry, and no jobs plan for Australia.

  15. 6月30日

    The Morrison Government is proposing that women experiencing family & domestic violence turn to their already meagre retirement savings in order to escape this violence. They're sending a clear message that these survivors are on their own. Shame on the Morrison Government!

  16. 6月25日

    6,000 jobs cut at Qantas. 5,500 without JobKeeper at Dnata. 16,000 jobs in the balance at Virgin. 0 plan from Scott Morrison.

  17. 6月25日

    Hey we have a message for you: put your 6000 job cuts on hold and demand the Government act now.

  18. 6月25日

    Alan Joyce can stop these job cuts. Scott Morrison can stop these job cuts.

  19. 6月25日

    This was all workers got from today: a sad face and his "regrets". There was no announcement about extending Jobkeeper into or support for the industry. Not good enough

  20. 6月25日

    Hey we have a message for you: put your 6000 job cuts on hold and demand the Government act now.



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