3 September 2020

“One student or teacher funeral is too many”
Teacher protests spread as COVID-19 rips through schools and universities

By Renae Cassimeda, 3 September 2020

Protests and job actions by educators opposed to the unsafe opening of schools have spread across the country as the drive to reopen public schools and university has sparked a massive resurgence of COVID-19.

Hundreds at University of Iowa stage sickout as COVID-19 cases skyrocket

By E. Cohen and Andy Thompson, 2 September 2020

The number of new daily cases at the school—home to more than 30,000 students—has remained in triple digits but the university continues to hold 25 percent of classes face to face.

In face of overwhelming popular opposition, Brazilian governments push criminal reopening of schools

By Tomas Castanheira, 3 September 2020

Brazilin states, including those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, have set dates to reopen schools between September and October,

Workers’ opposition grows to Netanyahu government over pandemic and social crisis in Israel

By Jean Shaoul, 3 August 2020

The reopening of schools has met with fierce opposition from teachers, while public service workers’ strikes over low pay and COVID-19-related issues have grown.

Biden launches massive “law and order” ad campaign

By Barry Grey, 3 September 2020

Biden’s new ad is part of a further shift of his campaign to the right. It is intended to reassure the ruling elite that he can be relied on to suppress growing social opposition.

New York deploys COVID-19 “SWAT Team” to SUNY Oneonta after eight percent of students test positive for virus

By Alex Findijs, 3 September 2020

Governor Andrew Cuomo dispatched a team of contact tracers to Oneonta after 105 students tested positive just one week into classes. The outbreak is clear indication that the drive to reopen schools across the US will be a deadly disaster.

Markey wins Massachusetts Democratic primary with “progressive” masquerade

By Kate Randall, 3 September 2020

The pillar of the Democratic establishment for 40 years, who voted for the Iraq war, postured as a “left” using the support of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ford to slash 1,400 jobs as auto industry cuts widen

By Tim Rivers, 3 September 2020

Ford and other major corporations are exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to advance major restructuring measures, shedding jobs and ratcheting up the exploitation of those who remain.

French President Macron lays down the law in Lebanon

By Jean Shaoul, 3 September 2020

Macron’s aim was to create the conditions for the return to power of a French puppet, billionaire Sa’ad Hariri, and to eliminate the power of Hezbollah.

GE Appliances workers in Louisville, Kentucky vote overwhelmingly to strike

By Zac Thorton, 3 September 2020

The company, which has remained highly profitable throughout the pandemic, is demanding the elimination of pensions and the maintenance of the two-tier wage system.

Protests continue in Los Angeles after police kill unarmed 29-year-old man

By Dan Conway, 3 September 2020

On Monday, deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department stopped Dijon Kizzee over an alleged vehicle code violation while riding a bicycle leading to his murder after a brief foot chase.

Alberta government’s reopening policies lead to spike in COVID-19 cases

By Janet Browning, 3 September 2020

The trade unions are playing a critical role in demobilizing working class opposition to the Kenney government’s drive to reopen the economy.

Germany’s IG Metall union organizes job cuts at Thyssenkrupp-Stahl

By Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 3 September 2020

The IG Metall trade union is pushing ahead with the break-up of the company under an agreement reached with Thyssenkrupp AG management at the end of May.

COVID-19 cases spike in South Korea

By Ben McGrath, 3 September 2020

The sharp growth in new infections is a result of the government’s indifference and its demand that workers stay on the job.

Australian government launches anti-China inquiry in universities

By Mike Head, 3 September 2020

McCarthyite-style parliamentary hearings will be held into “foreign interference in the university sector.”

Australian establishment treats sentencing of Christchurch terrorist as a non-event

By Oscar Grenfell, 3 September 2020

Fascist gunman Brenton Tarrant spent his formative years in Australia and had connections to extreme-right movements that were promoted by its political establishment.

2 September 2020

As protests against police violence continue across the US
Trump visits Kenosha to defend killer police and vigilantes

By Barry Grey, 2 September 2020

Teachers union and Democrats agree to resume in-person learning in New York City schools

By Jerry White, 2 September 2020

COVID-19 pandemic leads to huge spike in global hunger

By Kevin Martinez, 2 September 2020

Greek-Turkish standoff escalates war danger in eastern Mediterranean

By Alex Lantier, 2 September 2020

US-China conflict over TikTok intensifies as Trump’s forced divestiture deadline approaches

By Kevin Reed, 2 September 2020

Second call-in meeting of the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee attracts large audience across the US

By Renae Cassimeda, 2 September 2020

More on the back to school drive »

With over 26,000 COVID-19 cases at more than 750 US colleges, campus opposition erupts

By Chase Lawrence, 2 September 2020

Elementary school students forced to use Taco Bell parking lot for internet in Salinas, California

By Rafael Azul, 2 September 2020

Canadian Detroit Big Three autoworkers give strong strike mandate for upcoming contract fight

By Carl Bronski, 2 September 2020

Trump administration considered using “heat ray” microwave weapon on migrants crossing the US-Mexico border

By Carlos Reed, 2 September 2020

European governments end furlough schemes amid jobs massacre

By Richard Tyler, 2 September 2020

New York City transit workers and the COVID-19 pandemic: A timeline of criminal inaction and union betrayal

By Daniel de Vries and Sam Dalton, 2 September 2020

Johnson government’s “hostile environment” for immigrants and asylum seekers wins fascist allies

By Robert Stevens and Barry Mason, 2 September 2020

Government reopening campaign leads to COVID-19 surge in Indonesia

By Owen Howell, 2 September 2020

Riots spread across working class districts in the Netherlands

By Harm Zonderland and Parwini Zora, 2 September 2020

Qantas eliminates over 2,000 ground crew jobs

By Terry Cook, 2 September 2020

Australian “assembly” of university workers seeks to head off rebellion against NTEU

By our correspondents, 2 September 2020

New in Russian

Протесты против полицейского насилия продолжаются по всей территории США
Трамп посещает Кеношу, чтобы защитить убийства со стороны полиции и неформальных ополчений

Бэрри Грей, 3 сентября 2020 г.

Усилия Трампа создать вокруг себя имидж авторитарной силы во время его визита были перечеркнуты чрезвычайными мерами безопасности, принятыми для того, чтобы отгородить его от населения.

Эта неделя в истории
50 лет назад: Сальвадор Альенде побеждает на президентских выборах в Чили

3 сентября 2020 г.

Лидер Социалистической партии Сальвадор Альенде выиграл с небольшим преимуществом на президентских выборах в Чили, состоявшихся 4 сентября 1970 года, обойдя правого кандидата Хорхе Алессандри и Радомиро Томича из консервативной Христианско-демократической партии.

New in Spanish

El lucrativo agosto

Por Nick Beams, 3 septiembre 2020

En medio de muertes, hambre y pobreza a escala masiva, Wall Street registró en agosto su mayor salto mensual desde 1986.

Mientras las protestas contra la violencia policial continúan a través de los EE.UU.
Trump visits Kenosha to defend killer police and vigilantes

Por Barry Grey, 3 septiembre 2020

Los esfuerzos de Trump por proyectar una imagen de fuerza autoritaria durante su visita fueron desmentidos por las extraordinarias medidas de seguridad tomadas para apartarlo de la población.

La pandemia de COVID-19 provoca un gran aumento del hambre en el mundo

Por Kevin Martinez, 3 septiembre 2020

A finales de año morirán más personas cada día de hambre como resultado de las alteraciones de la cadena alimentaria mundial provocadas por la pandemia, que por el propio virus.

El conflicto entre EE.UU. y China sobre TikTok se intensifica a medida que se acerca el plazo de cesión forzosa de Trump

Por Nick Beams, 3 septiembre 2020

El intento de forzar la venta de la aplicación de compartición de video de propiedad china a una empresa de EE.UU. fue contrarrestado por la imposición por parte de Beijing de restricciones a la exportación de los componentes de software de la plataforma.

La segunda reunión en línea del Comité de Seguridad de la Base de Educadores atrae a una gran audiencia en los EE.UU.

Por Renae Cassimeda, 3 septiembre 2020

Participaron en la reunión educadores y trabajadores de Nueva York, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, Arizona, California, Hawai y muchos otros estados, así como de Gran Bretaña, Alemania y Corea del Sur.

La administración Trump consideró la posibilidad de utilizar un arma de microondas de "rayos de calor" contra los migrantes que cruzan la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México

Por Carlos Reed, 3 septiembre 2020

Lo que se consideró demasiado inhumano para ser desplegado en la guerra ha sido discutido en los más altos círculos del gobierno para ser usado como un arma antiinmigrante.

Trabajadores del transporte de la ciudad de Nueva York y la pandemia de COVID-19: una cronología de inacción criminal y traición sindical

Por Daniel de Vries y Sam Dalton, 3 septiembre 2020

Según los trabajadores del transporte se enfrentan a la amenaza doble de una segunda ola de coronavirus y un desastre presupuestario, las lecciones se deben sacar de la muerte de 146 de sus colegas.

Diario estudiantil defiende plan para residencias segregadas en la Universidad de Nueva York

Por Niles Niemuth, 3 septiembre 2020

Respondiendo al estallido de oposición pública por la exposición realizada por el WSWS de los planes de crear residencias separadas para estudiantes negros, el Washington Square News publicó una defensa de la iniciativa el lunes.

La pseudociencia detrás del impulso de la derecha para obligar a las escuelas a abrir

Por Benjamin Mateus, 3 septiembre 2020

Las élites gobernantes y su legión de funcionarios estatales y locales están presionando furiosamente para abrir escuelas y universidades. Sin embargo, estudios publicados recientemente han proporcionado amplias pruebas de que la apertura de escuelas llevará la pandemia hacia una segunda ola potencialmente más grande.

New in Portuguese

Os lucros de agosto

Por Alex Lantier, 3 Setembro 2020

Neste mês de agosto, em meio à morte, fome e pobreza, Wall Street registrou o seu maior aumento mensal desde 1986.

Volkswagen quer cortar 35 por cento dos trabalhadores brasileiros e eliminação em massa de empregos atinge indústria automobilística

Por Miguel Andrade, 3 Setembro 2020

Vinte e oito mil empregos foram eliminados desde 2013, quando os sindicatos começaram a pressionar por suspensões contratuais sistemáticas e resgates às empresas automotivas instaladas no Brasil.

O último ano de Trotsky
Parte um

Por David North, 3 Setembro 2020

Na ocasião do aniversário de 80 anos do assassinato de Trotsky, esta é uma avaliação do trabalho do grande teórico e estrategista da Revolução Socialista Mundial durante o último ano da sua vida.

New in Turkish

Sosyalist Eşitlik’in içişleri bakanı tarafından tehdit edilen Barış Atay’a yapılan saldırı üzerine açıklaması

Sosyalist Eşitlik, 3 Eylül 2020

Sosyalist Eşitlik Grubu, egemen sınıf ve onun devleti tarafından gerçekleştirilen ya da teşvik edilen her türlü şiddeti mahkûm eder ve bütün işçileri ve gençleri bu saldırılara karşı çıkmaya çağırır.

Yunanistan-Türkiye anlaşmazlığı Doğu Akdeniz’de savaş tehlikesini arttırıyor

Alex Lantier, 3 Eylül 2020

Türkiye ile Yunanistan arasında Doğu Akdeniz’de artan cepheleşme, yeni ve tehlikeli bir aşamaya ulaştı. Bu NATO üyesi devletlerin üst düzey yöneticileri, bu çatışmada Akdeniz’i ve dünyayı ateşe verebilecek şekilde birbirlerine açıkça savaş açma tehdidinde bulunuyorlar.

New in French

Alors que le mouvement de protestation contre les violences policières se poursuit aux États-Unis
Trump se rend à Kenosha pour défendre policiers et groupes d’«autodéfense» assassins

Barry Grey, 3 septembre 2020

Les mesures de sécurité extraordinaires prises pour maintenir Trump hors de portée de la population démentaient sa tentative de présenter une image de force autoritaire lors de sa visite.

Les profits du mois d’août

Nick Beams, 3 septembre 2020

Au mois d’août, au milieu de la mort en masse, de la faim et de la pauvreté, Wall Street a enregistré sa plus forte augmentation pour ce mois depuis 1986.

Le face-à-face gréco-turc aggrave le danger de guerre en Méditerranée orientale

Alex Lantier, 3 septembre 2020

Les hauts responsables des États membres de l’OTAN discutent ouvertement de la possibilité d’entrer en guerre les uns avec les autres, dans des conflits qui pourraient enflammer la Méditerranée et le monde.

La pandémie de COVID-19 intensifie rapidement la crise de la faim dans le monde

Kevin Martinez, 3 septembre 2020

D’ici à la fin de l’année, plus de personnes mourront chaque jour de la faim résultant de l’interruption des chaines d’approvisionnements alimentaires mondiales causée par la pandémie que du virus lui-même.

L'assaut du parlement allemand par l'extrême droite

Christophe Vandreier, 3 septembre 2020

Quelque 30.000 extrémistes de droite, antisémites et leurs partisans ont manifesté dans la capitale allemand samedi contre tout effort pour contenir la propagation du coronavirus.

Alors que les protestations contre la rentrée scolaire s'étendent à tout le Canada, Trudeau annonce 2 milliards de dollars pour financer la réouverture des écoles

Roger Jordan, 3 septembre 2020

Le premier ministre a souligné que la réouverture des écoles est «essentielle pour relancer l'économie».

Québec: des travailleurs critiquent l’inaction des syndicats face à la dangereuse réouverture des écoles

nos reporters, 3 septembre 2020

«Nos syndicats... Oubliez ça! Il faut se mobiliser nous-mêmes et après les foutre dehors!»

New in German

Trump-Regierung sabotiert Covid-19-Tests

Marcus Day, 29. August 2020

Nach erheblichem Druck aus dem Weißen Haus wurden die Richtlinien für Corona-Tests in den USA geändert. Es sollen nun deutlich weniger Tests durchgeführt werden, was die Ausbreitung des Virus zusätzlich vorantreiben und weitere unzählige Menschenleben kosten wird.

Trump kandidiert für das Amt des „Führers“

Jacob Crosse und Andre Damon, 29. August 2020

Am Donnerstagabend hielt Trump vor dem Weißen Haus eine faschistische Hetzrede, in der er seine Wiederwahl als letzte Rettung vor „Unruhestiftern“ und „Sozialisten“ darstellte.

Seit Ferienende starke Zunahme der Coronafälle unter Kindern und Jugendlichen

Marianne Arens, 29. August 2020

Einen "deutlichen Anstieg der Inzidenz" stellt das Robert-Koch-Institut in der Altersgruppe der 5-14-Jährigen fest.

Freiheit für Julian Assange! Verteidigt Chelsea Manning und Edward Snowden!

Socialist Equality Party (Australien), 29. August 2020

Der jüngste Nationale Parteitag der SEP (Australien) hat sich verpflichtet, "den Kampf für die bedingungslose Freiheit des WikiLeaks-Verlegers Julian Assange zu intensivieren" und alle verfolgten Journalisten und Informanten zu verteidigen.

Vortrag zur Rolle der Kommunistischen Partei der Philippinen bei der Unterstützung des Duterte-Regimes

29. August 2020

Der Vortrag ist eine vernichtende Enthüllung der doppelzüngigen Rolle der Kommunistischen Partei der Philippinen (CPP), ihres Gründers und „Theoretikers“ Jose Maria Sison und der bankrotten Perspektive des Stalinismus und Maoismus, auf der sie basieren.

OLG München: Politisches Urteil gegen Mitglieder einer linken, türkischen Partei

Justus Leicht, 29. August 2020

Vor dem Oberlandesgericht München ist nach mehr als vier Jahren ein politischer Prozess gegen zehn Mitglieder der maoistischen TKP/ML (Türkische Kommunistische Partei/Marxisten-Leninisten) mit hohen Haftstrafen zu Ende gegangen.

Other Languages


The New York Times slanders left-wing opposition to Biden as “Russian propaganda”

3 September 2020

The American intelligence agencies are at it again, instigating anti-Russian propaganda in the US media with reckless and entirely unsubstantiated claims that Moscow is intervening in the 2020 presidential election.

Earlier Perspectives »

80 Years Since the Assassination of Leon Trotsky

Trotsky’s Last Year
Part Five

By David North, 2 September 2020

An appraisal, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination, of the work of the great theoretician and strategist of World Socialist Revolution during the final year of his life.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

#Trotsky2020: A Morenoite slander against the legacy of Leon Trotsky

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 1 September 2020

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Youth and students: Oppose the deadly reopening of schools! Take a stand on the side of the teachers and the working class!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 3 September 2020

The IYSSE calls on students and young people in middle school, high school and college to organize opposition to the deadly campaign to reopen schools!

“How war and dictatorship are prepared at universities”
Well-attended online meeting concludes IYSSE election campaign at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

By our reporters, 4 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Group in Turkey condemns attack against TİP deputy after threats from interior minister

By Sosyalist Eşitlik, 3 September 2020

Sosyalist Eşitlik unequivocally condemns the attack on Barış Atay, who was physically assaulted by a mob in İstanbul after Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu threatened him on social media.


The case of Alexei Navalny and the imperialist intervention in Russian politics

By Clara Weiss, 3 September 2020

While the circumstances of Navalny’s illness are still under investigation, his case has become a focal point for the intervention of the imperialist powers in Russian politics.

Statements of support for historian Joseph Scalice from Australia and New Zealand

By our correspondents, 3 September 2020

We call on our readers to come to the defence of Scalice by sending statements of support to the WSWS opposing the slanderous attack on him by the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Edited transcript of Joseph Scalice’s lecture on CPP
First as Tragedy, Second as Farce: Marcos, Duterte and the Communist Parties of the Philippines

By Joseph Scalice, 1 September 2020

Watch: Lecture exposes role of Communist Party of the Philippines in propping up Duterte regime

Amid mounting domestic crisis, US imperialism lashes out at Russia and China

By Andre Damon, 1 September 2020

Student paper defends plan for segregated living spaces at New York University

By Niles Niemuth, 2 September 2020

Fraudulent Associated Press “fact-check” targets WSWS article on student housing segregation project at NYU

New York University moves to implement racial segregation in student dorms

Stop the UAW-management cover-up of COVID-19 in the auto plants!

By the Autoworker Rank-and-File Safety Committee Network, 1 September 2020

The far right’s storming of the German parliament

By Christoph Vandreier, 1 September 2020

Attend the UK online education forum Saturday September 5, 2pm
Form independent rank-and-file safety committees of teachers, educators, parents and students! For a general strike against the reopening of schools!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 29 August 2020

The profits of August

By Nick Beams, 2 September 2020

SEP (US) Congress resolution
The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2020

Free Julian Assange

Oppose NUJ censorship of journalist Craig Murray!

By Laura Tiernan, 3 September 2020

The National Union of Journalist’s actions are an attack on press freedom and the public’s right to access information independently of the state-controlled and corporate media outlets.

Labor MP denounces Australian government’s refusal to defend Julian Assange

By Oscar Grenfell, 29 August 2020

Julian Assange receives first visitors in six months: “He is in a lot of pain”

By Oscar Grenfell, 28 August 2020

More on the campaign to defend Julian Assange »

Arts Review

Coup 53 recounts the role of British intelligence in overthrowing Mosaddegh government in Iran

By Jean Shaoul, 3 September 2020

The film documents the part played by MI6 in the 1953 Anglo-American coup that ousted Iran’s nationalist Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and ushered in 26 years of a murderous dictatorship under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Waiting for the Barbarians: “You are an obscene torturer. You deserve to be hanged!”

By David Walsh, 2 September 2020

Immigration Nation reveals the suffering of migrants at the hands of the US detention and deportation machine

By Fred Mazelis, 1 September 2020


The lessons of the 1953 mass uprising (hartal) in Sri Lanka

By Saman Gunadasa, 2 September 2020


The pseudoscience behind the right-wing drive to force schools to open
Part two

By Benjamin Mateus, 2 September 2020

The pseudoscience behind the right-wing drive to force schools to open
Part one

The 2020 US election

Trump incites vigilante violence against peaceful protests in Wisconsin

By Joseph Kishore—SEP candidate for US President, 31 August 2020

Social crisis, class struggle and the 2020 election

By Andre Damon, 29 August 2020

SEP US presidential election campaign

SEP submits emergency application to the US Supreme Court in Michigan ballot access case

By Kevin Reed, 1 September 2020

The SEP 2020 presidential campaign has appealed to Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court associate justice responsible for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a final effort to overturn the unconstitutional Michigan ballot access laws.

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals denies SEP challenge to restrictive ballot access laws in Michigan

By Joseph Kishore—SEP Presidential Candidate, 25 August 2020

The socialist answer to the paltry $600 million Flint settlement

By Joseph Kishore—SEP Presidential Candidate, 24 August 2020

The politics of oligarchy: Federal appeals court blocks SEP challenge to anti-democratic ballot access laws in California

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US President, 8 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan SEP thanks those who supported its defence campaign

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 1 September 2020

Sri Lankan SEP to hold online lecture on how to fight Rajapakse’s dictatorial moves

After the Sri Lankan election, president moves towards dictatorial rule

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

The coronavirus pandemic, the crisis of capitalism and the tasks of the SEP

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 26 August 2020

Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!

Free Julian Assange! Defend Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden!

SEP (Australia) holds successful fifth national congress

25 years ago: French test nuclear bomb in Pacific, setting off protests in Tahiti

On September 5, 1995, the French government launched the first in a series of nuclear tests at Moruroa Atoll in the Pacific.

More »

50 years ago: Salvador Allende wins plurality in Chile’s presidential election

Socialist Party leader Salvador Allende won a narrow plurality in Chile’s national elections held on September 4, 1970, defeating right-wing candidate Jorge Alessandri and Radomiro Tomic of the conservative Christian Democratic Party.

More »

75 years ago: Vietnam’s independence declared after “August Revolution”

On September 2, 1945, the Việt Minh declared Vietnam’s independence from French and Japanese occupiers, amid a wave of anti-colonial struggles at the conclusion of the Second World War.

More »

100 years ago: French imperialism creates state of Lebanon

On September 1, 1920, the French General Henri Gouraud, proclaimed the state of Greater Lebanon under the terms of a League of Nations mandate that gave French imperialism authority over Syria and Lebanon.

More »

Book Review

The Kill Chain: A new era of world war

By Shuvu Batta, 29 August 2020


Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020

By Tom Mackaman, 13 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Now available
The Fourth International and the Perspective of World Socialist Revolution: 1986–1995

12 August 2020

The paperback edition of this critical book on the history of the Fourth International is now available.

Internet Censorship

Open Letter from WSWS Chairman David North to Alphabet Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai

31 July 2020

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Google suppressing World Socialist Web Site content in its search results for the New York Times’ 1619 Project