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       August 2020

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Announcements & Events

Yasukuni Shrine visit keeps alive the danger of revived Japanese militarism


The recent visit by a leading Japanese politician to a controversial war-shrine was a calculated and timed attempt to appease the far-right in forthcoming elections in the country and to rally support across the wider region, particularly in South Korea (ROK).

The official visit took place amid wave after wave of US-led militarism, with Japan being the major hub for 'US interests' in the northern part of the region. It ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 26


Book Review: They Did Not Come From Nowhere


Round 13 of the Australian Football League (AFL) from 21 August marked the Indigenous Round of the "Aussie Rules" football season in 2020. 

The game at the top league level has featured many outstanding footballers, especially from the 1960s to present times. Since the 1990s the AFL was taken over by corporate interests with games programmed to maximize the interests of corporate advertising around the grounds, on players’ clothing and ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 26


Military spending is an obscenity that must stop!


Imperialism, the modern system of threat and counter-threat, is depriving people all around the world of funds that could alleviate poverty, provide for better health and education, and help save the planet from global warming and environmental destruction.
Threats and counter-threats are the stuff of holding onto spheres of influence, of areas for investment, of markets for goods and for the cheapest sources of available labour. They are also the ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 21


Taiwan: US imperialism’s excuse for war with China?


The arrival of three US B-2 planes at Diego Garcia reveal a Trump administration preoccupation with Island Chain Theory (ICT) and Taiwan; they are desperate to reassert traditional regional hegemonic positions.

The development has also revealed the strategic importance of Australia for US regional foreign policy with sensitive intelligence facilities.

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 20


Comrade Betty Little/O'Shea: Lifelong Communist


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) is saddened by the recent passing of our veteran comrade Betty Little/O'Shea. To her family and friends and comrades, we express out deep condolences.

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 16


Class Struggle Continues in Covid-19 Environment


Each night on the TV News, we hear and see reports of the latest Covid-19 numbers of those testing positive and those losing their lives. 

The TV News reports even show maps of the suburbs most effected, particularly in greater Melbourne. The worst hit areas are working class suburbs where many have had to make a choice between going to work feeling a bit sickly in order to keep their ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 15


Another corporate mouthpiece calls for attack on our rights


We have already commented on demands by the Minerals Council of Australia and the Australian Industry Group that the federal government rewrite the industrial relations playbook in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
These two corporate mouthpieces have now been joined by the so-called Centre for Independent Studies, a corporate think-tank whose claim to “independence” is as effective as the emperor’s new clothes in hiding its naked intentions.

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 13


EDITORIAL: Every Gain Must Be Fought For


AUGUST 2020 VANGUARD EDITORIAL: Staring down the barrel of the largest capitalist crisis in nearly a century triggered by the COVID-19 health crisis, the Federal government and the capitalist ruling class they represent moved quickly to prop up their system.

The JobSeeker and JobKeeper programs were always stop gap measures designed to stimulate spending, stave off the sudden collapse of the economy, and placate the anger and struggle of the ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 09


AUSMIN Summit 2020: Between the lines of official media releases


The 2020 Australia-US Ministerial Summit (AUSMIN) in Washington was dominated by an agenda of China-based issues and considerations and took place behind closed doors. Official media releases from the high-level diplomatic meetings were carefully worded.

Some highly significant information was, nevertheless, divulged about the so-called alliance between the US and Australia and the escalation of US-led militarism sweeping the Indo-Pacific region.

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 06


ICOR Call for Action on August 6 – Let us lift the level of struggle against imperialism and fascism.


This statement was drafted by the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) on behalf of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations (ICOR). It is still being circulated among ICOR members. The final version may contain minor changes.

more...- Posted on 2020 Aug 05


US imperialism responsible for military tension in our region


The Indo-Pacific region, in recent times, has experienced a massive wave of US-led militarism.

As one military exercise ends, another begins, in a relentless campaign to dislodge China's influence as a competitor in the wider region.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 31


Bringing LIFE to life


The Federal government is reverting to its usual instincts to punish and impoverish unemployed and low-income Australians by tapering off the JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments over the next few months. 

Remember that the JobSeeker supplement of $550 a week and the introduction of JobKeeper were not about meeting needs, but about stimulating the economy in the face of full-blown recession (now likely to be a depression of 1930's scale). 

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 28


Manus naval base – the best laid plans of imperialist mice and men…..


Problems have arisen with the upgrade of the US-led military plan for Lombrum Naval Base on Manus Island which were to be front-line facilities for regional operations.

Diplomatic officials from Canberra and Washington did not follow appropriate and accepted procedures during the initial stages of implementing the military planning. Their behaviour, correspondingly, has revealed a callous indifference and disrespect toward the peoples of Papua New Guinea.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 26


Capitalism devours all that stands in its way!


Across the world today we are seeing the effects that capitalism has left on the world with the BLM movement in the United States and here in Australia. Capitalism has without doubt played the major role in the racism that plagues postcolonial societies. It was the bourgeoisie’s need for resources to support their rising capitalism that drove the ships to new lands. Be it gold, spices or cotton, they came ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 26


Covid-19 pandemic and capitalism


by Alice M.

Whichever way we look at the Covid-19 Pandemic and its dire consequences for the people, especially the working class, we inevitably come up against the brutal profit driven capitalist system.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 26


VALE Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, Filipino People's Revolutionary Servant


The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) has learned with deep sorrow of the death of Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, Chairperson of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines Peace Negotiating Panel.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 24


For whom are we “projecting military power in the region”?


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) acquisition of an anti-ballistic missile defence system is further evidence of the Trump administration’s escalation of Cold War hostilities toward China.

In early July the Morrison coalition government announced the deployment of a US anti-ballistic missile defence system in Australia. The facilities formed part of the massive ten-year $270 billion defence budget. The official media release from the Defence Department specified the defence system would ...

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 22


Reports make clear – US imperialism top dog in Australian economy


The level of Australia’s economic integration and dependence on the United States has been made abundantly clear in two recently released reports.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 22


Covid-19 Impact On Capitalist Growth - Even in Elevators and Toilets!


The Covid-19 Virus is impacting on the capitalist economies in different ways. There is the near complete shutdown of some industries such as hospitality and restaurants in some parts of the country, especially Victoria at the moment. However, there are also examples of capitalism's continued revolutionizing of the way things are made and the way that services are delivered. 

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 21


When the Generals talk - who is listening?


One of rock band Midnight Oil's songs had the lyrics "when the Generals talk, you better listen to them". The "Generals" referred to US multinationals such as General Electric and of course General Motors. The song was highlighting the power and influence of these multinationals, including their influence on politicians and government policy.

more...- Posted on 2020 Jul 18


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)