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                    Nature in the City Strategy

                    Meadow of dark red flowers near the CBD
                    In April 2017, the Future Melbourne Committee endorsed the City of Melbourne’s Nature in the City Strategy. This is the City of Melbourne’s first strategy to create and maintain healthy ecosystems and thriving biodiversity within the city.

                    It is the product of a collaborative process, developed with information, ideas, and advice provided by a large number of stakeholders including local academics, interest groups including Traditional Owners and Friends groups, and the broader Melbourne community.

                    By considering our city as a wider ecosystem, there is the opportunity to actively foster connections amongst people, plants, animals and the landscape. This will create the legacy of a resilient, balanced, and healthy natural environment with a community that is connected to nature and place, is active in protecting and enhancing biodiversity, and enjoys the associated benefits to health and wellbeing.

                    Nature in the City is unique in that it infuses novel elements into the management of urban ecosystems such as the application of ‘Caring for Country’ principles and ecosystem-driven climate adaptation, whilst emphasising the positive influence of nature on human health.

                    Goals, priorities, and targets

                    Our vision is for the City of Melbourne to support diverse, resilient, and healthy ecosystems that improve the environment and wellbeing of our community, providing the foundation for a liveable city. This strategy has three goals and six priorities that will guide the next 10 years of planning, development, and management of the city’s biodiversity and ecosystems. It also details a set of actions and targets to evaluate the success of implementation.

                    The strategy's vision, goals, priorities and targets. See strategy summary under 'Document download' heading for full text. style=

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