Industrial Workers of the World


The is a worker-led union dedicated to direct action, workplace democracy, and industrial unionism. ★ Solidarity forever! (N. America ⑊ Member)

2010(e)ko urria(e)tik Twitterren
Jaioteguna: 1905


@iww blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @iww desblokeatuko.

  1. Finkatutako Txioa
    mai. 18

    As a reminder, this is a volunteer-run account. For questions about any of the following, please contact: • Organizing: • Membership & Dues: • Press: • Store: • :

    Erakutsi haria
  2. Duela 10 ordu

    1919, but it could be today. Premiere of 'The Forbidden Strike'. This Thursday 11th at 6.30pm, on the CNT Barcelona YouTube channel. The response to the dismissal of 8 workers that culminated in the 8-hour day

  3. Duela 14 ordu

    hey union members, and have compiled a list of the 50 largest police departments in the U.S., their union affiliation, and their regional central labor council affiliation. let them know: defund, disarm, and abolish the police.

    Erakutsi haria
  4. eka. 9

    If anyone thinks cops are on the side of working people, here's a thread of cop violence against strikes.

    Erakutsi haria
  5. eka. 10

    Luckily for everyone else, we don’t hold the same beliefs.

  6. eka. 9

    Racism is endemic to capitalism. Labor can play a strong role in the fight against racism, only if it takes up the challenge to combat both simultaneously. Also, kick out the cop unions.

  7. eka. 9
  8. eka. 9

    The working class’s tools are wide and varied. We’ve got a world to win.

  9. eka. 8

    Some protesters, news crews, and medics in Minneapolis found themselves stranded after recent protests: The tires of their cars had been slashed. Many assumed protesters were to blame. But videos reveal a different culprit: the police.

    Erakutsi haria
  10. eka. 8

    Unionists of the Federation of Garment Workers Union »(FGWM) in solidarity with black workers in the and the -Move

  11. eka. 8

    Our revolution is growing. 🏴 protestors have been rising up. 🏴 Mutual aid efforts are spreading. 🏴 Longshoremen call for a tomorrow (June 9). 🏴 Washington organizers call for a on June 12. We will not back down.

    Erakutsi haria
  12. eka. 8

    The is officially calling on to suspend its affiliation with the International Union of Police Associations. The vote was unanimous. As a member of the WGAE Council and co-author of this resolution, I could not be prouder of my union today.

    Erakutsi haria
  13. eka. 8

    More and more labor organizations are calling on the and to drop the cop unions. It’s pretty clear: you can’t organize workers and their oppressors simultaneously.

  14. eka. 8

    So, just to reiterate, direct action gets the goods; electoralism does not.

  15. eka. 8

    Since the International Conference of Labor Unions in the Garment Industry in Colombo (Sri Lanka) comrades of the ICL have been following the struggle in Myanmar. One of them is run by Myan Mode Co., Ltd within Shwe Linban Industrial Zone in Yangon Region

  16. eka. 8

    Fellow wobblies overseas have just kicked off a 5 day fundraiser stream on twitch benefiting the IWW Freelance Journalists Union and the Industrial Worker. With journalists under attack from rioting cops, now is a great time to support independent radical journalism. 1/

    Erakutsi haria
  17. eka. 8

    Your boss steals more from you than all other financially-related crimes that are committed each year combined. After we abolish the police, we’re abolishing bosses, too.

  18. eka. 8

    Desde la Conferencia Internacional de Sindicatos de la Industria Textil en Colombo (Sri Lanka) los compañeros de la CIT han estado siguiendo la lucha en Myanmar, ej.: Myan Mode Co., Ltd en la zona industrial de Shwe Linban (Yangon) para y

  19. eka. 8
  20. Announcing the launch of the SWIM IG account. “We are a Montreal-based sex-worker union project focused on solidarity; as well as education, skill-sharing and community building.“ SWIM is a project that falls under the S’ATTAQ umbrella! -Morgan

  21. eka. 8

    protest safety 101 - part 1

    Erakutsi haria

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
