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The world to come: A new politics of hope

 The thick spike proteins of Covid-19 have latched on to poverty, inequality and racism. There has to be a better politics than this. The question, perhaps, is not whether to hope, but how to hope.

Shinzo Abe and the rise of Japanese nationalism

As a new emperor takes the throne, prime minister Abe is consolidating his ultranationalist “beautiful Japan” project. But can he overcome a falling population and stagnating economy?


New Statesman magazine

The world after Covid

A special issue on the challenges facing us all. Featuring Adam Tooze on a new age of global catastrophes, Helen Thompson on the return of the nation state, William Davies on the rise of surveillance capitalism, Lyndsey Stonebridge on hope, and more.


The world to come: What should we value?

If we are serious about learning from coronavirus, we will have to do more than applaud “essential workers” from our windows or change our priorities as individuals. 


The schools scandal

How a government led by technocrats nearly destroyed a generation of social mobility.
