Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezVerified account


This account is maintained by federal staff to share services and legislation relevant to constituents of NY-14.

Washington, DC
Joined December 2018


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  1. Ramon Timothy Lopez was burned and killed by police after being restrained face-down on the searing hot Phoneix asphalt for over five minutes. We're mourning his death and monitoring the investigation. The Lopez family deserves justice and accountability.

  2. 人口普查不會詢問任何有關移民或公民身份的問題。人口普查適用於統計居住在美國的每一個人。任何人都不能看到您的私人人口普查數據:房東不可以,美國移民和海關執法局也不可以。

  3. जनगणनाले आप्रवासन वा नागरिकताका स्थितिका बारेमा कुनै पनि प्रश्नहरू सोध्दैन । जनगणना अमेरिकामा बसोबास गर्ने सबैका लागि हो । कसैले पनि तपाईंको गोप्य जनगणनाको तथ्याङ्कलाई हेर्ने छैनन् । न तपाईंको घरबेटीले । न I.C.E. ले ।

  4. En el censo NO se hace ninguna pregunta sobre el estado migratorio ni de ciudadanía. El censo es para todos los habitantes de Estados Unidos. Nadie verá sus datos privados del censo: ni su arrendador. Ni el I.C.E.

  5. লোকগণনাটি অভিবাসন বা নাগরিকত্বের স্থিতি সম্পর্কে কোনো প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করে না। লোকগণনাটি আমেরিকাতে বসবাসকারী প্রত্যেকের জন্য।কেউ আপনার ব্যক্তিগত লোকগণনার তথ্য দেখবে না: আপনার বাড়িওয়ালা নয়, I.C.E. নয়।

  6. The census does NOT ask any questions about immigration or citizenship status. The census is for everyone living in the U.S. No one will see your private census data: Not your landlord. Not I.C.E.

  7. Proud to join in introducing the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act today.

  8. 填写人口普查表的人越多,我们能得到的资金越多,可用于纽约市的学校教育、道路桥梁、医疗保健、公共住房等。您可以用邮寄地址作为替代。请访问 ,10分钟之内即可完成。

  9. Mientras más de nosotros participemos en el censo, más dinero obtendremos para las escuelas, carreteras, puentes, hospitales, viviendas de NYC y más. Llénelo en menos de 10 minutos.

  10. . questioned the Postmaster today about his potential conflicts of interest, given his significant financial stake in a U.S. Postal Service competitor and contractor. She also pressed him to increase accessibility at a post office in Jackson Heights

  11. আমাদের মধ্যে যত বেশি সংখ্যক ব্যক্তি লোকগণনা পূরণ করেন, আমরা NYC’র স্কুল, সড়ক, সেতু, স্বাস্থ্য পরিচর্যা, আবাসন, এবং আরো অনেক কিছুর জন্য তত বেশি অর্থ পাই। 10 মিনিটের থেকে কম সময়ে এটি সম্পূর্ণ করুন

  12. The more of us who fill out the census, the more money we get for NYC’s schools, roads, bridges, health care, housing, and more. Complete it in less than 10 minutes at .

  13. Today, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez will question Postmaster DeJoy as part of a committee hearing on widespread postal delivery delays and the Trump administration's attempts to sabotage the U.S. Postal Service. Watch the full hearing here:

  14. Today, voted 'yes' on the ‘Delivering for America Act,’ which requires the Postal Service to treat election mail as first call priority and provides $25 billion in emergency funding.

  15. 'I requested a mail-in ballot more than a month in advance of the primary election. I did not receive the ballot until the day before the actual election, so I decided to vote in person instead, which was risky since NYC's numbers were still relatively high.' (6/6)

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  16. 'My building pays rent by mailling our checks to the landlord. Now, those checks are taking longer & longer to clear. Our landlord's been patient, but how many others will see a late rent check as an excuse to evict a tenant when the moratorium is over?' (5/6)

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  17. 'I rely on USPS for my small business. In the past month, several packages never arrived to customers, even with tracking. The mailboxes outside my local post office have also sometimes been locked.' (4/6)

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  18. 'Medication was mailed on 7/20 and a month later it has not yet arrived. The tracking shows no updates since 7/28. I had to request a replacement shipment, which arrived but not before I had to buy a small quantity of the medication out of pocket.' (3/6)

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  19. 'In late June, we sent time-sensitive notarized legal documents by priority mail. They never arrived and they appear to still be sitting in a distribution center. We had to travel to another state to re-sign and re-notarize the documents in person at the lawyer's office.' (2/6)

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  20. In preparation for Monday's hearing, where will question Postmaster DeJoy, we asked NY-14 constituents how the Trump administration's sabotage of the Postal Service has impacted their lives. Here's what they shared.....(1/6)

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