Appeal spring collection

As the economy contracts, the availability of paid work is in decline. Yet workers today also have less leisure time. Under capitalism, all the gains of productivity fall to an elite few. We need a socialist plan to end unemployment and overwork.

The Prime Minister has continued with establishment tradition by appointing his chums and cronies to the House of Lords. At the same time, Blairite saboteurs have been rewarded for their services. We must abolish this feudal relic.

Exam grading debacles in Scotland and with today’s A-level results have provoked a backlash amongst students, teachers, and parents. The current system is failing young people, depriving them of their future. We need to fight for change.

Racist policing practices have been thrust into the spotlight by the Black Lives Matter movement. A spate of recent incidents indicate the scale of the problem. As Labour MP Dawn Butler has correctly stated, we need ‘system change’.

Last Saturday saw healthcare workers and trade unionists come out in force across the country to demonstrate against the hypocritical Tory public sector pay offer. Union leaders need to step up and organise a united fightback.

The Scottish government has provoked a furore amongst school students by deploying a “postcode lottery” exam results system that discriminates based on class backgrounds. Capitalism is institutionalised inequality.

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Why we are Marxists

Why we are Marxists

Marxism is a set of ideas that allows us to understand the world - and how we can fight to change it. Read More
The revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx

The revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx

The revolutionary ideas of Marxism have never been more relevant than in this epoch of economic crisis and political radicalisation. But what is Marxism? Read More
The myths about Marxism

The myths about Marxism

The ideas of Marxism are frequently attacked and slandered by those who defend capitalism and the status quo. But what do Marxists really think? Read More
What will socialism look like?

What will socialism look like?

The root cause of the problems facing society today is the profit system. With democratic planning, we could meet everyone's needs and fulfill humanity's true potential. Read More
Why you should be a socialist

Why you should be a socialist

Capitalism is in crisis; inequality is growing; the environment is being destroyed. And yet the potential exists to eliminate hunger, poverty and disease. We need to fight for socialism. Read More
The need for a revolutionary international

The need for a revolutionary international

The fight for socialism is an international struggle. The whole history of the Marxism movement is one of international solidarity. Read More
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Socialist Appeal are proud to publish this education guide to help focus your studies of Marxist theory and practice. Visit the various tabs below to find links to introductory articles, classic texts, videos and audio talks for different topics. Read More
We present here Marxism 101: a series of responses and short video talks answering the most common myths and questions about Marxism, socialism, and revolution. Read More
Check out this selection of writings for an excellent introduction to many of the fundamentals of Marxist theory, providing a strong basis for those wishing to equip themselves with the ideas necessary in order to fight for socialism. Read More
Dialectical materialism is the philosophy or methodology of Marxism. We must seek to understand the laws of society and nature in order to change them. Read More
Historical materialism is the general theory of how and why society develops in the way it does. Each social system has its inherent laws of motion. If we want to overthrow capitalist society, we must understand how capitalism works. Read More
Marxist economics is the study of the laws of motion of capitalist society, allowing us to understand why capitalism perpetually goes into crisis, where inequality comes from, and what the alternative is. Read More
The Russian Revolution is the greatest event in world history for Marxists. Studying the events of 1917, and understanding why the Revolution degenerated into Stalinism, provides vital lessons for revolutionaries today. Read More
For Marxists, the state is not at all neutral. We must understand the state’s real basis and strip away its mysticism by treating it historically - taking in its origins, rise, and eventual fall. Read More
Anarchism is naturally attractive for those wanting to abolish capitalism. But only Marxist ideas can explain why bureaucracy and oppression exist - and how to overthrow the exploitative capitalist system. Read More
Marxists are irreconcilably opposed to the oppression of women and fight determinedly for liberation and against discrimination. We believe this will be achieved through the class struggle - to abolish the oppressive capitalist system. Read More
The madness of fascism expresses the historic crisis and dead-end of capitalism. But it could have been avoided if the working class had a united revolutionary leadership, prepared to take power. Read More
Wars represent the sharp extreme of capitalism’s impasse. Imperialism, Lenin said, was the "highest stage of capitalism". As long as the profit system exists, there will be wars over markets and spheres of influence. Read More
Nations have not always existed, nor will they always exist in the future. Marxists are internationalists, fighting for world socialist revolution as the only way forward for humanity and our planet. Read More
All written history, Marx stated, is the history of class struggle. Our task is to learn the lessons from history in order to prepare for the revolutionary events taking place today and in the future. Read More
Our aim is to spread the ideas of Marxism, in an organised fashion, amongst workers and youth. In order to do this, we must study the history and traditions of the working class. Read More
  • Educate Yourself
  • Marxism 101
  • Fundamentals of Marxism
  • Dialectical Materialism
  • Historical Materialism
  • Marxist Economics
  • Stalinism and the Soviet Union
  • The State
  • Anarchism
  • Identity and Oppression
  • Fascism
  • Imperialism and War
  • The National Question
  • Revolutionary History
  • Revolutionary Strategy