Peace For Our Time

There’s little doubting that bands like the Polyphonic Spree and Arcade Fire have undoubtedly opened up the horizons of independent music in the last few years. However it’s been disappointing that the former proved to only have handful of decent songs whilst the latter appear to have morphed into Bruce Springsteen. The Second Hand Marching…

Free Music (3)

Not a full post rather a reference point to some free music. One of the Triffids’ show at the recent Perth International Arts Festival can be viewed here. At time of writing it looks like there’s supposed to be 4 segments but one and two are of the same portion of the show. There’s still…

All Encompassing Positive

Discovering legends operating within a few miles of home after more than 20 years is more than a little disconcerting. Yet the Wildhouse merit that description. In the mid to late 80\’s they allegedly flirted with the prospect of attracting a wider audience only to sabotage that by asking that their deal match that of…

The F-Word

F’uh Kinnell! For whatever reason (and rock’s too knowing for it to be a random outbreak of Tourette’s) there seems to have been a pandemic of bad language in band names in recent time. We’ve had Fucked Up, Holy Fuck, plain old Fuck and Fuck Buttons. And doubtless many more. I mention this because the…

Homegame Bound

I came home this evening to find an email from Fence announcing the line-up for their annual Homegame bash on 17th-19th April. The line-up is frankly stellar and, as well as Fence leading lights Kid Creosote, James Yorkston and the Pictish Trail  features established MPT favourites such as Malcolm Middleton, De Rosa, The Phantom Band,…

Passion Not Profession – MPT Podcast #1

Podcasts are a new venture for the blog. I’ve had the technical capability to do one for a while but I was really looking for something a bit different to justify the effort. And I think I have it in the shape of an extended interview with Martin Henry from De Rosa. So the debut…