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LIVE CHAT: Join Us for the Republican National Convention

Join Nation journalists Elie Mystal, Jeet Heer, Joan Walsh, John Nichols, and Katha Pollitt, and our editor D.D. Guttenplan tonight.

The Nation

Election 2020

America’s Holy War Comes to the RNC

Biden’s religion of good works is battling Trump’s Christian nationalism.

Jeet Heer
Racism and Discrimination

We Need to Talk About the GOP’s ‘Black Friends’

The Republican National Convention has been all about using Black people to convince white people it’s OK to vote for a bigot.

Elie Mystal

The Milwaukee Bucks and Brewers Strike for Racial Justice

The decision by the Bucks and Brewers to sit out their games is unprecedented. 

Dave Zirin
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The Border Patrol Considered Accepting a Donation From We Build the Wall

Leaked documents undermine the Trump administration’s attempts to distance itself following the arrest of Steve Bannon.

Ken Klippenstein

Republicans Have Organized a Backlash Convention, and It’s Tearing This Country Apart

The shooting of two demonstrators in Kenosha, Wis., again draws attention to Trump’s apocalyptic rhetoric.

John Nichols

The Desperation of Donald Trump Jr.

It’s unfair to blame on substance abuse what is more likely due to existential despair.

Jeet Heer


What Populism Is and Is Not

Thomas Frank’s history of anti-populism helps clarify one of the most contested terms in politics. 

Edward Burmila

How Federal Housing Programs Failed Black America

In Race for Profit, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor shows how even those housing policies that sought to create more Black homeowners were stymied by racism and a determination to shrink the government’s presence.

Marcia Chatelain

What We Talk About When We Talk About Catastrophe

In Elisa Gabbert’s new essay collection, she tries to untangle the fickle and contradictory ways humans deal with disaster.

Rachel Vorona Cote


Letter From Seoul

“South Korea is not looking to the US to show the way anymore.”

Kristin R. Pak

I Lost My Son in a Hail of Bullets at an Israeli Checkpoint

Israeli soldiers shot to kill after Ahmad's car crashed into a checkpoint. They insist he did it on purpose but have refused to do a real investigation. 

Najah Erekat

What Belarus Stands to Lose

Fixing the country’s broken democratic process can’t come at the cost of the inequality and corruption other former Soviet republics are now facing. 

Vadim Nikitin

Watch and Listen

Listen: Edge of Sports: Ariyana Smith Has A Story To Tell

Ariyana Smith joins the show to talk about the recent explosion of Black Lives Matter activism in sports.

August 25, 2020

View: Tear Down the Monuments, Bring Our Cities to Life

In Richmond, the sites of former monuments to the Confederacy have become lively spaces for activism and memorializing those lost to police violence.

July 13, 2020

View: Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty Are Interconnected

I’m a guest in the Black Lives Matter movement, and making images is how I show my support.

June 29, 2020