That’s the level of fearmongering going on – justifying obliging face masks in public places and shops and closed areas. Also, new emphasis is put on ‘social distancing’. People are to be trained and reminded at every corner to stay away from each other.
The dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the 2 most formidable powers on the planet: China & the US. Only this time the aim is a universal totalitarian system. David Rockefeller called it a “one world government.”
The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to triggering a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring.
The COVID-19 vaccine... Is this THE final goal of this crisis, to impose a compulsory vaccination on everyone, with a biometric health passport and without it, the impossibility to move, to buy, to eat? The near future will tell.
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