26 August 2020

Trump continues assault on democratic norms at Republican convention

By Barry Grey, 26 August 2020

The event marks the evolution of one of the two major parties of American capitalism into an instrument for the development of a personalist and authoritarian movement with increasingly fascistic characteristics.

Pompeo in Middle East to cement Israel-Gulf alliance against Iran

By Jean Shaoul, 26 August 2020

Pompeo made it very clear who was the master in this relationship and that China’s increasing trade and investment ties with Israel were unacceptable.

After receiving $5.8 billion through the CARES Act
American Airlines announces 19,000 to be laid off starting October 1

By Jacob Crosse, 26 August 2020

As temporary layoffs become permanent, airlines executives and their stockholders, with the invaluable assistance of the trade unions, are consigning thousands to destitution.

India emerges as a global epicenter of COVID-19 pandemic

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 26 August 2020

India is the third country to surpass 3 million registered coronavirus cases, and its official death toll, widely considered to be an underestimation, is approaching 60,000.

EU denounces Russia over alleged poisoning of oppositionist Alexei Navalny

By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, 26 August 2020

Doctors at Berlin’s Charité hospital claimed Monday they had found indications that Alexei Navalny, the head of Russia’s pro-NATO liberal opposition, was poisoned.

Rising COVID-19 death toll underscores decades-long crisis in Australian aged care

By Clare Bruderlin, 26 August 2020

The tragic fatalities are the outcome of the corporatisation of sector by successive Labor and Liberal-National federal governments.

Australian Labor Party and unions agree to slash income support and working conditions

By Mike Head, 26 August 2020

The government’s latest measures were again drafted in closed-door talks with the ACTU and then signed off by the Labor Party.

New COVID-19 cases skyrocket at University of Alabama and University of North Carolina

By Matthew MacEgan, 26 August 2020

Since reopening in-person instruction, the University of Alabama has reported 566 new cases of COVID-19 and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 646 new cases.

Colorado teacher fired for raising concerns about school reopenings speaks to the WSWS

By Renae Cassimeda, 26 August 2020

A teacher from Fort Collins was recently fired for raising safety concerns as school openings in Colorado unfold in dangerous and piecemeal fashion, while the state now has 55,700 COVID-19 cases and 1,926 deaths.

New York City preparing to lay off 400 EMS workers in advance of looming second wave of pandemic

By Ali Elhassan, 26 August 2020

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, is preparing to place the burden of the pandemic-triggered budgetary crisis on workers, including frontline health care workers.

German schools reopening without safety measures as coronavirus cases increase

By Marianne Arens and Gregor Link, 26 August 2020

The federal and state governments in Germany are setting the stage for a further explosion in the number of cases by reopening schools.

Tokyo considers long-range missiles for use in first strikes

By Ben McGrath, 26 August 2020

The Abe government is continuing its push to rearm by obtaining offensive weaponry, regardless of whether or not it violates the constitution.

Ukrainian government turns against Lukashenko amid ongoing mass protests and strikes in Belarus

By Jason Melanovski, 26 August 2020

As a result of the growing working class protests within Belarus and Lukashenko’s turn to the Kremlin, the government in Kiev has turned against its former ally.

Seven dead and 170,000 displaced as massive wildfires continue to burn in Northern California

By Peter Ross, 26 August 2020

As of Tuesday morning, 937 structures have been destroyed and 251 damaged, and the fires continue to threaten some 30,500 additional structures.

Police riot in Detroit against peaceful protesters

By Eboni Davis and Kathleen Martin, 26 August 2020

On Saturday night, the Detroit Police Department went on a rampage against peaceful protesters, arresting 44 after tear-gassing and beating people in the streets for unlawful assembly.

“These same conditions exist all over the world”
Faurecia Gladstone Rank-and-File Safety Committee defends immigrant workers at Indiana parts plant, opposes back-to-school drive

By Tim Rivers, 26 August 2020

Workers at the plant are refusing leadership positions on the shop floor and others are leaving the factory in response to forced overtime and the disregard of medical work restrictions.

British think tank fronts right-wing “academic freedom” campaign—Part 2

By Thomas Scripps, 26 August 2020

In Britain, this campaign relies wholly on posing as an opposition to the pseudo-left purveyors of identity politics on campus.

British think tank fronts right-wing “academic freedom” campaign—Part 1

Canadian autoworkers demand Unifor release tentative contracts with Detroit Three in full prior to ratification votes

By Carl Bronski, 26 August 2020

The petition, already signed by around 1,300 autoworkers, is a sign of mounting worker opposition to Unifor but its initiators promote the dangerous illusion that the union can be reformed.

25 August 2020

Wisconsin Governor deploys National Guard to Kenosha after protests break out in wake of brutal police shooting

By Jacob Crosse, 25 August 2020

Trump, aides embrace fascist Republican candidates

By Patrick Martin, 25 August 2020

UK: WSWS survey finds support for a general strike against school reopening

By Tom Pearce and Charlotte Salthill, 25 August 2020

Court rules against Florida governor but schools to remain open

By Alex Johnson, 25 August 2020

First week back on campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A US college student’s first-hand account

By an Albion College student, 25 August 2020

Thai protest movement spreads across country’s northeast

By Owen Howell, 25 August 2020

Seven protest leaders in Thailand arrested by police

US stages military buildup to enforce deal to steal Syria’s oil

By Bill Van Auken, 25 August 2020

Victims of herd immunity: further evidence that UK care home residents were denied medical treatment

By Margot Miller, 25 August 2020

Coronavirus reproduction rate rises above 1 in UK, as infection cases surge

By Robert Stevens, 25 August 2020

European countries force children back to school amid resurgence of COVID-19

Despite COVID-19, French billionaires have tripled their wealth since 2010

By Kumaran Ira, 25 August 2020

Lukashenko threatens military crackdown in Belarus as US initiates discussions with opposition leader

By Clara Weiss, 25 August 2020

Lukashenko regime, Belarusian opposition seek to stifle mass strike movement

US health care workers infected with COVID-19 pressured to return to work

By Alex Johnson, 25 August 2020

Signs of emerging crisis in economy and financial system

By Nick Beams, 25 August 2020

Two weeks after powerful windstorm, Iowa faces humanitarian crisis

By Jessica Goldstein, 25 August 2020

Feds propose 10-year oversight of UAW, Detroit News reports

By Jessica Goldstein and Marcus Day, 25 August 2020

“They are killing people to save money”
Fiat Chrysler, UAW conspire to keep workers on the job after exposure to coronavirus

Bath shipyard workers return to work after 63-day strike

By Shannon Jones, 25 August 2020

NTEU appeals for negotiations after Australia’s Macquarie University announces massive job cuts

By a correspondent, 25 August 2020

New in Russian

Российский оппозиционный лидер Алексей Навальный госпитализирован, кризис в Белоруссии углубляется

Клара Вайс, 22 августа 2020 г.

Госпитализация Навального произошла на фоне обострения кризиса в связи с протестами и массовыми забастовками в Беларуси, которые усилили напряженность в Европе и России.

New in Turkish

Troçki’nin Son Yılı
Birinci Bölüm

David North, 22 Ağustos 2020

Troçki cinayeti; adı bütün tarih boyunca karşıdevrimci hainlik, ihanet ve sınırsız canilik ile eşanlamlı olacak olan Stalin’in önderliğindeki totaliter bürokratik rejim tarafından düzenlenen büyük bir siyasi komplonun sonucuydu.

New in French

Trump qualifie les éducateurs de «travailleurs essentiels» pour forcer les écoles à ouvrir

Evan Blake, 22 août 2020

Cette décision fait suite à l’opposition croissante des éducateurs, des parents et des élèves à la réouverture catastrophique des écoles, qui a déjà contaminé plus de 2.500 élèves et membres du personnel dans tout le pays.

Les démocrates choisissent Biden comme candidat dans une débauche de réaction

Patrick Martin, 22 août 2020

Le mépris pour l’intelligence du public a été résumé dans le discours d’acceptation de Biden, qui a cherché à condenser en 20 minutes toutes les banalités possibles.

L'architecte de la politique suédoise en matière de coronavirus préconise de maintenir les écoles ouvertes pour atteindre plus rapidement l'«immunité collective»

Jordan Shilton, 22 août 2020

Le mépris impitoyable de l'épidémiologiste en chef Anders Tegnell pour la vie humaine n'est pas un phénomène individuel, mais sa correspondance électronique effrayante reflète plutôt la pensée des élites dirigeantes de chaque pays.

Un réfugié soudanais se noie en tentant de traverser la Manche

Robert Stevens, 22 août 2020

Les membres de la famille disent que la victime s’était vue refuser l’asile par la France, et a affronté la traversée dangereuse à la recherche d’une vie meilleure.

Le gouvernement Johnson accélère le démantèlement du service national de santé

Robert Stevens, 22 août 2020

L’élite dirigeante britannique condamne le service national de santé pour être «gonflé» et pas assez ouvert à l’expertise et à la «flexibilité» du secteur privé.

Le syndicat SCFP met fin à la grève de 12 jours au Port de Montréal

Laurent Lafrance, 22 août 2020

L’accord d’hier pour une «trêve» représente la phase finale des efforts du syndicat pour mettre fin à la grève le plus tôt possible et trahir les revendications légitimes des membres de la base.

Bernard Bailyn, historien des périodes coloniales et révolutionnaires américaines, 1922-2020

Tom Mackaman, 22 août 2020

Bailyn laisse derrière lui un important corpus de travaux qui ont permis d'élargir la compréhension des conceptions intellectuelles qui ont trouvé leur expression dans la Révolution américaine.

New in German

Parteitag der Demokraten kürt Joe Biden zum Präsidentschaftskandidaten

Patrick Martin, 22. August 2020

Biden versuchte jede noch so abgedroschene Phrase in seiner grade einmal 20-minütigen Dankesrede unterzubringen und verdeutlichte damit seine tiefe Verachtung gegenüber der Intelligenz der Bevölkerung.

Krise in Belarus: Russischer Oppositionsführer Alexei Nawalny im Krankenhaus

Clara Weiss, 22. August 2020

Nawalnys Krankenhausaufenthalt fällt mit der Krise in Belarus zusammen, wo Proteste und Massenstreiks das Lukaschenko-Regime erschüttern. Auch die Spannungen in Europa und Russland verschärfen sich zusehends.

Architekt der schwedischen Coronavirus-Politik wollte „Herdenimmunität“ durch offene Schulen

Jordan Shilton, 22. August 2020

Die eiskalte Verachtung des Chef-Epidemiologen Anders Tegnell für Menschenleben spiegelt das Denken der herrschenden Klassen in jedem Land wider.

New in Norwegian

Colin Powel på Det demokratiske partiets nasjonalkonvensjon: Demokratene forbereder administrasjon for militarisme og krig

Joseph Kishore – SEPs kandidat for president i USA, 20. august 2020

Den andre dagen av partistevnet (DNC) omfattet bemerkninger fra Powell, en ledende arkitekt for Irak-invasjonen i 2003, og en video som belyste Bidens «usannsynlige vennskap» med erkekrigshisseren John McCain.

Katastrofal åpning av amerikanske skoler fører til 3 000 infeksjoner på tvers av 44 delstater

Evan Blake, 20. august 2020

Spredningen av Covid-19-pandemien vil akselerere såfremt den uavhengige mobiliseringen av lærere, foreldre og den bredere arbeiderklassen for å få stoppet gjenåpningen av skoler forhindres.

Merkel og Macron ringte Putin, med eskalerende massestreiker i Hviterussland

Alex Lantier, 20. august 2020

Sjokkert over utbruddet av arbeideres raseri i Hviterussland håper Berlin og Paris at Moskva kan få undertrykt det, ved megling av en avtale mellom regimet og den offisielle opposisjonen.

Trumps antydning om en benådning av Edward Snowden høster rekyler fra det amerikanske etterretningsfellesskapet

Kevin Reed, 20. august 2020

Demokrater og Republikanere med tette bånd til etterretningsagenturene har lansert en opposisjonskampanje etter at presidenten sa han ville se nærmere på saken til den tidligere NSA-kontraktøren som avslørte illegal masseovervåkning.

USA kaprer iransk olje på vei til Venezuela, i klar pirataksjon på åpent hav

Bill Van Auken, 20. august 2020

Oljebeslaget kom da Washington ikke klarte å sikre støtte i FNs sikkerhetsråd for en resolusjon om forlengelse av våpenembargoen mot Teheran.

New in Portuguese

A nomeação de Kamala Harris e a lógica direitista da política de identidade

Niles Niemuth, 22 Agosto 2020

Os democratas esperam que a celebração interminável do banal e vazio simbolismo da candidatura de Harris sirva como uma repetição da candidatura de Barack Obama à presidência em 2008.

O apropriação ilegal de poder por Donald Trump e o espectro de um Bonapartismo Americano

Andre Damon, 22 Agosto 2020

A usurpação da prerrogativa do Congresso de taxar e gastar por Trump é o último ato em seu esforço de anos para destruir quaisquer freios constitucionais ao poder da presidência.

Palestra online em 26 de agosto: "Primeiro como tragédia, depois como farsa: Marcos, Duterte, e os partidos comunistas das Filipinas"
Stalinistas filipinos caluniam o pesquisador Joseph Scalice antes de sua palestra em 26 de agosto

22 Agosto 2020

Scalice, que é colaborador do World Socialist Web Site, dará sua palestra online às 15h, horário de Cingapura (4h Brasília).

A pandemia do coronavírus e o capitalismo
A vacina russa intensifica a luta global por lucros e vantagens geopolíticas

Barry Grey, 22 Agosto 2020

O anúncio feito por Vladimir Putin na terça-feira de que a Rússia aprovou oficialmente uma vacina para a COVID-19 intensificou o conflito global entre potências nacionais e as gigantes farmacêuticas para ver quem será a primeira a produzir e comercializar em massa uma vacina contra o vírus mortal.

Ex-Primeiro Ministro australiano: cuidado com os “canhões de agosto” na Ásia

Peter Symonds, 22 Agosto 2020

Kevin Rudd argumenta que o perigo de uma guerra entre os EUA e a China é maior do que em qualquer outro momento desde os anos 1950 e alerta que o risco "será especialmente alto" no período que leva à eleição presidencial nos EUA.

Revista Jacobin sobre a escolha de Kamala Harris: não abandone o Partido Democrata!

Genevieve Leigh, 22 Agosto 2020

There is truly nothing too foul the Democratic Party could do that would lead Jacobin and the DSA to conclude that the party cannot be reformed.Não há nada realmente nefasto que o Partido Democrata possa fazer que levaria a Jacobin e a DSA a concluir que o partido não pode ser reformado.

O cancelamento do discurso do professor Adolph Reed Jr. e a promoção da política racial pelos DSA

Niles Niemuth, 22 Agosto 2020

A proibição efetiva de críticas à política de identidade dentro dos DSA e as denúncias ferozes contra o marxismo como “reducionismo de classe” estão de acordo com os objetivos mais amplos do Partido Democrata de promover divisões racialistas.

New in Spanish

Los demócratas nominan a Biden en un despliegue absurdo de reacción política

Patrick Martin, 22 agosto 2020

El total desprecio hacia la inteligencia de la población y los espectadores se resumió en el discurso de aceptación de Biden, quien intentó embutir todas las frases trilladas posibles en su pronunciamiento de 20 minutos.

El último año en la vida de Trotsky
Segunda parte

David North, 22 agosto 2020

Una valoración, por motivo del ochenta aniversario del asesinato de Trotsky, de la obra del gran teórico y estratega de la Revolución Socialista Mundial durante el último año de su vida.

Conferencia en línea del 26 de agosto: “La primera vez como tragedia, la segunda vez como farsa: Marcos, Duterte y los Partidos Comunistas de Filipinas”
Los estalinistas filipinos calumnian al académico Joseph Scalice antes de su conferencia del 26 de agosto

22 agosto 2020

Scalice, colaborador del World Socialist Web Site, dará su conferencia en línea a las 3 p.m. hora de Singapur (igual que Filipinas), 3 a.m. Nueva York, 9 a.m. Berlín, 12:30 p.m. Colombo, 5 p.m. Sídney.

El acuerdo de $600 millones sobre el agua en Flint—una miseria para encubrir un masivo crimen social

Sheila Bruhm, 22 agosto 2020

La clase gobernante está ansiosa por dejar el envenenamiento del agua en Flint detrás y espera que el pago multimillonario calme a los trabajadores, al menos temporalmente.

Gobierno de Trump califica a los educadores como “trabajadores de infraestructura crítica” para forzar apertura de escuelas

Evan Blake, 22 agosto 2020

La decisión se tomó en respuesta a la oposición cada vez mayor de los educadores, padres y estudiantes a la catastrófica reapertura de escuelas que ya ha infectado a más de 2.500 estudiantes y personal en todo el país.

Las solicitudes semanales de beneficios por desempleo vuelven a superar el millón a medida que se avecinan los desalojos masivos

Shannon Jones, 22 agosto 2020

El número de nuevos reclamos de beneficios por desempleo aumentó inesperadamente la semana pasada, ya que los trabajadores se enfrentan a crecientes presiones económicas debido a la finalización de los beneficios federales suplementarios por desempleo y el fin de las prohibiciones de desalojo.

New in Mandarin


Niles Niemuth, 2020年8月3日



a correspondent, 2020年7月22日



第四国际国际委员会的声明, 2020年6月29日

只有一场来自国际工人阶级的反对资本主义的独立政治干预 才能结束COVID-19大流行带来的大规模死亡


David North, 2020年6月18日

在第四国际创始文件《过渡纲领》中,列昂·托洛茨基将1936-1937年大萧条期间在美国爆发的静坐罢工描述为 “美国工人为了将自己提升到历史给予他们的那些任务的水准所做的本能努力”。


大卫.诺斯, 2020年5月3日


New in Italian

La classe lavoratrice, il socialismo e la lotta contro la pandemia

David North, 1 aprile 2020

Gli scioperi e le proteste dei lavoratori di Instacart, Amazon e Whole Foods sono in risposta alla criminale subordinazione della sicurezza dei lavoratori ai profitti aziendali.

Other Languages


Police violence continues unabated three months after the murder of George Floyd

26 August 2020

The latest incident to produce an eruption of angry protests is the attempted murder of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old African American father of six, shot seven times in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Earlier Perspectives »

80 Years Since the Assassination of Leon Trotsky

Trotsky’s Last Year
Part Three

By David North, 25 August 2020

An appraisal, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination, of the work of the great theoretician and strategist of World Socialist Revolution during the final year of his life.

Trotsky’s Last Year
Part One

By David North, 20 August 2020

Trotsky’s Last Year
Part Two

By David North, 21 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Australia) holds successful fifth national congress

By our correspondent, 26 August 2020

Delegates discussed and unanimously adopted a major resolution outlining the deepening crisis of Australian and world capitalism and the tasks of the party over the next two years, and elected a new national leadership.

The coronavirus pandemic, the crisis of capitalism and the tasks of the SEP

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 26 August 2020

Published here is the main resolution that was discussed and adopted unanimously at the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) held on August 14-16, 2020.

Support historian Joseph Scalice against Stalinist slanders by CPP founder Jose Maria Sison!

By Peter Symonds, 24 August 2020

August 26 online lecture: “First as tragedy, second as farce: Marcos, Duterte, and the Communist Parties of the Philippines.”
Philippine Stalinists slander academic Joseph Scalice ahead of August 26 lecture

After the Sri Lankan election, president moves towards dictatorial rule

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 August 2020

The SEP warns workers and youth that they face real dangers as the Rajapakse government prepares an all-out offensive against the social and democratic rights of working people.

As support widens for SEP defence campaign
Sri Lanka army commander says allegations of military harassment of northern election candidates are “false”

Support grows for SEP (Sri Lanka) defence campaign

More on the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) »


Teachers across the US join call-in meeting hosted by Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee

By Jerry White, 26 August 2020

More than 150 teachers, school employees and other workers from around the US and internationally participated in a call-in meeting to organize opposition to the unsafe opening of schools.

More on the back to school drive »


Who are the Republican spymasters and war criminals who have endorsed Biden?

By Isaac Finn, 26 August 2020

Republican former security officials, virtually all of whom were involved in war crimes and domestic spying, have announced that they will be voting for the Democratic presidential nominee.

French NPA’s Révolution permanente site hails pro-imperialist coup in Mali

By Alex Lantier, 25 August 2020

This web site, linked to the Socialist Workers Party (PTS) of Argentina, hailed a putsch led by a junta of colonels that has proclaimed its loyalty to the French occupation of Mali.

Pro-imperialist coup topples Malian President Keïta

New York University moves to implement racial segregation in student dorms

By Karsten Schneider, 24 August 2020

Corbyn was “lectured” by Johnson government on “herd immunity” and said nothing

By Chris Marsden, 24 August 2020

The cancellation of professor Adolph Reed, Jr.’s speech and the DSA’s promotion of race politics

By Niles Niemuth, 18 August 2020

Prepare a nationwide general strike to stop the deadly reopening of schools!
Form independent rank-and-file safety committees of educators, parents and students!

By the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee, 15 August 2020

SEP (US) Congress resolution
The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2020

Open Letter from WSWS Chairman David North to Alphabet Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai

31 July 2020

Elon Musk discovers Das Kapital

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 29 July 2020

Arts Review

Julian Bream (1933-2020): Pioneer of the classical guitar

By Paul Bond, 26 August 2020

A turning point for Bream was hearing recordings of Andrés Segovia (1893-1987), another great guitarist, whose transcriptions of Baroque compositions helped shape the modern repertoire.

Seberg: The story of actress Jean Seberg racialized and trivialized

By James Brewer, 25 August 2020

Decisions made in the script distorted the film’s narrative before the highly capable cast ever got in front of the camera.

The Truth: Catherine Deneuve as an actress with her feet on the ground

By David Walsh, 22 August 2020

A French actress in her 70s, Fabienne Dangeville, receives a visit at her elegant Paris home from her daughter Lumir, son-in-law Hank and grand-daughter Charlotte, who live in New York.

The 2020 US Elections

The Republican convention: Four nights of fascist filth begin

By Patrick Martin, 25 August 2020

The convention opened Monday with the renomination of President Trump and a series of diatribes against socialism.

The Biden campaign and the attempt to “rescue” American hegemony

By Andre Damon, 22 August 2020

Democrats nominate Biden in inane display of political reaction

By Patrick Martin, 21 August 2020

The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections

By Patrick Martin, 20 August 2020

The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections
Part Two

The nomination of Kamala Harris and the right-wing logic of identity politics

By Niles Niemuth, 20 August 2020

The selection of Kamala Harris and the degradation of American politics

The Biden/Harris campaign and the dead-end of “lesser evil” politics

Who is Democratic Senator Kamala Harris?

Jacobin Magazine on the selection of Kamala Harris: Stick with the Democrats!

The UAW at the Democratic National Convention: Gangsters and warmongers lock arms

By Tom Hall, 20 August 2020

Colin Powell at the Democratic National Convention: Democrats prepare administration of militarism and war

By Joseph Kishore—SEP candidate for US president, 19 August 2020

Democratic convention opens with appeal to right-wing Republican support

By Patrick Martin, 18 August 2020

SEP US presidential election campaign

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals denies SEP challenge to restrictive ballot access laws in Michigan

By Joseph Kishore—SEP Presidential Candidate, 25 August 2020

Joseph Kishore, Socialist Equality Party (SEP) candidate for US President, issued the following statement in response to the ruling on Monday by the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

The socialist answer to the paltry $600 million Flint settlement

By Joseph Kishore—SEP Presidential Candidate, 24 August 2020

The politics of oligarchy: Federal appeals court blocks SEP challenge to anti-democratic ballot access laws in California

By Joseph Kishore—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US President, 8 August 2020

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refuses to hear Socialist Equality Party candidates’ appeal in California voting rights case until after ballots are printed

By Shuvu Batta, 6 August 2020


Free Julian Assange

Fund appeal for Assange’s legal defence wins significant public support

By Oscar Grenfell, 24 August 2020

Online panel examines what would happen if Assange is extradited to the US

By Kevin Reed, 24 August 2020

The show trial of Julian Assange: A cruel and pseudolegal farce

By Thomas Scripps and Kevin Reed, 15 August 2020

Prominent lawyers and legal associations demand Assange’s freedom

By Oscar Grenfell, 17 August 2020

More on the campaign to defend Julian Assange »

25 years ago: US and NATO bomb Bosnian Serbs

On August 30, 1995, the United States and NATO launched Operation Deliberate Force against Serb-inhabited regions of Bosnia.

More »

50 years ago: Four killed, including Los Angeles Times reporter, by police at Vietnam protest

On August 29, 1970, about 20,000 people marched in East Los Angeles against the Vietnam War, a demonstration organized by the National Chicano Moratorium Committee Against The Vietnam War.

More »

75 years ago: US military occupation of Japan begins

On August 28, 1945, 150 US military officials arrived in the city of Atsugi as the advanced guard of the American occupation of Japan.

More »

100 years ago: Workers occupy factories in Milan, Italy

On August 30, 1920, workers in the metallurgical industry in Milan occupied over 300 factories in response to a lockout by employers at the Romeo plant on that Monday morning.

More »

Workers Struggles

Teacher strikes and protests in Haiti and Uruguay
Workers Struggles: The Americas

25 August 2020

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

CUPE union shuts down 12-day strike at Port of Montreal

By Laurent Lafrance, 22 August 2020

Amazon workers describe spread of COVID-19 at warehouse in Romulus, Michigan

By George Kirby, 20 August 2020

MAS, trade unions and coup regime strike deal to quell revolt by Bolivian workers

By Tomas Castanheira, 20 August 2020

Teacher sickout closes Arizona school district as support grows for national strike

By Jerry White, 17 August 2020


The origins and evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

By Frank Gaglioti, 24 August 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is a once in a century event, a trigger event, that has exposed the deep contradictions and terminal decay in the capitalist organization of world resources.


Bernard Bailyn, historian of American colonial and revolutionary periods, 1922–2020

By Tom Mackaman, 13 August 2020

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Now available
The Fourth International and the Perspective of World Socialist Revolution: 1986–1995

12 August 2020

The paperback edition of this critical book on the history of the Fourth International is now available.

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lankan Trotskyists hold final online election meeting

By our correspondents, 6 August 2020

Sri Lanka: TNA election manifesto prepares imperialist-backed deal with President Rajapakse

Sri Lankan SEP to hold online meeting to conclude its election campaign

Vote for SEP candidates in the Sri Lankan national elections! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government and socialist internationalism!

Growing demands that Sri Lankan defence secretary end the military harassment of SEP candidates

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

“How war and dictatorship are prepared at universities”
Well-attended online meeting concludes IYSSE election campaign at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

By our reporters, 4 August 2020

Germany: Stop right-wing terror! IYSSE student parliament campaign at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
“The Secret Service is the cockpit of right-wing terrorism”

By our reporter, 30 July 2020

Humboldt University student parliament condemns radical right-wing Professor Baberowski

By Helmut van Heiken, 13 July 2020

Internet Censorship

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Google suppressing World Socialist Web Site content in its search results for the New York Times’ 1619 Project

Autoworkers Struggles

As COVID-19 spreads at Toledo Jeep and other plants
Build rank-and-file safety committees at every workplace to save lives!

By the FCA Jefferson North, Sterling Heights and Toledo Jeep Rank-and-File Safety Committees, 18 July 2020

The number of COVID-19 infections is rising all across the US, and emergency action has to be taken.

Rank-and-file safety committee demands immediate shut down
COVID-19 out of control at Toledo Jeep plant

Toledo Fiat Chrysler workers launch rank-and-file safety committee to save lives amid COVID-19 rampage


“Palace letters” point to the plotting behind the 1975 constitutional coup in Australia

By Mike Head, 17 July 2020

“Literacy is a clean window onto the world ...”
100 years since formation of Soviet Extraordinary Commission for the Liquidation of Illiteracy

By Patrick O’Connor, 8 July 2020

July 4th Online Discussion

The World Socialist Web Site celebrated the 244th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by hosting a discussion with five eminent historians: Victoria Bynum, Clayborne Carson, Richard Carwardine, James Oakes and Gordon Wood. The event was moderated by Kings College professor Tom Mackaman and WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North.

The significance of the July 4 online discussion, “The Place of the Two American Revolutions: Past, Present and Future”

By David Walsh, 6 July 2020

The Legacy of the American Revolution and Civil War

The two American Revolutions in world history

By David North, 4 July 2020

An interview with Ed Achorn, author of Every Drop of Blood: The Momentous Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

By Shannon Jones, 10 July 2020

Democrats’ denunciation of America’s revolutionary heritage provides an opening for Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 7 July 2020

Racial-communalist politics and the second assassination of Abraham Lincoln

By Niles Niemuth and David North, 25 June 2020

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Twenty-five years since the death of Ed Winn

By Fred Mazelis, 26 June 2020

Twice the presidential candidate of the Workers League, Ed Winn fought for Marxist principles throughout the American and international working class. He was a New York City transit worker for 22 years.

The New York Times' 1619 Project

The New York Times’s 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history

By Niles Niemuth, Tom Mackaman and David North, 6 September 2019

June 7 Online Meeting

The coronavirus pandemic

The Malthusian underpinnings of Boris Johnson’s “herd immunity” strategy

By Thomas Scripps, 8 June 2020

Build rank-and-file factory and workplace committees to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus and save lives!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (US), 21 May 2020

Brazilian Trotskyists issue call for working-class action against pandemic
What will be the cost of implementing this program? Who will pay for it?

Statement of the Brazilian Socialist Equality Group (In Solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 2 June 2020

Turkish Trotskyists call for independent working-class action against the pandemic

By Sosyalist Eşitlik (in solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International), 5 June 2020

British Trotskyists issue call for working class action against pandemic

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 27 May 2020

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for action committees to counter COVID-19 and defend jobs

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 June 2020

Oppose the premature lifting of COVID-19 safety restrictions!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 3 June 2020

London bus drivers face COVID-19 disaster: Build rank-and-file safety committees!

By Laura Tiernan, 5 June 2020

More on the coronavirus pandemic »

International May Day Online Rally

Governments worldwide respond to COVID-19 by saving profits, not lives

By Joseph Kishore—SEP candidate for US president, 12 May 2020

The ruling elite’s efforts to enforce a return to work—and impose a massive restructuring of class relations to pay for the bailout of Wall Street—will encounter enormous opposition from the working class.

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The COVID-19 pandemic: A trigger event in world history

By David North, 4 May 2020

We are publishing here the text of the opening report to the 2020 International Online May Day Rally delivered by David North.

On May 2, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


Russian court keeps historian of Stalinist massacres jailed amid COVID-19 outbreak

By Clara Weiss, 12 May 2020

The vendetta against Dmitriev is part of the campaign by Russia’s state and ruling oligarchy to suppress all efforts to uncover the truth about the crimes of Stalinism.

One Hundred and Fifty Years Since the Birth of Lenin

By David North, 22 April 2020

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the Russian city of Simbirsk on April 22, 1870. Known in history under the name of Lenin, he was the founder of the Bolshevik Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution and, undoubtedly, a towering figure in the political and intellectual history of the twentieth century.

Fifty years since the massacre of students at Kent State

By Patrick Martin, 4 May 2020

Mehring Books

Mehring Yayıncılık publishes Turkish-language edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Ulaş Ateşçi, 30 March 2020

First published by the WSWS in February 2018, The Struggle against Imperialism and for Workers’ Power in Iran—A Reply to a Proponent of “Iranian Islamic Socialism” advances a socialist strategy for the working class in a country that has been the target of US imperialist aggression for decades.

Preface to the Turkish edition of The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran

By Keith Jones, 30 March 2020

A viable strategy to defeat imperialism can only be founded on the working class, and requires its independent political mobilization against all factions of the Iranian bourgeoisie.


South Carolina Amazon worker speaks on loss of his health, benefits and job

By Ed Hightower and Michael Walters, 21 March 2020

Donald Thrift Jr was left jobless with $27,000 in medical debt after contracting double pneumonia while working in an Amazon fulfillment center in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

As more workers test positive for COVID-19, Amazon ignores demands to close warehouses

By Tom Carter, 25 March 2020

At least three Amazon workers in Shepherdsville, Kentucky tested positive for the coronavirus on Monday, following the discovery of COVID-19 cases in New York, Florida and Michigan warehouses.

Amazon workers in New York City shut down warehouse after worker tests positive for coronavirus

By Shuvu Batta, 21 March 2020

The discovery that an Amazon worker in Queens had tested positive for coronavirus sparked work stoppages which shut the processing facility Thursday night.