
A tourists dream

Enjoy the beauty, architecture,and attractions of Ottawa

A few of us who have spent a LOT of time travelling to the farthest corners of the world have concluded that Ottawa is one of the most beautiful cities we have ever seen. At certain times of the year it is post-card perfect. You can read about us in the About section.

We decided to put together an Ottawa blog for the world to enjoy. We will cover tourist attractions, architecture, history, and even challenges with building and home maintenance in these Northern climes, comparing some challenges to our Southern neighbor!

Our hope is to draw attention to this under loved and under appreciated city, a place hear and dear to our hearts. We would love nothing more than to see a big increase in tourism, as we feel that many people would fall in love with it as we did if they were just exposed a little more to it. In our blog we hope to give you at least a taste of what is in store for visitors.

You can link to our site from the top of the page or from the links below.

History, Architecture, Tourist Attractions, and Challenges.

A view of the stunning skyline at sunset

This was taken from a rooftop not far from University and looking to the west. Sunsets like this are more prominent in the summer but even in the winter we get them


In 1857 a number of cities were vying to be considered the capital of Canada. All had good things to offer. Vancouver is a major city with a big strategic port. Toronto is much larger. Montreal is a big international city with a very diverse population. Quebec City is in a more central location. Ottawa was finally chosen by Queen Victoria, and we will be exploring the reasons for this as well as looking into Ottawa’s history, architecture, and construction.